#daisuke x reader


chapter ten ; just a little girl

tw : bloooood, shooting/usage of gun, violence, character death

prev:masterlist : next — 3.0k+ words , not proofread & edited. y/n on her villain arc /j

  The warm color of the mansion almost made her miss her childhood. Keyword: almost.

Her huge portrait was still hanging on the wall beside the stairs, family pictures (which included herself, her father and her grandmother) were displayed in some shelves, and everything was still in the same place after all those years. Y/N wondered how her father could live in a house that was so big all by himself, surrounded with countless of maids from every corner of the mansion.

Shealmost felt bad.

“You’ve come to your senses,” The old man spoke as she gazed at his daughter before looking at Daisuke with lazy eyes, “Are you two actually together?”


“Yes!.. yes we are..” Daisuke furrowed his brows in confusion and turned to look at the female beside him who only kept her gaze to her father. Her posture was straight—as if she was conversing with a king who could behead her if she did just a small thing the wrong way.

In reality, Y/N wanted to punch her self. Why the hell is she acting like this? The day she left the mansion, she swore to herself not to submit to her father anymore and will do her absolute best to make him rage because of her decisions.

So why was she here, sitting infront of the very man she wanted to disappoint, acting like the naive teenager she thought she already let go off. Why was she seeking validation from the man who practically controlled her life?

Then Y/N realized, that she was just a little girl in the presence of her father. No matter what she does, she still couldn’t face her father with the facade she displayed infront of her friends and co-workers.

Infront of him.. she was just a little bird trapped in his cage, helpless.

Andrew Vigilancio smiled in satisfaction, nodding his head in approval. He straightened his suit before softly smiling at his daughter, gesturing her to talk.

“You came for advice, did you not? Well go ahead.” Y/N was hesitant to speak. Why the fuck was she so nervous? She wouldn’t have realized that she was clenching her fist on her lap if it wasn’t for Daisuke engulfing her hand in his—telling Andrew about the situation of their mission and included every single detail.

Andrew took in the words of the younger man before humming in thought. “The kid is your key in this mission.” he said, catching both detectives’ attention.

“Get into the kid’s good side, then ask him if he knows anything.”

“You’re telling me to interrogate a six year old?” Y/N asked in disbelief, looking at her father in shock.

Andrew exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose before explaining further. “Not straightforwardly. Hints, ask him about the relationship of his father.. and let him open up. If he doesn’t say anything that relates to your mission.. then it’s suicide mission for the both of you.”

Daisuke listened intently and looked towards his partner, who remained silent, not liking the idea of using Damian for the sake of the mission.. but then again, her father’s advice did make some sense. It was either they use Damian as the key for the mission’s success or.. as the older Vigilancio said - a suicide mission. In simple words, ambushing Donovan.

“But that doesn’t matter you know,” Andrew smiled at the two, making both of them confused even more.

“I have a confession to make.”

Y/N and Daisuke looked at each other shortly before looking back to Andrew who now had a serious expression as a shadow loomed over his eyes, looking down on his lap.

“All these years,” he started. “I’ve been working with the Desmonds.”

“Hah?!” Andrew ignored his daughter’s exclaim and Daisuke’s glare.

“I know about everything they’re planning, who’s involved and how they’re going to do it.” The old man looked up as he smiled genuinely at his daughter.

“That’s why I played Judas.” Daisuke widened his eyes in realization whilst the (h/c) haired female beside him was too busy glaring at her father to even realize what he was implying.

“I gained their trust with my name and wealth.. they trusted me so much to the point where I was one of the important people that’ll be involved with their plan.” Andrew chuckled as he paused, looking at his daughter directly in the eyes, green clashing with (e/c).

“Do you get what I’m trying to say, Y/N?” he asked. Y/N was clenching her fist too hard that she could feel her palms stinging as her sharp nails was digging on her flesh. Daisuke placed his hand on top of hers again, clutching it reassuringly.

Andrew took his daughter’s silence as a sign to continue instead, so he did. “They trusted me so much and I always silently laughed at their stupidity.” Y/N’s glare faltered, the clogs in her head turning.

“They gave me all the files of their plan, knowing that I live alone in a huge house. A huge house where I can easily hide the files where no one will be able to find.” Y/N widened her eyes in realization, standing up from the couch and attempted to walk away — wanting to look for the files — but was stopped when Andrew stood up with her, placing his hands on her shoulders and sat her down beside Daisuke again.

“What are you doing-?!” She asked, attempting to stand up once again but was stopped when Daisuke wrapped a hand around her waist to keep her still.

“Stay calm.” He murmured beside her ear.

“Thank you, Kambe.” Andrew smiled at the dark haired male - who nodded silently, softly gripping Y/N’s forearm to calm her down.

“I was the one who told MPD about the Desmond’s intentions and specifically suggested the both of you solve the case. Because, I know that you two would eventually have two keys for this mission.” Andrew lightly laughed.

“Their second son, Damian.. and me.” The (e/c) eyed woman shakily exhaled, leaning on Daisuke’s shoulder as she processed everything that her father is saying.

“I suggested Donovan to take you both as their bodyguards, told them that we could discuss about their plans while the two of you befriended the kid, family photoshoot, does it ring a bell?”

“I was playing as a snake all along, because everything they have in plan is utterly evil.”

“How’d you know.. about their plans?” The woman asked and slowly straightened her posture, gently shrugging Daisuke’s limbs off of her.

Andrew smiled at his daughter’s question. “Ever so the curious little girl. Ever since you were a kid, I’ve had plenty of connections with multiple prestigious families - and the Desmonds are one of them. Donovan contacted me, knowing how much money I make and he wanted to take that as an advantage if I were to be involved in their plans.

Back then I was named the Genius Money Maker. We were, and still are the richest family in the country. That’s that, anytime now they’ll realize I was a snake all along and they’ll come to take my head.” Y/N shot up from her seat and approached her father.

“Then what the hell are you still doing here?! Go flee in another country while you still have the chance!” Andrew chuckled as he stood up and dusted his daughter’s shoulders.

“I do not fear death.”

“I need to use the restroom, excuse me.” Y/N softly mumbled and left the living area as she felt the tension in the room suffocating her.

Andrew and Daisuke were left alone in the room with a heavy and awkward silence. Both males stayed silent, the older one ordering the maids to fetch some snacks while the detective was fumbling with his necktie.

The moment of silence was destroyed by a bunch of shouts from outside. Daisuke was first to stand up and approach a window, he looked through the curtains with narrowed eyes before widening them and taking Andrew’s forearm — dragging him away.

“They found out, huh? Took them long enough.” Andrew whispered to himself as he ran along the tall detective who was thinking of multiple ways to leave the mansion unharmed with the two Vigilancios and the workers.

Speaking of Vigilancios.. Y/N was still in the restroom.

As if the female’s father read his mind, he spoke, “I’ll go fetch

Y/N, stay alive will you boy?” Daisuke wordlessly nodded and momentarily watched Andrew run the opposite way.

“Stop there!” A man from the other side of the hallway exclaimed and immediately fired bullets. Daisuke barely dodged the bullets before entering a room and locking it behind him, clutching his shoulder that was grazed by a bullet. He rushed towards the window that overlooked the backyard of the mansion.

Seems like Donovan’s men had them surrounded. He looked around the room and realized that he was in a guest room, his eyes landed on a telephone and rushed towards it, dialing a number.

Meanwhile, Y/N was washing her face with water as she tried to register everything her father told her. She snapped out of her trance when she heard multiple gunshots outside, making her tense. She didn’t have any weapon with her - nor did Daisuke.

She helplessly looked around the restroom before her eyes landed on the multiple rocks that surrounded the toilet bowl on the ground.

“Fuck it.” And with that, Y/N began taking as much rocks she could take and took her heels off to prepare herself. Heaving a deep sigh, she opened the restroom’s door and presented herself.

And just as she expected, multiple men that were dressed in black were at the other side of the hallway. They began firing bullets at her but it was no use, she was already used to this kind of situation. She waited for them to reload before throwing the rocks she held with all her strength and watched them grunt in pain, others kneeling to clutch their eyes as small rocks were thrown into them.

But that didn’t stop them, so she did what everyone would do.


She was thankful she knew every corner of the house or else she was fucked. Y/N was glad that she smartly left her heels in the restroom, either way, even if she didn’t she could still run in them - not as fast as she was doing now though.

“Y/N!” On the other side of the hall was her father, outstretching his arms at her with a panicked expression. Y/N grabbed his arms and started to run with him, she looked behind her to see three men chasing them.

What happened to the rest?

Her dad cursed beside her at the sudden realization that they were in one of the hallways of the mansion where there was no where else to go. A dead end in simply words.

Y/N confidently ran to the three men — ignoring her father’s calls — and jumped in the air as her foot made contact with a man’s head. When she landed on the floor, she kicked her other leg in the air immediately and knocked another one and she slammed the other one’s head on her knee when the previous man fell down on the floor.

The three men grunted in pain on the floor. Y/N took a rifle and checked the ammos, seeing that there was barely 5 in them, maybe it was the reason they didn’t fire when she was nearing them. She wordlessly disassembled the gun while one foot was digging onto a man’s cheek.

Andrew helped disassemble the two guns that were on the ground.

“You fight well.” Andrew complimented. Y/N huffed before leaning on the wall to look over the hallways to check if it was empty.

“Save the compliments for later, we need to find Daisuke.” The older man nodded and followed his daughter when she began running again. Y/N shouted her partner’s name, earning her a small slap on the shoulder from her father — telling her to stay quiet.

The female clicked her tongue in irritation before running in one of the hallways to open some doors, hoping that Daisuke was smart enough to hide in one of them, but knowing him - he was probably looking for them too.

“Look out!” Andrew exclaimed as he embraced his daughter in the front and grunted in pain at the sudden sensation on his back.

Y/N’s eyes grew wide as she stared at a person at the other end of the hall, a pistol aimed towards them. Her father’s body grew heavy on her body as the person kept on firing.

“Stop! Fucking- Dad!” Y/N felt tears stinging in the corner of her eyes, the both of them falling on the floor when the older man on top of her was now breathing in air shakily. The (h/c)-ette groaned as she rolled her father’s body off hers, moaning in pain when she felt a bullet pierce through her waist.

Then the gunshots stopped as footsteps faded away. She didn’t bother knowing why and shakily stood up from the carpeted floor that was covered in crimson blood. The only daughter of the Vigilancios attempted to carry her father to one of the opened rooms, practically limping inside as she dragged her father with her.

A sob escaped from her throat as she closed the door behind her and locked it before kneeling down beside her father, cradling him on her lap. The (h/c) haired female look liked an absolute mess - she was dripping in sweat, her hair sticking to her face and her clothes and limbs covered in both her blood and her father’s.

“Dad,” Y/N croaked out, gently tapping the old man’s cheek. The female almost cried in relief when Andrew’s eyes slowly opened. “I’m gonna call an.. ambulance, hm? So stay awake.” She was surprised at how emotional she was.

She told herself back then that if her father was announced dead in the media, she wouldn’t bat an eye at it. But here she was now, holding back sobs with her dying father on her lap.

“Shh, don’t cry..” Andrew spoke as he held his daughter’s cheek with a bloody palm. “Don’t talk dad, hold on.. there’s a telephone here.” As she was about to stand, a soft gentle squeeze on her other hand stopped her.

“There’s no use darling, there are three bullets in my back. Listen to what I have to stay.” Y/N furrowed her brows as she stayed in her position and gently adjusted her hold on her father - wincing slightly when a pressure was pressed on her bullet wound. She couldn’t imagine the pain he was feeling now, three holes in his back as he laid on her knees.

“In my office.. there.. there are multiple cabinets.. in the, in the cabinet that you once.. painted when you were.. six years old, all the files of Donovan’s plan is in there.. the key is in my pocket.”

He attempted to fish for the key hidden in his pocket but the (h/c) stopped him.

“Don’t tire yourself, please.” Y/N cried, wiping a tear that fell down on the man’s cheek. Andrew showed her a smile as he coughed out blood.

“My little girl has grown so much.. hm?” The (e/c) eyed woman nodded at his words, wordlessly spending her last moments with her father that she had claimed she hated. She almost forgot the wound on her waist if it wasn’t for it throbbing in pain.

Andrew coughed out more blood making Y/N shake her head in denial and wiped off the blood in her father’s face with her blazer.

“I’m sorry for everything, my princess.” Andrew spoke, as endless tears escaped from his eyes. Y/N did nothing but nod, letting her own tears fall freely whilst she wiped her father’s tears away.

“Me and your mother are so so proud of you.” Y/N let out a sob but kept on nodding, glad that he was still strong enough to talk.

“Y/N!” Daisuke’s voice was heard from the door as the girl looked up to see him with some other police behind him. The raven haired man froze at the sight of the usual composed and brave woman crying.

Right, even though she was harsh, said mean words, straightforward and blunt, incredibly strong and independent - she was still a human who had emotions that she can’t control.

So he turned around and ordered the other police to search the house before closing the door of the room to crouch beside the

(h/c) haired female. Y/N sniffed as she looked at Daisuke before focusing her attention back to her father.

Andrew was starting to blink heavily, as if he was fighting sleep. He looked towards her, and smiled.

“You have your mother’s eyes.. you look so much like her.” Y/N inhaled as she gulped the forming lump in her throat. Andrew’s eyelids grew heavier as he kept his gaze on his daughter, wanting to see her face as the last thing he sees before he passes.

“It’s okay dad, you can sleep now.” Y/N smiled shakily, caressing his face gently. Daisuke noticed her waist that was covered in blood before gulping as he took his handkerchief from his pocket and gently pressed on the wound, making the female groan.

“Rest well, dad. You deserve it.” The woman’s voice cracked and pressed her lips on her father’s forehead, letting it linger there for longer as tears continued to flow down her cheeks and sobs finally escaping from her throat.

Daisuke kept a hand on her waist to put pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding before draping an arm around the crying female in hopes of calming her down.

“Let it out, don’t hold back.” Daisuke whispered in the (h/c)’s ear as he let her cry her heart out, pressing his lips on her temple and stroked her hair gently.

Y/N cried her hardest that day. The father that she disliked so much died in her arms - he died because of her, he saved her and made her mission easier for her.

No matter how much she loathed her father for controlling her the time she was growing up in the mansion.. he was still the father who raised her; the one who gave her food to eat, the one who gave her a roof to shelter in, and the one who taught her the wrongs and goods.

He was still her father. The only family she had left.

He was her father who worked his fucking ass off just for her. He lost his wife because of her and yet - he didn’t blame her for it. He lost a daughter because of a fight years ago - yet he sacrificed everything for her.

She took him for granted, and now he was gone.

He was still a man who had a daughter to protect, to love. And she was just a little girl who deep down inside, longed for her father’s love and validation.

She was forever his little girl, and he was forever her father. In the end, nothing beats a father’s love.

taglist — CLOSED


Money | Daisuke x Reader Mafia AU!

fugou keiji x bungou stray dogs

materlist|previous | next | .3

“great, get onto the car” he said while opening the door like a gentleman.

if this gets dangerous I won’t hesitate to kill him, even if it means to say goodbye to that fortune.

“thank you..” you said uncomfortably. “Haru I’ll be back in a few but I don’t suppose you cant handle this on your own correct?” “just leave already” said the gray haired male annoyed while walking away.

Daisuke got into the drivers seat and started the car’s engine, he could tell you were nervous because he just stared at you for a bit before sparking a conversation. “so uh, ms. what were you doing coming out of that alley?” he asked while he started to drive.

“I was passing by, saw the chaos and wanted to get away.”

“I see.. you didn’t want to get caught into the port mafia’s mess..” he replied while reading the stree signals. “yeah..” you replied shortly.

“what’s with the bag?” you looked at the detective confused as to what bag he was referring to until you noticed you had never disposed of the duffle bag akutagawa had given you.

“oh! this bag?? I was going to do some shopping.. ha” you replied confidently. “hmh” he hummed in response while driving towards the police station.

“uh, you can drop me off at the plaza..”

“hmmh.. the plaza?”

“yes please”

“no, we’re going to the police station”

The car’s atmosphere changed as you heard a click coming from the car doors. “why—“ you asked in a panic while you unbuckled your seatbelt.

“I know your plan, y/n.. and I know what you’re after.” he said confidently while pulling over.

“I saw right through your scheme the moment I saw you come out of the alley.. you might have fooled that dumbass but you can’t fool me.” he reached into his pocket, taking of his gun while pointing it at you.

“If you don’t want to die right now you’ll follow my instructions. Is that clear?”

he asked in a monotone voice.

“yes…”you replied unsure.

“good.. now we will get out of this car.. walk inside the police station and you will follow me at all costs, and don’t even try to run away because I will kill you..” he said.

he unlocked the doors of the car while turning the car off, you knew what you had signed up for the minute you accepted his offer and now you were regretting it. He put his gun away while fixing his gloves.

“are you going to put me in jail? because I will have you know the port mafia would just come after me” you said confidently.

“perhaps, depends if I like what I hear if not then I’ll just end you right there and then.. after all the port mafia can’t come after someone who’s dead..” he said while smirking at you. Daisuke got out of the car, walking around and opening the door for you. “okay, what if i give you the jewel, would you let me g—”

“no” he said while jerking you out off the car. “ouch, respect a lady.” “i dont respect criminals..”

you followed him into the police station gaining stares from the people working there. “I need a interrogation room..now” he said demandingly at the supervisor near the back.

“on it Mr.Kambe” he grabbed your wrist with his gloved hand while looking at you in disgust. the supervisor showed him to the room opening it with a silver key that hanged from his belt.

“Thank you..”. Daisuke said while bowing to the man. He shoved you into the tiny dark room that only had a tiny window that allowed sunlight in.

You sat down on the chair facing the door, as you wanted to see daisuke’s features.

You had always dreamed about being locked inside with such a good looking person and your thoughts couldn’t handle it. “now, I want you to tell me everything about the port mafia, who do you work for, and why were you taking the red heart.” he said while sitting down across from you.

“hmmh.. and what will I get out of it?” you replied with a smirk. “If you give me all the information you have I’ll transfer you $200 million dollars, that’s what the port mafia is worth as of now.. and I will make sure you get out of here without a scratch..”


“answer me first…”

you took out your blade from your boots, darting it towards his skull. The detective knew you were up to something, and his intuition was correct. It was lucky that the blade missed.

“Tell me.. why do you do this type of thing?” you smirked while looking at him straight in the eye as if you hadn’t just attempted to kill him. you stood up from your seat, pacing around the room before sitring down on the table, you looked at the detective in an erotic way to demonstrate what you wanted.

“I do it for the money.. I’m here for a fun time not a long time..”

“I see, you and me are very much alike indeed. I also do it for the money.. but unlike you, I don’t have to worry about spending my money or earning it.. my balance is unlimited..”

“I hate rich people, but if you’re going to pay me to spill everything then I will.”

“what about your friends in the mafia—”

“They aren’t my friends, I’ve been trying to leave the mafia business and restart fresh, but the boss.. he’s very important to me.. I just couldn’t”

“Then do what dazai did, leave and stop caring about some criminal..”

you thought about it, maybe daisuke arresting you was the sign you needed to leave the business. or maybe you were looking for an excuse to not get murdered by akutagawa.

“alright.. I will leave.. but only if you offer me a job.”

“I just can’t offer you a job here—”

“not here, let me become your assistant..”

you got off the table, returning to your seat once again.

“I see..very well, now let’s start with the investigation..”

MONEY | Daisuke x Reader! Mafia AU

masterlist|previous|next .2

fugou keiji x bungou stray dogs

part 3 is updated, links dont stay

Maybe it was something about him that intrigued you, or maybe it was because of the amount of money you knew he had, but you couldn’t take him off your head. The millionaire detective was on your mind as if he lived in your thoughts. Akutagawa noticed this, snapping you out of the trance by telling you to hurry up or he would kill you. you rolled your eyes at him, ignoring him as you blew up the vault. “Why can’t you do it by yourself? it’s not like you needed me here” he complained. you ignored his remarks by securing the gem, “shut up, we’re leaving.” the security guards would arrive at any minute, and the police would arrive too. you thought about leaving akutagawa to take care of them and escaping, but you knew he would chase you and off with your head you go. The port mafia wasn’t afraid to kill its members if they were a burden to them and you knew that well. sometimes you thought of running away and not coming back but you knew they would find you, and you had no type of security over yourself, your power didn’t help you either. you thought about leaving with Dazai before but that would have never worked out, you promised mori you would never leave his side after he saved you that night.

“stop fucking daydreaming and hurry up, take the bag with you, I’ll hold them back.” said the pale male as he made a hole in the wall for you to exit. “I’ll see you there then.” “this won’t take long” Akutagawa activated his rashomon and walked out. you trusted him, you knew he could defeat them, he could do anything. You ran the opposite way, walking in the dark alleyway trying to get far away as possible. Multiple police sirens could be heard in the background, all heading towards the building, that’s when you activated your power. It let you disguise objects as anything that you had in mind. The bag would look too suspicious so you found it convenient to activate it now, you took the gem and turned it into a red bracelet. you walked out of the alleyway, you didn’t look that suspicious correct? normal you looked like a calm pretty girl that wouldn’t be part in any shady business. Incorrect. “hey what are you doing over there?” you looked towards the direction of the voice seeing a tall gray haired male that seemed concerned. “I—” “are you alright? it’s dangerous here” he reassured you that everything would be fine. “oh, yes I am fine! I’m trying to get away as far as possible..” you replied. “oi daisuke” “daisuke”you were both approached by the dark haired male that looked even more intimidating and attractive now that he was infront of your sight.

He looked at you, as if he was the predator eyeing his prey. You knew he knew you were hiding something and you were not going to slip up. heisn’t dumb, I need to get away from him as soon as possible. “Shouldnt we evacuate the citizens in this area first?” he asked. “oh, I’m haru by the way!” “y/n— Anne.” fuck I almost gave myself away there, it’s already bad enough he’s suspicious of me. “Anne… alright. here let me help you.” “no! it’s fine i can manage to get somewhere safe..” you said while clutching the bag hard. “alright, okay, you need to get away from here, the port mafia won’t hold back on anyone and if they see you as a threat it’s over..” you nodded, you quickly started to walk away avoiding contact with Diasuke.

“wait, haru, I’ll take her to a safe place, you try to find other people to evacuate.. if you need anything call me.”

“it’s fine i really don—”

“I insist..”

you thought about it, if you wanted to get to his money, then maybe just maybe you needed to take care of this opportunity. It was like fate put him in your path, or maybe it was just a mere coincidence, which ever it was you wouldn’t let it get away, you wanted to take advantage of it. But then again, this was risky you had what they wanted on your wrist, any wrong movements and he would arrest you there and then.


MONEY | Daisuke x Reader! Mafia AU

masterlist | next | .1

fugou keiji x bungou stray dogs

part 2 is updated, links dont stay

Akutagawa stared at the girl, hands in his coat pockets and he groaned in boredom. “for fuck sakes y/n.. I’m tired fo waiting..” he said while he kicked around some pebbles on the ground. “can’t you just wait a little bit??!!” you snapped at the black haired male. “this is why I wanted chuuya to come along” you added while typing onto your computer. He stopped in his tracks as he glared at you. You could tell he was getting impatient by the minute and that this would affect the missions plan. You also knew that Akutagawa could kill you if he wanted, after all what was stopping him from doing so? nothing. absolutely nothing. “Listen ever since the armed agency joined the task force doing stuff for mori is starting to get harder.” you added. “no, it’s started to get more fun, do you know how many people i get to kill each day?” he said while clenching his fist. “and done, the alarm security system should be off.” you said excitedly. “I don’t know why you go through so much trouble when I could have literally just destroyed the security system. “did you not hear a word I said?! besides I don’t want Dazai to come to the scene again like last time..” he rolled his eyes as he jumped off the building holding a duffel bag that was big enough for the main objective: ‘The Red Heart Of The Sea’, a big ruby gem that Mori wanted for his daughter. You looked up while leaning on the roofs railing, your sight stopping on the big billboard in front of you. “Millionaire Detective: Daisuke Kambe”. ‘Interesting’ you thought as you smirked, he seemed to be very wealthy, you knew he had money and you wanted it. “maybe I should start my own mission” you thought. you did a double take before jumping down to join akutagawa.

Money - Daisuke x Reader!Mafia AU!

fugou keiji x bungou stray dogs

this was originally posted on AO3 by me

on going, updates every monday, wednesday and friday

“His gaze traced the female sitting in front of him, as if no else was around. “Tell me.. why do you do this type of thing?” she smirked while looking at him straight in the eye as if she hadn’t just attempted to kill him. “I do it for the money.. I’m here for a fun time not a long time..”

problems| Daisuke x Reader

—Who ever said money can’t solve your problems, must not of had enough money to solve them—


you watched as he got into his newly purchases car, flooring on the break. “wait hold on!” you screamed as you ran towards him speeding away followed by haru. both you and him jumped into the car trying to carefully sit right up, “what’s wrong with you!? you can’t just come in here ans interrupt us!” you said historically as haru agreed. “isn’t that what the both of you were doing?” he asked in a monotone, reaching for his ear as he pressed something near his ear. “can you close off the streets and guide the suspect to the bridge?” he asked. he seemed reassured as he started to speed up even more. “who are you anyways!?!” you asked while tidying yourself up. “Haven’t you heard? I’m Daisuke Kambe.. a Multimillionaire Detective..” he said while looking at you through the rear mirror. “well, you can’t just come in here and solve everything with money!? can you imagine the amount of damages we’re going to have to pay!?” you asked. haru was just watching the male drive as he looked at you as if you were crazy. “Love, who ever said money can’t solve your problems must not of had enough money to solve them..”
