#dan akroyd

Here’s my print for Gallery 1988’s offical Ghostbusters show opening in New York tomorro

Here’s my print for Gallery 1988’sofficalGhostbusters show opening in New York tomorrow! All details available on Gallery 1988’s website.

This print will be travelling form New York to Los Angeles, and Chicago before heading to San Diego Comic Con. Ahh so excited to finally share it!

‘Reverse the Polarity’

Gicleé Print numbered edition of 30

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Decided to put together a poster because I enjoyed the movie so much. I laughed. I cried. I got chills. And I felt like a kid again. #GhostbustersAfterlife does not touch the magic of the original 1984 classic but man it comes real close in spots and the last thirty minutes? Just excellent. I can easily see this as being frequently used in conversation of how to properly revive a franchise in the future.

“It was Harold who acted out and gave me the inspiration for the character of Clark Griswold. I was “It was Harold who acted out and gave me the inspiration for the character of Clark Griswold. I was “It was Harold who acted out and gave me the inspiration for the character of Clark Griswold. I was “It was Harold who acted out and gave me the inspiration for the character of Clark Griswold. I was

“It was Harold who acted out and gave me the inspiration for the character of Clark Griswold. I was really copying Harold’s impression of Clark. He was a truly funny and highly intelligent man with great honesty and a great appreciation for the best kind of comedy.” –Chevy Chase

“Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of my brilliant, gifted, funny friend, co-writer/performer and teacher Harold Ramis. May he now get the answers he was always seeking,” –Dan Aykroyd

“Harold Ramis and I together did the ‘National Lampoon Show’ off Broadway, ‘Meatballs,’ ‘Stripes,’ ‘Caddyshack,’ ‘Ghostbusters’ and ‘Groundhog Day.’ He earned his keep on this planet. God bless him.” –Bill Murray

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I watched the audio commentary of the Ghostbusters and here’s a few things I’ve found out which I think, is really cool, or rather things that stuck out to me

1: How much Dan was involved with the makings of the props;

Like HE DESIGNED??? THE PROTON PACKS AND THE GHOST DUMPING MACHINE IN DETAIL??? my man’s talented, AND when the prop people were like installing them or making them, he made sure they were good and proper, he oversaw everything, there’s alot about that man I love, this just makes my heart swell.

2: They only had one Egon Spengler suit;

So, when the whole roof exploded because peck turned off the machine, water, debris and all sorts was flying everywhere, and the director made a statement in the commentary, where he said “I told them to be careful, we only had one Egon suit, I asked them what was in that stuff”, which I find rather interesting, you’d think they’d have more grey suits but, Harold only had that specific one, sure he’s seen wearing others but that specific grey suit with the grey sweater vest, there was only one.


So, I know, the film was gonna be expensive, but 300 MILLION?? ARE YOU?!? JOKING?! that’s?! Wow, but then again, you had to pay the actors, the crew, the special effects ect, but I genuinely didn’t think The Ghostbusters budget was that much, but good on them, the film(s) are magnificent to this day.

4: They spent three weeks writing the script in Dan’s bunker/garage/place;

Apparently, Harold, Dan, and few other writers/directors spent three weeks writing because they had only 1 year to write, cast, film and complete to release in the June the following year, so Dan bless him, gave them all a place to work, apparently according to Harold/and the director they said and I quote “Dan always kept the fridge full, he was a very good host”, but also lemme add that Dan made the majority of the script/scene play, he made a 40page in depth script and sent it to a few people (Including the director), they kept most of his stuff in however they added the university bits in to show the viewers how they became the Ghostbusters, not just hopping into it straight away, I DIDN’T REALISE HOW INVOLVED DAN WAS, WHAT A ICON.

5: They picked up on my favourite bit which not many people noticed;

This is just a lil personal one for me but, back to when they were turning the machine off, Egon was fighting with peck, trying to get him not to turn it off, Peter comes in, and does the same, peck gets very angry and shouts “Just turn the damn thing off” or something like that. So Egon surrenders, walks towards Peter and does a lil mime of things exploding and he mouths “boom”, GENUINELY that’s my favourite part, and Harold/the director/the writer all quoted it and laughed when it appeared on screen and that made me very happy.

6: Apparently the ray/ghost 18+ scene was supposed to be longer;

I’m… I’m very glad it wasn’t longer than that, but also it wasn’t supposed to be a bj scene, the ghost wasn’t supposed to be doing that//hovering over ray like that?? But alas, it happened… I’m glad it’s one of the only sexual scenes in the films.

There’s many more I want to comment on, so I will, but here’s a few memorable ones.

I recommend giving it a watch/listen, hearing Harold and the director talk about how things are done, and just, them enjoying it as much as we do is great.

The commentary was filmed 15 years after the first film as a side note
