#darius mentor



They’d be proud of you

So, yeah, I kind of need Darius (and Raine and Eda) to adopt Hunter asap

It’s amazing how even when you can guess how something in the Owl House will go, you can’t predict how hard it hits you

This is so, so beautiful and heartbreaking.

I love both of them so much and you made them so real. And the angles, and Darius’ somber steadiness, and the sense of a haven in the shadows. Darius knows that there is nothing anyone can do to soften this nightmare.

I hope we learn more about the previous Golden Guard. I think all of the past Guards would look at Hunter and want him to make it out. Be free the way they were barred from ever being.


Zeventien was a religious zealot.

Belos encourages it, of course, but the way Zev did it was…dangerous, he felt. Zev was passionate about this world, about the Titan, in ways that Belos had never even really been able to completely fake. He really, really believed in the stuff Belos said - that the Titan watched over them, that it cared for them, but he had an irritating tendency to extend that to other things.

Plantmorepalistromwood, Zeventien would say, the ecosystem needs it, we are the Titan’s gravekeepers and we need to be kind to our parent’s final resting place.

As if Belos had ever cared about the final ecological health of this den of devilry and sin. He resolved to make the next Golden Guard - if there was one, he added unconvincingly - less loyal to the Titan and more loyal to him specifically. He would get it right in the end.

(You weave abominations beautifully, Zeventien told Darius. It’s a sacred art, you know. You do your teachers proud.)

(If there is one thing that Darius regrets - and there is many - it is that in death Zeventien stands frozen in stone in Belos’s hall, instead of returned to the earth he so loved, that he was willing to die for.)

Okay. I’m on board with this.


The Many Copies of Caleb Wittebane

Fandom: The Owl House

Summary: The first time that Phillip makes a grimwalker of his brother, it dies before it ever takes a breath- screaming itself to death in the darkness. The second time, it fully forms and does, actually, take a breath. And then it dies.

Try, try again, they say, and Phillip Wittebane keeps making and killing clones of his brother until he finally makes one that he’s sure he can control.

This one hurts. Bravo.

CW for death, suicide, toxic family dynamics, manipulation, and everything that comes with Belos.


Something about mentors learning from their students just as much as they teach them.

(pls reblog if you can? I put so much work into these lol)
