#dark fairycore


Pink roses and Luna Moths - Completed

Color corrected, I ended up not liking how saturated the colors came out. I’ll post the original at a later date.

I feel like a fluffy lil fairy and I loooove it. It’s been a little on the humid side so I wanted something I could stay cooler in. Everything is thrfited, even the boots! I think I even got the tights at goodwill but they were new. I can’t belive it’s October tomorrow!! I’m making my spooky watch list, what’s your favorite movie to watch at this time of year??

It’s hot today so I had to go back to less layers. The best part is that everything except the jewelery is thrfited! I love it when that happens. I feel like a dark fairy because of the hem of this skirt and I love it. Going to the fabric store today and working on some ren fest costumes! We’re going next Saturday and I cannot wait

Dresser update - 2

I finished the last drawer and the door and have moved onto the right side. Im not sure how I feel about the butterflies and flowers they kinda suck so I’ll prob re do them later. I’m not finished yet with it bc I Lowkey forgot about it but this is what I have so far! I wanted to paint the nightshade fairy from the flower fairies books but tbh I’m not really good at painting people lol. So its been taking me a lot longer.

Made a bag out of an old oversized shirt! I’m really happy with how it turned out!!!!

Made a fairy grunge shirt from some old leggings I’ve had since elementary school.

Painting my dresser-prt one

I’m an amateur and can’t paint very well but I’ve been re-painting my furniture. And I think it’s turned out cute! It’s been taking quite a bit about a day and a half for each drawer but I’m slowly making progress. And Am mostly done with the drawers. I’m getting started on the sides next, I’ve started on on one and plan to paint a belladonna fairy- Like an vintage illustration esq. I might revisit the crow/blackberry drawer bc the berries look a little flat but idk.
