

XD yes, I ship Atem/Bakura aka Casteshipping. It’s my guilty pleasure ship lol I certainly love this ship more so than the other popular ships. You all know which ones I am referring to. And I know they’re enemies. But I think if Bakura was given another chance, he and Atem could be good friends. Even though Bakura’s sarcastic egotistical self may drive Atem up the wall. XD I love it. And of course, even when they’re having a moment, Bakura has to ruin it lol ah Bakura, how you amuse me. XD I will try to draw more of these two in the future. C;

Atem & Bakura © Kazuki Takahashi

art © me. Please DO NOT steal, recolor, or repost. My artwork and characters are protected by the intellectual property rights law. Therefore, if I see anyone who has taken my art, I will report the person. No exceptions.


take a swing at me as hard as you can

knock me down, take me out, that’s the plan!

Go for it, Nakamura! back cover parody
Continuation of this: Link
Original back cover under the cut:

Textless version here. This was inspired by @stealthnoodle’s amazing Monster World-themed darkshippi

Textless version here.

This was inspired by @stealthnoodle’s amazing Monster World-themed darkshipping fic, Roll for Magic Hands (read it here). I wanted to make it look like a 90s doujinshi cover ✨

Anyway,Roll for Magic Hands is funny and perfect, for several reasons:

  • hilarious, chaotic vibes throughout

  • perfectly captures the feeling (frustration, despair, hopelessness, etc.) of playing board games with overly-intense people

  • everyone is SO in-character. I feel like Kazuki Takahashi could have written the dialogue for the background characters, which is super funny and might even be the best part of the fic. Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura’s dialogue is also super funny and they are very “themselves”

  • enemies to enemies. Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura hate each other just as much at the end as they do at the beginning, if not more ♥️♥️♥️

Go read it! AO3 link

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no thoughts head empty only goofy casteshipping picturesno thoughts head empty only goofy casteshipping pictures

no thoughts head empty only goofy casteshipping pictures

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Thief King Bakura can no longer hide his feelings about the monarchy!*Selected Writings and Speeches

Thief King Bakura can no longer hide his feelings about the monarchy!

*Selected Writings and Speeches by Maximilien Robespierre audiobook begins playing*

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Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the maPart 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the maPart 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the maPart 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the ma

Part 1/3

The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the manga and E21 of S0. All players hold a knife in their mouth and fistfight until someone gets punched in the face and dies LOL

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fake doujinshi cover

trace/redraw of original yugioh manga cover illustration:

Gentle Persuasion

original meme under the cut:

i have never seen yugioh zexal and know nothing about it except that one guy looks like a casteshipping fusion and therefore i’m love him.

in my opinion quattro came into existence after thief king bakura and pharaoh atem were fusion summoned to the zexal world. i also like to think that someone shouted RED EYES ULTIMATE EGYPTIAN KIIIIIING when they arrived even though quattro’s name seems to imply that he is italian.

i like to think that TKB’s surprise visit to the palace was commemorated with a painting on Atem’s tomb.

trace/redraw of ancient Egyptian paintings, originals under the cut:

1v1jc:1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 1v1jc:1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 1v1jc:1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 1v1jc:1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch.



Part 1/3

The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the manga and E21 of S0. All players hold a knife in their mouth and fistfight until someone gets punched in the face and dies LOL

Part 2/3


(1) Ryou’s extremely weird posture is taken from his pose from his official tarot card created by Kazuki Takahashi. Ryou often has weird posture in the manga though.

(2) Yami Yugi not having a plan is a reference to this scene in the manga, when Ryou asked him if he had a plan to defeat Pegasus’ Millennium Eye mind-reading powers in Duelist Kingdom and Yami Yugi just said “no ”

Part 3/3



Yami Malik would wreck both of them at this game.

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1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of 1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of 1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of 1v1jc:Part 1/3Note:The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of


Part 1/3

The “shadow game” they are playing is The Game of Death Joey played in Ch. 25 of the manga and E21 of S0. All players hold a knife in their mouth and fistfight until someone gets punched in the face and dies LOL

Part 2/3


(1) Ryou’s extremely weird posture is taken from his pose from his official tarot card created by Kazuki Takahashi. Ryou often has weird posture in the manga though.

(2) Yami Yugi not having a plan is a reference to this scene in the manga, when Ryou asked him if he had a plan to defeat Pegasus’ Millennium Eye mind-reading powers in Duelist Kingdom and Yami Yugi just said “no ”

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