

To Keep Our Promise

Natalie Paquette has dreamt of going to the Solace Ruins ever since her first visit with her father many years ago. Her chance finally happens when an unexpected donor funds an expedition for her and an assortment of odd personalities to journey to the Ruins once more. But upon arrival, Natalie is haunted by vivid dreams and strange occurrences that lead to a revelation about Natalie’s connection to the ancient ruins, a beautiful statue encased in marble, and a promise that still needs to be kept.

DarkSparks (Wattson | Natalie Paquette/Wraith | Renee Blasey)

Rated M

Chapter 1/13: What Treasures and Perils May Lie Ahead

Read Here


Are we sharing our AU ideas from the Lost Treasure Collection? If so, here’s my DarkSparks AU

Natalie Paquette is an excavator with a love for the mysterious ancient ruins on the edge of Solace, a place Natalie has felt has been calling to her all her life since her father first took her there as a child.

Her and a team of experts are granted the funds to do an in-depth excavation of the ruins, this includes the chemical scientist Dr. Caustic, the tech expert Taejoon Park, medical aid Ajay Che, tracker and navigation expert Loba Andrade, researcher and wildlife expert Makoa Gibraltar, the wealthy, adventurous funder Octavio Silva, and the research assistant bot, Pathfinder.

Upon arrive, they meet the mysterious and shady Mirage, a man who seems to know the ruins like the back of his hand, who says he’s a tour guide. He warns that the ruins are haunted, but the team of scientists ignore his warnings.

As they progress their research, weird things happen. They see shadows and people who aren’t actually there, things are moved when no one is around, and odd sounds moan throughout the ruins walls. Natalie gets lost trying to follow the voices she hears, when she stumbles upon a secret cave, with a beautiful statue of a warrior woman inside. Her skin is fair marble and encrusted in gold, her eyes bleeding the shimmering metal like tears.

She is entranced by the statues beauty, feels an overwhelming longing for the woman. She can’t help herself as she places a chaste kiss to the lips of the statue, before remembering where she is. She and the team take the statue, which has been carefully kept in perfect condition somehow. They place the statue away in their make shift camp, and go to bed for the night.

Natalie is woken in the middle of the night by a startling scream. She runs out to find something incredible. The statue has come off It’s pedestal and is walking about with an angered look, she looks frantic, and grabs at Makoa, demanding to know where a ‘Revenant’ was. Natalie begs her not to hurt anyone, and the statue meets her eyes. The woman let’s go of the man immediately, looking shocked.

In a slow, soft voice, trembling and quiet, she whispers, “Natalis?”

There’s a lot more to this (That includes other characters like Bloodhound and Bangalore) but sort of a soulmates, ancient royalty, supernatural AU. I do have plans to write it but it’ll be awhile before I can get the first chapter out :)

Months and months later….

Im gonna be posting the first chapter on Sunday so look out for that’d you’re interested

What if…

we find out where the missing photo booth pic is in the tooncraft when Wattson and Wraith go to Ajay’s show together?


Self indulgent Dark sparks fic that ended up Way bigger than intended.

Summary:With Natalie being a tease in the arena and loving to ‘play with her food’ it leads to a back and forth tease war between herself and Wraith. Leading to a lil bit of exhbitionism inside of Elliott’s bar (Sorry Ellie :( )

Rebogs > Likes to freely support a content creator and keep me writing! Or donate to my paypal or kofi!

Fandom: Apex Legends

Relationship: Wraith/Wattson

Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Trans gal Wattson with cock/dick verbiage for her, teasing, public play, Wraith has lots of body mods and is mildly mentioned, possessive behavior from Natalie, p tame for a lemon!

Words: 4.4k


To say that either of them were clueless in the beginning was an understatement.

At some point, Natalie had gotten comfortable and close enough to Wraith to call her ‘best friend’. Gleefully shouting it whenever she could and wrapping her arms around Wraith with delight. Yet, on the same hand, Natalie couldn’t ever place why Wraith would only half smile at the term ‘best friend’ and why she was the only one who could hug her without threat of a kunai at her abdomen.

And on that other hand, Wraith couldn’t place why ‘best friend’ made her heart do a funny thing of almost disappointment. Or why she felt safe enough to let Natalie wrap her arms around her, burying herself into Natalie’s shoulder and curling her fingers at the middle of her back. Or why when Natalie’s perfume lingered on her clothing, that she seemed to perform better in the ring.

Or why both of them had become so comfortable to the point Wraith could allow affection to her person, or that Natalie knew that Wraith’s room was her comfort area. Or that she could outwardly stim in front of her in ways that someone else would perhaps mock, but Wraith would just smile patiently before proceeding the conversation when Natalie worked it out of her system.

Or why when one night, Natalie had been excited to be taught eyeliner and Wraith had stood in front of her, carefully applying it, how both their eyes had lingered on each other’s lips and the tension between them lasted all night.

Now? Wraith wouldn’t tell you how long it took either of them to catch on. But Natalie would be the first to tell you that Wraith isn’t all salt and vinegar.

~Rest under the cut~

Keep reading

wraith and wattson found a grumpy cat!!!!!!!!!! my twt

wraith and wattson found a grumpy cat!!!!!!!!!! 

my twt

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Darksparks & Cryptane- !!!!!!!! Just ignore it!! You don’t have to…- *****- SIIIIIIDarksparks & Cryptane- !!!!!!!! Just ignore it!! You don’t have to…- *****- SIIIIIIDarksparks & Cryptane- !!!!!!!! Just ignore it!! You don’t have to…- *****- SIIIIIIDarksparks & Cryptane- !!!!!!!! Just ignore it!! You don’t have to…- *****- SIIIIII

Darksparks & Cryptane

- !!!!!!!! Just ignore it!! You don’t have to…

- SIIIIII !!!!!!! We’re the best wingm-……

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Some darksparks pride for @giraffe-lesbian!Like this? I’m closing my pride sale for now but you can

Some darksparks pride for @giraffe-lesbian!

Like this? I’m closing my pride sale for now but you can check out my regular prices here


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“To Natalie…we’re family.”

My girl best be okay, or I’m gonna cry for the 69th time in the past week

out for errands, may or may not be a date 

out for errands, may or may not be a date 

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31 Days of Apex

Day 4: Peace

I fell in love with DarkSparks because of all the wholesome fanart and fanfiction, and I just want these two to be happy together.

halloween darksparks

halloween darksparks

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