#daryl x reader


You take my breath away - Teaser

A/N - Hey guys! here’s a teaser of something I’ve been working on not sure if i should continue with this, It hasn’t got any smut yet but will do if i continue on it. Please please please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Apologies for any mistakes i haven’t edited this or read it over!

Love Jen :)

He was the most incredible looking man you had ever seen, Walking through the gates with that possum in his hand, He was definitely a little disheveled, Looked like he was in serious need of a shower but gorgeous nonetheless. Your mouth going dry the moment you saw him, Feeling the now unfamiliar fluttering in your stomach as he walked by you, Not sparing a second glance in your direction.

His eyes alert and suspiciously taking in his surroundings, You watched as he handed his crossbow over, Fingers twitching as it was moved further away from him. Aaron leading them to Deana’s house. Where they will no doubt be being interviewed on camera, Just like all the newcomers were. Just like you had been three months before, Looking over the others in the group seeing their wary eyes the exhaustion showing through the cracks in their demeanor.

Letting out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding you watched them disappear around the corner. As you were turning to go back into the house you were stopped by Olivia. Rushing from the direction the strangers had gone, a huge basket full of linens in her arms.

“Hey Y/N Are you busy? Any chance you can give me a hand? Deana has asked me to set up the two houses down the street for the new guys” Looking at you with those hopeful puppy dog eyes, She knew there was no way you could say no to her.

“Fineeee, But Jessie’s helping too!” You groaned turning back towards her and down the front steps.

“Thank you Y/N! Jessie’s already there loading some supplies into the cupboards” Her pace was getting faster now, Half running to keep up with her frantic walk you let her continue.

“Could you please start on the beds, That would be a HUGE help. Here take this” Offloading the basket to you she turned back towards the garage that held all of the town’s supplies.

“I’m going to grab some more linen, I’ll be back in a few!”

Groaning again at the weight of the basket you walked up the steps of the house Olivia had specified. Spotting Jessie in the kitchen immediately.

She laughed at your sour expression “She roped you into this too?” You nodded in reply carrying the basket up the stairs and starting in the first room you came too.

Picking up the first bundle of sheets, Finding a little note attached ‘Single’ Pushing them to one side you picked up the next ‘Double’ Taking the note off and putting it back in the basket you made your way to the bed. Pulling the sheets on and making the bed easily you continued into the other three bedrooms upstairs, Finding one set of double sheets remaining.

Walking down the stairs you passed Jessie again in the Kitchen, Stopping for a moment you took a glass of water from her mumbling your thanks, “Just the basement left! Has she come back yet?”

“Mhmm She left that for you” pointing to a basket of towels. “And she said she’s left the next bunch of sheets and towels in the next house ready”

“And what pray tell is olivia doing while she’s got me sweating like a Whore in Church”

Jessie choked a little on her water trying to suppress her giggle at your words. “Beats me! Tried to ask her, She ran off looking very important” She giggled again.

“Best get on before she finds more jobs for me!” Jessie agreed to grab the towels and put them into each bathroom, Snagging two from her you took it down to the basement with you.

This place was lucky really, There had been a hotel nearby that was just about to open as all hell broke loose that had stacks of linens, Plates and silverware. Enough to fully stock this place for a long time.

It seemed silly to you at first for this to be a huge concern but the longer you stayed here and the more you got used to the little comforting things like the Clean bedding and actual utensils the more important it had started to feel. It made you feel normal, Civilised. Like the world hadn’t just thrown a tantrum. Sure it never lasted very long but the comfort you got from these little things was priceless.

Once you had finished the bed down stairs you and Jessie made your way over to the second house repeating the jobs, Smiling as you left. Hopefully the comfort the little things had on you would also reassure and comfort the new guys. If only just a little. Being out there for so long yourself you knew how hard it would be for them to adapt.

When Aaron had first brought you through the gates you thought you must have died. Everything was so….Normal, The houses all pristine. All happy smiling faces welcoming you to the neighbourhood. It had taken you a week to speak, Sometimes you still weren’t sure if it was real at all, Maybe this is where your consciousness goes when you were walking around as one of those dead but not dead freaks.

Walking back home you spotted Olivia, Saluting her “All done El capitan!” She laughed as you walked by purposely not slowing in case she thought of another job for you.

Sinking back into your couch and grabbing the book you had discarded earlier when the commotion at the gate started, You had been out hunting the day before, Which meant today you could take the next few days easy.

Reading the Hobbit for the millionth time, You easily slipped back into that familiar world, Only stopping when it got too dark to see the words on the page. The next day was much the same head straight back into your book escaping the real world as long as you could. Not realising how long you had been sat there, The sun was low on the horizon when you were pulled from your favourite book.

Opening the door you were greeted by a smiling Aaron. “Hey Y/N I can’t stay gotta get back to Eric, Deana is throwing a welcome party for the new guys, Since you’re our newest person besides them, She is pretty insistent you attend!”

Rolling your eyes “Insistent hm? I think I’ll give it a miss..But thanks for the invite!” Trying to shut the door hoping this conversation was over when the door was stopped on his foot.

“C’mon Y/N a little more socialising won’t kill you! You’ve managed to come out of your shell to me Jessie and now Olivia! A few more wouldn’t hurt right?”

The puppy dog eyes. How did every fucker in here know that was your weak spot.

“Ughhhhh Finee! Only if you’re going to be there?” He nodded happily turning and stopping on the steps “See you at 8 wear something pretty” He winked, Taking off before you could change your mind.

Pretty? You weren’t even sure you owned anything that could be classed as pretty. Storming upstairs like a toddler having a tantrum you stripped quickly showering the sweat from yourself before stepping out wrapping the fluffy towel around you.

Walking over to your closet you pulled at the pile of dresses you had haphazardly thrown to the bottom of the closet when you had moved in, Never thinking in this new world there would be a place for pretty dresses.

Separating the sizes you pulled the few that would fit you to one side throwing the rest back in a heap again. Holding them up to your chest you decided on a black figure hugging one with a slit up one side. You guessed this would be kind of functional too. The slit certainly gave you enough room to move if you needed to. Picking up a pair of almost matching wedges you threw them both on the bed. Turning your attention to your hair as you tried to tame it.

It was a shame this new world didn’t include bloody straighteners. Groaning at yourself you couldn’t believe that had just crossed your mind. There were more important things to worry about besides your hair!

Running the brush through it once more, It would do. Your mother certainly would be happy. She loved your naturally wavy curls. You felt the twang in your heart as you remembered her, She had lasted 6 months after the fall before one wrong step sent her into the arms of a walker taking her from you. Rubbing your eyes gently. No you wouldn’t cry, If she was here now she’d be giving you an earful about it, Demanding you enjoy your night and your freedom.

Looking over at the tiny clock on the side 8:15 shit you were late. Pulling the dress over your head and heels on your feet you spared your reflection one last look smoothing the dress down on your stomach nervously. You can do this. It’s only people right?

Slowly descending the stairs and making your way out the door, Your feet dragging as you headed closer to the party. Stopping outside the door, Hearing the laughter from the other side.

Before you knew what you were doing you were spinning back around back up the street when a light fell over you.

“Sneaking away before they can see you huh Y/N?” Giving him a guilty look.

“I tried… Tried and failed. Oh well maybe next time!” You chuckled.

“Oh hey, Daryl right?” Turning and following Aaron’s gase you spotted him again. So the possum guy’s name was Daryl.

Giving him a small smile “I guess those kinda things aren’t for you either?”

Not quite looking at you he gave a non committal grunt.

Deciding to take Aaron’s earlier advice, Taking a deep breath.

“You eaten? I’m making spaghetti if you’re hungry?” He shrugged again.

“C’mon, She makes some pretty serious spaghetti” Aaron teased, raising his eyebrow at you.

“Guess I could eat” He mumbled, still looking more at his feet than you. Aaron gave you a wink as he went back inside giving you both a wave before shutting the door.

“C’mon it’s this way. Just down from your house. I guess you could say we’re neighbours” He fell into step with you still staying quiet the entire way. As you opened the front door you looked backwards seeing Daryl looking between your open door and his own house.

“Come in, Food won’t be long!” Holding the door open Daryl finally made his decision, his feet carrying him swiftly up the stairs and inside. Flicking the lights on as you followed him.

“Kitchen’s that way, I’ll get you a drink. Whiskey ok?” He finally looked at you.

“You guys have Whiskey?” A shocked expression crossing his face. “Yeah i found it out there still unopened a while back, I was saving it for a special occasion, But shh don’t tell olivia or she’ll add it to that list of hers!” He gave you a small smile as you poured a glass for each of you passing it to him.

“Make yourself at home! I’ll get this started” He took a seat at the breakfast bar rolling the glass around in his hands whilst you busied yourself in the kitchen pulling out everything you would need and quickly getting it started.

Turning back to the breakfast bar you grabbed the loaf of bread slicing a few pieces and covering them in some oil and wild garlic you had found on your hunt yesterday. Popping them into the oven. He spoke again “Why’s it a special occasion?” He mumbled.

Grinning at him and taking a sip of your whiskey. “It’s not everyday I get to cook my serious spaghetti for just anyone!”

You could see the blush rising in his cheeks as he took a long swig of his whiskey. You leant over to top his glass off, Before turning to the cupboards and grabbing placemats, Plates and cutlery.

“Here let me do that” He tried as he moved towards you.

“Absolutely not! My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew i put a guest to work” Smiling sadly as your mother popped into your head again. Setting the table.

Turning your attention back to your meal you strained the pasta, Popping it into a dish before dishing up the sauce too. Taking them back to the table and returning to the oven to fish the garlic bread out.

Once everything was on the table you both took a seat. Reaching over you served him a large portion popping a few pieces of garlic bread on his plate before serving yourself.

“Dig in” You insisted before turning back to your plate. He watched you take the first few mouthfuls before reaching for his own fork.

After a few minutes of silence you spoke up again “So what do you think of Alexandria?”

“I think it ain’t real”

“I thought that for a long time, Hell I’m still not convinced and I’ve been here 3 months”

“So your not…uh…Not from here. Like the others”

“I’m from out there I guess. Asheville Georgia originally”

His eyes went wide at this “Me too, Sorta. Lived up near the mountains in Georgia”

A huge grin crossing your face “So we’ve always been neighbours then! How strange that we would meet here in DC! We must have been in the same places a thousand times! I used to go hunting in the mountains with my daddy”

He shrugged “Alotta my group from near there, We met in Atlanta……” he trailed off mumbling “Ya wouldn’t have noticed someone like me anyway”

Trying to get him to meet your eyes over the table, “Oh i most definitely would have noticed YOU Daryl”

He cleared his throat awkwardly, the tops of his ears peeking through his shaggy hair going beet red, his face lowered, he turned his attention back to his food.

Realising you had probably gone too far, Afterall you didn’t really know anything about this man, You had only seen him once yesterday morning before tonight, You weren’t even sure if he was single. Or straight for that matter. Trying to ease the awkwardness that had now descended in the room you tried a quick change of conversation.

“How are your group feeling about being here? Did you and your partner manage to sleep okay?” Hoping your not so subtle way of asking him if he were single wouldn’t be too obvious.

“Partner? Rick’s the Cop not me” He grumbled. Okay maybe not as obvious as you first thought.

You shook your head slightly, his obliviousness was strangely endearing, “Sorry no i meant your girlfriend, Wife” When he didn’t reply straight away you figured you must have missed the mark. “Boyfriend?” You questioned.

He snorted at this “I ain’t gay, Aint got no woman either” Not able to contain the gleeful smile on your face. Not that it would matter his eyes were fully trained on his meal as he started devouring it quicker, Reaching for his glass he drained the remaining dregs of the whiskey.

“Oh really? I thought for sure you’d have been snapped up by now!”

The blush returning to his face again he gave you a noncommittal grunt, Waiting a moment you realised he wasn’t going to answer. Not much of a talker. You were probably being too pushy, Small talk was hard to do after seeing the things he no doubt had seen out there, The things that man had probably had to do just as you had, Suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through you as your mind conjured up the images.

Standing quickly you walked back to the kitchen grabbing the bottle and refilling his glass and in turn your own.

Taking a deep gulp of the whiskey and then quickly finishing your own meal in silence, Both finishing your meal at the same time, Daryl raises the plate to his mouth to scrape the last bits of pasta into his mouth.

“Still hungry? There’s plenty more if you would like some more?”

Shaking his head no “ ‘M good.” He grunted. Taking his plate from him and collecting your own you took them into the kitchen dropping them in the sink you turned to retrieve the serving bowls, Almost crashing straight into Daryl, Your hands flinching up and landing on his chest steadying yourself.

He caught the bowl just in time surprisingly before any of the remaining food managed to spill on the floor.

Feeling the blush on your cheeks now as your hands lingered a moment longer than they should have done, Enjoying the firmness of his muscular chest under your fingers.

Dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry! Thank you, Let me take that” Taking the bowl and turning your beetroot red face away from him you found a tupperware box in the cupboard filling it with the leftovers before turning to the sink and washing the dishes.

When you turned back to him he was watching you silently, Studying you it seemed.

Picking your glass back up you motioned to him “Should we finish the bottle or do you have somewhere to be?”

When he made no move to leave you picked up the bottle and motioned towards the living room letting him follow behind you, Taking a seat you finally kicked your uncomfortable heels off, Your feet instantly throbbing grateful to be out of their confines.

Propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you, You sank back into the plush cushions behind you with a happy groan, Daryl stood awkwardly next to the couch glass hanging from his fingertips gasing at you with a softness in his eyes, The redness rising again in cheeks once he realised you had caught him gazing at you.

Smiling at his warmly “No need to stand on ceremony, Take a seat” Patting the chair next to you from emphasis. “More?” You asked, shaking the bottle at him. Taking it from you he filled his own glass before turning to yours and topping yours up also.

Clearing his throat awkwardly. “So…Are ya people here too?”

Dropping your eyes from him you shook your head sadly “Just me…They’re all gone….” The alcohol was taking over your words as you mumbled “Shouldn’t have been me…” Feeling a tear escape your eye as you thought about the countless lives you had watched taken before their time. People who would have been the greatest asset in this new world…Gone, Some died saving you. For what.. They should have let you die.

Pulling your mind from those thoughts, It didn’t do anyone any good to dwell! Wiping the tear quickly from your cheek grabbing your drink and gulping it down in one.

Turning back to Daryl you shifted a non convincing smile back to your face.

“How about you? Your group seems very close almost like a…”

Finishing your sentence for you “A family……Ya know i look around and i think about the people that are gone, And the people that are still here and it aint right…Aint fair..But yer gotta keep goin for em”

Smiling at Aaron’s name “Yeah i wouldn’t be here either if it wasn’t for him and Eric, They’re good people. Most of the people here are good people. Too innocent to the world as it is yes, But good people..”

After sitting in silence for a few moments when Daryl broke the silence. “Well i should…I should go….They’ll be wonderin where i am”

Standing with him you walked him to the door.

“Thanks. Thanks for the-”

“Your welcome Daryl….Maybe you could come again? It was nice to have company” Smiling you opened the door for him letting him linger on the threshold.

He let out another noncommittal grunt as his eyes lingered on you. Leaning against the doorway you followed his eye line down your body, smirking slightly you swayed your hips watching as his eyes followed your movements.

Darting forward you swiftly kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Daryl” The blush on his face matched yours as he turned and stomped down the steps rushing towards his own house.


Holy shit she was perfect.

Good food, Great Whiskey, Perfect body. That dress…. He had never met anyone like her before, She hunted too. But a woman like that would never look twice at a man like him.

A dirty good for nothing redneck asshole, He didn’t even know why she had been so…so nice to him tonight.

Carol was waiting for him at the door. Puckering her lips at him she made a lip smacking noise “Kiss Pookie” She giggled.

“Shut up” He mumbled, heading straight for the stairs to the basement. He needed to be alone for a little while as he processed these thoughts. Locking the door behind him he took a few strides over to the bed and flopped down on it.

In the dark of the room the thoughts became more obvious. Throwing an arm over his face he groaned. From the second he had first seen her standing so beautifully in front of Aaron’s house he had a tightening in his stomach. He couldn’t have said no to her invitation if he tried.

If Merle had seen him tonight, Blushing like a love sick little girl, He would have had a right laugh, It was like he could hear his voice. “Oh Princess, Got a crush? Man up Baby bro, Go get that cooch”

Did she mean it when she asked if he could come again? He shook his head. She couldn’t have, she was just being nice. His mind couldn’t stop thinking of the way she smiled at him, The way her hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed, The curves of her as she swayed in the doorway…. His pants were tightening at the thought. He would have to take care of that before he could fall asleep.

Imagining his hands were roaming her body he pulled his throbbing member free, He wouldn’t last long as he thought about her hands on him, While his hands roamed up those beautiful milky thighs. That beautiful mouth gasping for him.

God that did it, Groaning he let himself spill into his hand, Grabbing a rag at the side of him he wiped it from himself, Ashamed he turned over throwing an arm over his face before drifting into an undisturbed sleep at the thought of her.

Over the next few weeks he saw a lot more of Y/N, As they were the two best hunters in Alexandria they were often thrown together to head out of the walls.

Even in her half ruined Jeans and Walker splattered Shirt she was still gorgeous. On days like today when they’re outside the walls he noticed how her face changed from the strained smile to a relaxed free look in her eyes.

She was scanning the underbrush now checking the traps they had left the week before. He felt the blush on his cheeks when he realised he had been caught staring again.

“Everything okay?” She asked spinning around in a circle, her body tensing looking for the Danger.

He cleared his throat, “Yeah all good. Anythin in the trap?” Blush rising in his cheeks at being caught staring. After that they headed back to the town in comfortable silence, Walking side by side both carrying the day’s hunt, Y/N stopping every few minutes to forage things on the way.

Once back inside the walls, She came with him to his house as they always did now Only stopping to share the hunt with Olivia to share around the town, Y/N spent a lot more time around him and his group. Seeming to slot seamless into their messed up dynamic.

Just like every night she helped Carol prepare the dinner while he retreated to the porch, Cleaning his bow and bolts, The door open letting her musical laugh wash over him as he worked.

He could have listened to her all day, Before long he forgot what he was meant to be doing and just closed his eyes, Head leaning back against the house, Fully relaxed for the first time being in Alexandria.

He groaned inwardly opening his eyes to see who was disturbing his peace.

“Hey…” Rick took a seat next to Daryl on the porch nudging his knee and pointing towards the house.

“Y/N been spending a lot of time here…What’s going on with that?” He asked, giving you a knowing look.

“Why yer asking me?” Daryl huffed. “Shouldn’ yer be askin her”

Rick sighed before giving him another knowing look. “I seen the way you look at her, You sweet on her?”

Daryl wasn’t sure how to respond because of course he was ‘sweet’ on her but there was no changing who he was, A beautiful woman like that could never be interested in him, So there was just no point admitting his feelings to his friend as he knew you would never reciprocate those feelings.

Just as he opened his mouth to reply your beautiful song filled voice broke interrupted at just the right moment. His heart pounding, blush spreading across his face as you smiled at him, He was grateful for the darkness to hide this from you.

As he stood he felt her fingers brush his arm as she gave him an inquisitive look.


You felt the electricity hum between you as your fingers found his arm, You had both been taking as many opportunities as possible to get closer to each other, So grateful when you were partnered together to hunt.















Two teasers?

Hey Y'all!

Sorry its been awhile since i have posted! I have two different one shots in the works at the moment that i’m wondering if i should finish or give up on and try something else.

I’m thinking about posting what i have written so far on here and get some feedback from you guys?

Let me know in the comments if that’s something you guys would be willing to do!

Much love!

Love Jen x

Michonne: I’m cold.

Rick: Here, have a hug and a kiss.

Jesus: I’m cold, too.

Daryl: You want me to set you on fire? We’ll both be happy then.

When I Found You (Pt. 02 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.4 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (01)

Next part (03) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N: I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


“Are you sure this will work?” You ask Jim for the hundredth time.

His idea is good. You can make it work, you can make it believable. But it doesn’t depend on you alone. Daryl has to accept it and put some effort into it as well.

“It will.”

“How long do we have?” Walking fast through the halls, you try not to overthink. This can’t backfire, because you have no idea what to do if it fails.

“Eight weeks until Negan goes to Alexandria. But you know him, he could go anytime he wants, but since he’s eager to torture them psychologically, he may give it some time. Make them think they can come up with some kind of plan.”

Daryl’s group is smart. And strong. You and Jim are getting all the pieces of information about them, and about Negan’s plans. For you, it’s easy, you just have to ask Negan. But Jim’s job is to go around the men and get their ideas because sometimes some of them have an interesting addition to the plan that Negan is eager to follow.

So what you have is this: The leader, Rick, is a survivor. It means he had to get his hands dirty before, and will again. And your father knows how to break a man like Rick. He hates men like Rick. It doesn’t help that the Alexandrians killed several Saviours, and tricked Negan a couple of times before.

Your father wants to unleash hell upon them. And Jim was right, you’ve never seen Negan so furious about a group before.

He won’t just take their things and leave, no Negan will break them, slowly, painfully. He will strip them off of everything they care about, everyone they love, one by one, until he gets to Rick.

But you won’t let that happen.

“Ok.” Taking a deep breath, you stop by the apartment door. “If he doesn’t play along…”

“If he doesn’t play along, his group dies. Just tell him that.”

As if it was so simple.

Nodding, you unlock the door and walk in. Jim quickly pushes it close, gun already in hand. This could be dangerous. You wouldn’t blame Daryl for trying to attack you.

“Hello?” You mutter, moving to the living room and peaking into the kitchen. “We’re just here to talk.” Keeping your voice as soft as you can, you move towards the hall, as Jim does the same, walking ahead of you and pushing the first door open.

When he comes out, he simply shakes his head no before moving to the other room. “Where the hell is he?”

“Take it easy, Jim. I–” You’re cut short suddenly, a strong arm pulling you backwards, knocking all air out of your lungs. There’s something sharp and cold against your neck, as a giant hand grabs your shoulder, keeping you tight against the body behind you, painfully tight.

“Damn it!” Jim exclaims, gun pointing at whoever is holding you. But it doesn’t take much until your mind solves the mystery. “Let go of her. Now!”

“Drop the gun.” The voice, raspy and angry, comes right to your ear. “Or I’ll kill her.”

“Jim put it down.” You tell him, both hands coming to hold on the man’s arm as you struggle to breathe.

“I have a clean shot from here, asshole. She’s tiny, I can shoot you right in the head.” Jim cocks the gun, and the knife is pressed against your skin.

“Shoot me and she dies. I’ll draw this damn knife right through her throat.”

“Stop it, both of you!” Shouting, you suck in a sharp breath when Daryl moves, pulling you further away from Jim. “James, you do as I freaking say. Put the gun down now.” Using the strongest voice you can, you give him a stare. You hate ordering him around, but it’s necessary now. Your eyes are saying ‘trust me, I know what I’m doing’, and that’s what makes him reluctantly move, slowly lowering the gun until it’s on the ground, kicking it to the wall behind him. Way out of Daryl’s reach.

“Daryl, listen to me.” You start, keeping your voice soft. “We’re here to help you.”

“How? Gonna throw me in another goddamn cell!” He squeezes your shoulder, making you wince.

Jim steps forward, ready to fight, but you raise a hand at him, making him stop. “I know about your group. About Alexandria, everything. And I know Negan’s plans. I swear, I just want to help.”

“She was the one to bring you here, man, trust me,” Jim speaks up, both hands raised. “We spent all night trying to find a way of helping you and your group. You kill her, you’re doomed. You and everyone you care about.”

You feel Daryl’s grip get a bit loose, just a little bit, but enough for you to get what he’s thinking. Taking in the information. “What the hell does he plan to do with us?”

“The same, as a start.” You explain the pain on your shoulder bringing a few tears to your eyes. “He’ll take whatever he wants, and go back every once in a while. But he hates Rick, your leader, so he’ll put traps in the way, looking for a reason to torture them.”

“Huh.” He grunts.

“I was in the meeting. He wants to kill the Alexandrians one by one, make them chop off pieces.” Going graphic was never the idea, and it makes you feel sick. “H-he said he will make Rick go all the way next time. Cut his own son’s hand off.” Tears start rolling down as the emotions overwhelm you.

The image is in your head now, a father being forced to do such a thing. The axe, the blood, the severed hand… You need your cell. You need to let things out. You never wanted to be part of this. You never wanted to be here. But you can’t lose it, not now.

Blinking to push the stubborn tears away, you put yourself back together the best you can. This isn’t the place to be weak.

“How do ya know all that?”

“Negan is my father.” This makes the grip gets tighter than before, as the knife is now placed on your throat. “It doesn’t mean I agree with his methods!” You’re quick to add. “I have a plan to keep him away from your people. From Alexandria.”

“C'mon, man, you’re hurting her,” Jim begs.

“Keep yer damn mouth shut!”

“These are your options, Daryl Dixon!” You yell again, trying to make your voice heard despite everything. Despite his grip, the knife, and the situation. “You can kill me, kill Jim, take the gun and run. But you won’t get too far. They’ll take you, and as soon as they find out you killed Negan’s daughter, the man himself will make you watch as he feeds your people to the dead.” This wasn’t supposed to be this way, you didn’t want to threaten him. But you’ll say anything for him to let go of you. “Or you can at least hear me out. Because with or without your help, I’ll find a way to keep Negan away from this group because I’m not my damn father!” Voice cracking in the end, you close your eyes, letting the darkness surround you. This isn’t enough, but it has to suffice.

You’re becoming so weak. After so many years, being in this nightmare since the very beginning, you’re breaking. And you can’t break. You won’t know what to do if you break.

“Just listen to her, man,” Jim mutters, and when Daryl finally let go, you run straight into Jim’s arms, releasing a breath. “Damn it, (Y/N).” He whispers in your ear, softly rubbing your back. This hug isn’t about you being hurt by Daryl, it’s about you being hurt by everything else. Jim has developed a way of knowing when you’re about to collapse, exactly when you need some time to recover. “Can you do it? Because if not we can–”

“I’m alright.” Pulling away, you wipe the tears away before turning to face Daryl.

He’s wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, and now you get why his hand felt so big. The man is huge, and it’s clear now he didn’t hurt you as much as he could if he wanted to. His dark hair partly covers his eyes, but you can see the bright blue colour, set on you. He’s clean, and now you can see the purple bruise on his left cheek. Daryl still holds the knife, ready to act if you or Jim try anything.

“Can we sit?” Gesturing at the couch, you just make your way there, taking a sit. Jim does the same, taking the armchair. But Daryl just stands, those predator-looking eyes, following your every move. “You don’t have to look at me like I’m some kind of threat. Look at me. I couldn’t take you.”

“But yer boyfriend here could try.” Eyes locked on you, Daryl jerks his chin towards Jim.

“Jim is not my boyfriend. He’s… My personal bodyguard.” You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Jim’s wife was dying. He was working for points so he couldn’t have the medicine. He stole it and got caught. His wife passed and he was going to die too for what he did, but I stepped in.” Exchanging a glance with him, you take in the small smile he has on, and also the sadness in his eyes. Jim is still in love with Mariam. “I told Negan I wanted someone by my side, at all times. And Jim was strong and well-built even before, so I had my will done. And here he is now, not only to protect me but as a faithful friend. As I am his.”

“It’s true. (Y/N) saved me.”

“So ya want me ta’ believe Negan does everythin’ ya want?” Daryl is sceptical, but anyone in his position would be. You’re still one of his captors, and you could be setting some kind of trap.

“(Y/N) is everything Negan has left. Say whatever you want from him, it’ll probably be the truth, but he loves his daughter.” With both elbows on his knees, Jim looks up at Daryl. “She’s the princess around here. And the king will do whatever she says. If she wanted to tear you to pieces just for her pleasure, he would clap.” Jim’s voice gets darker because he stands where you stand. He does what he has to do to survive, but he doesn’t enjoy it. “But instead, she puts on a show out there, just so she can act behind his back helping people. She could be a tyrant, the very image of her father but she isn’t. So if (Y/N) can help you and your people to make out of this mess alive, take the freaking chance or get the hell out of her way.”

Furrowing your eyebrows, you try to understand where it came from. Jim never said anything like this.

“We came up with a plan to make Negan give up on your community.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Of course we’d have to say Alexandria would be mine to rule and shit like that, but I promise you if we manage to make this work, he’ll leave your people alone.”

“And what is this miraculous plan?”

This is the hard part. Biting your lip, you exchange a long stare with Jim, who raises both his eyebrows at you.

“We’ll have to pretend to be dating.” Saying it as slow as you can, you feel a heat spreading through your cheeks.

“What the hell?”

“I know how it sounds.” Standing up to your feet, you raise both hands at him. “But all the other options weren’t good enough. Negan hates your group like he never hated anyone before, and Jim and I came to the conclusion that the only way he’ll step back is if I put my heart on the matter.” Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “If we convince them we’re falling for each other, he will let me have Alexandria. And if he places the city under my care, nobody will come to take anything. Nobody will be killed.”

Daryl weakly nods, his hair all over his face. “Fine. But if ya lie ta’ me, I kill ya.”


“We have a deal.” You speak before Jim does, reaching out your hand. Daryl looks at it before looking up at you again, not taking your hand, so you let it fall. “Well, you’ll stay here now. There’s food and… Pretty much everything you may need. I’ll talk to Negan and let you know the next step.” That said, you nod, mostly to yourself, gesturing for Jim to follow as you leave.

Right before you push the door close, you take one last look at Daryl. Then, the wood separates the two of you, and you lock the door, sliding the key into your pocket.

“It’ll work,” Jim says, a hand on your shoulder.

“It has too.”

When Daryl is left alone, the silence, now very familiar, surrounds him again. In a jolt of adrenaline, he has an impulse of checking if what she said was true. Everything he had done ever since the Saviors dragged him into this apartment was to shower, clean the blood from his wounds, put on some clothes, and sleep.

So, he’s quickly moving through the kitchen, opening the cabinets and fridge, finding more food than he has seen since the world broke.

To say he’s confused is a misunderstanding. When he first saw her, from the darkness of his cell, he wondered if he was seeing an angel. Her smooth skin, clean and shining, as if she didn’t belong to this world anymore. Her hair, rolling down her shoulders, reaching all the way to her waist. And he swears he could smell her hair conditioner, candy-like. It took a while for him to believe she was real.

But she’s Negan’s daughter.

And Daryl has to be careful, smart. He will do anything if it means his group will be safe. But still, he has to be alert. In case this is a trap. In case she’s not as good as she shows.

There are no angels, not in this world. Not living among these people.

And she certainly isn’t one of them.


