#dave lister


I love Book Lister. Like “It’s French you doink?” Needing to talk to Cat about his sexual politics? Becoming king of the cockroaches? Coming up with the perfect plan to go into stasis without hurting anyone or also getting jail time so he could get home faster? His grand fantasy to be in his favorite movie and married with two kids and live a simple life that stills lets him help his community? What an icon.

Me: *is just chillin*

My brain: hey remember how Lister wasn’t able to justify his own existence to himself? Remember how you’d probably be in the same boat if that were you?


Adding to my ever growing list of “Things I would like to see in series 13/wish I had seen in previous seasons” is a “turn left” style episode where the Big Bad of the moment decides to go back in time and prevent Lister from signing up for Red Dwarf and dealing with the consequences of that

Cat: you guys know what personal space is, right?

Rimmer and Lister, literally lying on top of each other: - Huh?


Part 2 of Jealousy, a Red Dwarf fancomic

Love is a wonderful emotion, but it isn’t a cure for mental illness. In this part, Rimmer does what he does best, which is falling into an anxious spiral of rejection and catastrophising

Part 1 [NSFW] is here.


This is really good, I love Rimmer centric stuff! I’ve never seen a Red Dwarf fancomic before and it’s such a cool idea. I hope you can get it all done in time for the remixing.

dillyfirestarter:Part 1 of Jealousy, a Red Dwarf Lister/Rimmer Fancomic set in some ambiguous time b


Part 1 of Jealousy, a Red Dwarf Lister/Rimmer Fancomic set in some ambiguous time between series 6 and series 10.

Part 2 is here

This comic isn’t suitable for minors. I’m keeping everything within Tumblr Approved! levels of suggestiveness, but I’ll be very uncomfortable if any kiddywinks went and looked at this.


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Can you tell I’m bored?

Some more quote edits/phone wallpapers!

Feel free to use if you wish ☺️

yourfaveisgoingtosuperhell: Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister from Red Dwarf are going to super hell tog


Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister fromRed Dwarf are going to super hell together for gay crimes!!!

requested by: Anonymous

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calupos: sad gays in space


sad gays in space

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dave lister one of the best protagonists ever probably. hopelessly romantic. casablanca. rastabilly skank. accidentally signed himself into a five year contract with the jupiter mining corporation as an attempt to get himself off of a moon that he got on also accidentally. official profession: “bum”. inherently good. technically a final girl if you think about it. fiji. tboy swag. homoerotic relations with every man in his life. definitely hates business majors. canonical mpreg. #feminist. fully committed to having a WALL-E breakthrough with kryten. major religious figure. The Boy From The Dwarf. i literally think about you every day king


Space Husbands Collection (2/2)

Found an RD book that I didn’t already have in a charity shop this morning and Rimmer’s drawings absolutely cracked me up …also the I am a fish page is just

Well I have been dreading this day all week and now it’s finally time to lay my Granddad to rest

Also means seeing my brother who I haven’t seen for a good few years and who I didn’t particularly get on with

However this crazy shitshow we called Red Dwarf and it’s awesome fans have been what’s kept me afloat through it all so thank you!

I fell into that trend …oops!

Feel like Kryten is staring into my soul


✨Mighty Light✨

Lunar City Seven - Red Dwarf

To Ganymede and Titan

Yes, sir, I’ve been around

But there ain’t no place

In the whole of Space

Like that good ol’ toddlin’ town

Oh! Lunar City Seven

You’re my idea of heaven

Out of ten, you score eleven

You good ol’ Titan’ town

Oh! Lunar City Seven

Lunar Cities One through Six

They always get me down

But Lunar City Seven

You’re my home town”

s07s05 blue changed everythings07s05 blue changed everythings07s05 blue changed everything

s07s05 blue changed everything

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