#arnold j rimmer


Remember the things I got for my birthday at the beginning of the year? Well I’ve finally framed them and they don’t fall down!!

It only took a frame breaking and a cut finger but we don’t need to talk about that

Also framed the signed last page of the series 8 Back in the Red: Part IIl script ☺️

Found an RD book that I didn’t already have in a charity shop this morning and Rimmer’s drawings absolutely cracked me up …also the I am a fish page is just

Well I have been dreading this day all week and now it’s finally time to lay my Granddad to rest

Also means seeing my brother who I haven’t seen for a good few years and who I didn’t particularly get on with

However this crazy shitshow we called Red Dwarf and it’s awesome fans have been what’s kept me afloat through it all so thank you!

Happy Rimsy!

We all know the reason for the smile is that Lister did something stupid and got hurt

I fell into that trend …oops!

Feel like Kryten is staring into my soul


✨Mighty Light✨

Lunar City Seven - Red Dwarf

To Ganymede and Titan

Yes, sir, I’ve been around

But there ain’t no place

In the whole of Space

Like that good ol’ toddlin’ town

Oh! Lunar City Seven

You’re my idea of heaven

Out of ten, you score eleven

You good ol’ Titan’ town

Oh! Lunar City Seven

Lunar Cities One through Six

They always get me down

But Lunar City Seven

You’re my home town”

Just had a galaxy brain idea/head cannon …

So lister was confined to stasis for what was supposed to be the span of 18 months. I don’t think we actually have a time frame for when Rimmer failed to seal the drive plate and kill everyone.

So, Rimmer as the lowest rank on the ship is now left where the only person that tolerates him is in stasis. It’s easy to feel bad for Rimmer, and I’d like to think for that undetermined amount of time Lister was gone Rimmer started to miss him.

Little does he know he will be spending the rest of his life with this roommate he realizes he actually misses.

Rimmer is my poor little meow meow, but in a negative way.

Arnold and Judas are both names you would give to a 10 year old rescue cat that won’t stop throwing up behind the couch every morning.
