

Don’t know if anyone who might follow me here even uses this site anymore, but the show I was working on as a rigger for the better part of last year was finally released a few weeks ago.

I’m super proud to have been a part of the show, it was a wild ride. Wish the series included credits for the YouTube release, but what can you do? Check it out if you’re interested in children’s media.

Some more recent hand painted maps.

It would be pretty rad to participate in a game as a player for once.

More acrylic maps. Can’t rightly say if they’re a good use of my time or not, but I’m having fun.

Some more 9x7 acrylic game maps. Trying new things with every map.

My computer is dying a slow death so I’m more or less focusing on these DnD paintings until I can upgrade.

Some more 7x9 acrylic game maps. Castle Hallway! Sauna! Treasury! Combined, they make a strange adventure.

Have gotten back in the habit of painting game maps. These are more 2D video game RPG inspired than tabletop, but I’m trying to make them more aesthetically pleasing.

Over the weekend I participated in the 2019 Global Game Jam, and produced a tabletop role playing gaOver the weekend I participated in the 2019 Global Game Jam, and produced a tabletop role playing ga

Over the weekend I participated in the 2019 Global Game Jam, and produced a tabletop role playing game by myself. 

In “S.P.I.C.E: Reunion” players portray characters who are attending a rather large family reunion. Catch up with family, say hi to the in-laws, and stop a Werewolf bloodbath all in the comfort of your family’s ancestral home.

Using the newly created S.P.I.C.E(SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, COMBATIVE, and EVASIVE) system you’ll primarily roll d12 to determine the results of an action. Every success or failure alters your stats, so sometimes you’ll have to take what the game gives you.

Download Now:

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I very much enjoyed the new “She-Ra” series on Netflix.EDIT: Added another version. The original 12 I very much enjoyed the new “She-Ra” series on Netflix.EDIT: Added another version. The original 12

I very much enjoyed the new “She-Ra” series on Netflix.

EDIT: Added another version. The original 12 x 12 record sleeve wasn’t doing it for me so I made an 8.5 x 11 She-Ra.

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Have been wanting to do some actual “Graphic Design” for a while now. I’ve previously enjoyed a proj

Have been wanting to do some actual “Graphic Design” for a while now. I’ve previously enjoyed a project to create a cover/jacket for a music single using a randomized palette, so I decided on doing so. 

Re-listened to the “Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping” Soundtrack recently so I whipped this up in a few hours.

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Another batch of acrylics. I think my painting technique is improving faster than my art fundamentalAnother batch of acrylics. I think my painting technique is improving faster than my art fundamental

Another batch of acrylics. I think my painting technique is improving faster than my art fundamentals. 

A 12x9 Dungeons and Dragons map.

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A few acrylic paintings from the past few days. It’s surprisingly easy to get a small painting goingA few acrylic paintings from the past few days. It’s surprisingly easy to get a small painting goingA few acrylic paintings from the past few days. It’s surprisingly easy to get a small painting going

A few acrylic paintings from the past few days. It’s surprisingly easy to get a small painting going if it’s of a pre-existing figure. 

Hopefully doing these in conjunction with basic fundamental exercises will get me somewhere. 

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Two of my more recent Dungeons And Dragons mini maps. I’m still working on getting the mini maps to Two of my more recent Dungeons And Dragons mini maps. I’m still working on getting the mini maps to Two of my more recent Dungeons And Dragons mini maps. I’m still working on getting the mini maps to Two of my more recent Dungeons And Dragons mini maps. I’m still working on getting the mini maps to

Two of my more recent Dungeons And Dragons mini maps. I’m still working on getting the mini maps to be both functional for games as well as be visually appealing as art. 

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