#davey x male reader



Warnings: internalized homophobia, homophobia


“Y/N come on. It’ll be fun. Who cares what Dad thinks.” Katherine explained for the thousandth time making you sigh. She’d been trying to convince you to have alone time with your crush the entire week but you weren’t having any of it. 

“I do! Okay? He’s happy you’re with Jack, what is he going to say when he finds out I’m with Davey. I can’t take over the business once he dies if I’m with Davey. No one will ever buy the paper!” You exclaimed, throwing an old newspaper across the room. 

“Y/N…” Katherine trailed, walking over rubbing your arm trying to calm you down. “Just try it. We want you to be happy. That’s all we want.” Katherine explained softly, making you nod. 

“Okay.” You nodded. “But you have to help get him in here without dad being suspicious. I don’t want a repeat like last time.” You explained making her nod and hug you. 

“The boys are going to be so excited.” She smiled before making her way out of your room. You sat on your bed rubbing your face, hoping you’d made the right decision.

The second you were alone with Davey in your room you were a bit on edge. Any little noise you heard outside of your room made you sit on opposite ends of your bed. It hadn’t been until Katherine came in to “give you water” and told you your dad was leaving for the day that you finally let yourself be anywhere near Davey.

“Next time you can come to my house. My parents won’t care that you’re there.” Davey smiled making you stiffen.

“Next time?” You asked, making Davey’s eyes go wide.

“I mean… if you want there to be a next time.” Davey explained making you nod slowly and blush.

“Yeah, I do.” You smiled with a small nod. 

Your heart began to race when Davey scooted closer to you. You’d dreamed of this many times before. Finally getting to kiss the boy you’d had the biggest crush on. You scooted closer, placing your hand on Davey’s chest, feeling your fingers twitch, wanting to curl his shirt in your hand and pull him in for the kiss already. All the worries you’d felt ever since your crush developed on Davey seemed to catch up to you. Memories of your father screaming at you the last time you’d had a boy over only at the slightest thought that you would ever bring a boy home to be more than a friend.

“Davey we can’t.” You explained pushing him away before your lips even touched. 

“Why? None of the boys will judge us. They know we like each other.” Davey explained making you shake your head. 

“It’s not the boys I’m worried about Davey.” You shook your head. 

“Then who are you so worried about?” Davey asked, making you look down. 

“My dad.” You mumbled fiddling with your thumbs. “I think you should go.” You explained looking up. Davey tried saying something but you cut him off. “This wasn’t a good idea Davey. I’m sorry. Katherine will walk you out.” You whispered motioning to your door. 

That night you’d cried into your pillow so no one would hear you. You thought about how you’d been foolish to even think about letting yourself give in to those feelings. You knew how the world would react. You knew there’d be no hope at ever having a normal relationship like the rest of your friends. If you couldn’t be openly happy with it, the you didn’t want it at all.

You were talking to Crutchie one day in the lodging house. Having avoided Davey for a while you were shocked when you saw him. You tried to continue the conversation normally, but couldn’t take your eyes off of Davey. He kept glancing at you, whispering something to Jack and Katherine making you furrow your brows. Your attention was pulled back to Crutchie when he started talking about a girl who always came to buy from him that he was starting to get a crush on. 

You wondered how that felt, being able to like someone and actually be able to be with them in public, not worrying about whatever anyone would think, or even going to jail just because of it. You wondered what it would be like to be with Davey. How it must’ve felt to have his lips against yours, almost regretting pushing him away when he’d been in your room the other day. It seemed that Davey could read your mind, walking over like a man on a mission. At first you thought he wanted to confront you about what had happened, but to your surprise you were pushed back against the wall you’d been standing near.

“Davey-” You started but his lips cut you off. You let out a little noise of surprise, your hands coming up to hold onto his shirt. You pulled him closer to you, melting into the kiss, but Davey pulled away all too soon, making you lean forward to get more, your eyes still closed.

“I’m sorry I-” Davey started but you pulled him back in for another kiss, the entire lodging house erupting in cheers.


Tag List: Let me know if you want to be added to the list :)


Requested: Can you write gay Davey oneshot please

Warnings: internalized homophobia


  • Davey had known he was gay for as long as he could remember
  • He hid who he was for the longest time
  • Not knowing how his friends or family would react
  • It wasn’t until he’d met you that he started feeling more comfortable with who he was
  • Davey had seen how comfortable you were with your sexuality and he couldn’t help but admire you
  • He fell for you and he fell hard
  • There was no question about it
  • Everyone around the both of you could see just how infatuated Davey was by you
  • You were Davey’s first kiss, and it surprised you to say the least
  • Davey had initiated it, and no one would have ever guessed he would have done that
  • You couldn’t deny that you felt the same way about Davey 
  • Your relationship with each other started not long after your first kiss
  • Davey learned how to be comfortable with himself from you
  • Finally seeing that him being different didn’t have to define who he was
  • There were still times when Davey was a bit insecure
  • But it was nothing a small kiss and some reassurance couldn’t fix
  • Davey had some getting used to
  • But you were his first after all


Tag List:  @mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo

Love, Davey Masterlist

Warnings: homophobia, slurs, getting outed

A/N: There’s probably only going to be a few more parts to this series. I don’t know how many more yet, it depends how I write each part, but this series is unfortunately not going to be as long as the other two I’m currently working on. Also if anyone wonders why I never mention any of the other newsies it’s because if I do then it’s gonna be obvious who Red is. I’m sorry it isn’t that long but I had to leave a cliff hanger haha

Summary: Davey never understood why he wouldn’t come out to his friends. Half of them were just like him, yet he was still scared to admit it out loud. That’s where Red came in, he was scared too.


Davey stared at the screen on the stage in shock, a picture of him with the rainbow as the background popped up on the screen, and a picture of his messages with Red next to the picture.

“Ladies and gents.” Oscar started, and all Davey could do was stare in horror. “A few months ago we all got emailed from a secret fag in our school. Now don’t be fooled, it’s not Davey, but Davey has been messaging him, and it turns out there’s more fags in our school than we thought. Just know Jacobs, wherever you’re sitting.” Oscar smirked as he pointed out into the crowd of students. “There will be no secrets at this school.” He finished, a few pictures popping up behind Oscar that showed Davey’s long night conversations with Red.

Davey stormed out of the auditorium, trying to hold back tears. Before he knew it he was followed by his friends, his sister not far behind. It didn’t matter how much support they were showing him, he already knew they’d be supportive and be there for him, but he didn’t know what this meant for his relationship with Red. Davey couldn’t remember the amount of times Red had made it clear he wasn’t ready to share who he was, or that he wasn’t ready to know who Davey was. 

This proved to be true when the entire week Red had stopped emailing Davey. It didn’t matter how many times Davey tried to explain or how many times he told Red that he needed someone to talk to that knew how he felt, he got nothing in return. Although people at school were supportive, there were those who weren’t, and had started throwing around rumors and slurs at him just as they did to his friends. Sarah was the person who was there for Davey the most, listening to him rant about Red, finally understanding why he’d asked if she would go on a date with Oscar, and that’s when she had come up with a plan.

Subject: I’m Sorry

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] 

Red, I’m sorry you had to find out who I was the way you did. I know you don’t want to talk anymore, so this is the last email I’ll send. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Love, Davey

“After this you won’t make fun of me anymore for doing the morning announcements.” Sarah joked when she walked Davey in to give him access to the intercom. “Davey you can do this, okay? I’ll be here with you and when you go I’ll be there with you too.”

Davey nodded and grabbed the intercom with shaky hands, taking a deep breath before he pushed the button and started talking. 

“Attention all students, if I can have your attention.” Davey explained calmly through the intercom, taking a break to look at his sister who gave him a small smile and thumbs up. “Now or never.” He muttered to himself before he started again.


Tag List: Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this series :)

