#sarah jacobs



now that the holiday season is starting here’s a reminder

the jacobs, the delanceys, wiesel, katherine, pulitzer, and i think jack are all jewish

please don’t draw/write them celebrating christmas

thank you

Yes, this, but please if you’re doing any fic rooted in historical canon, while Katherine/Pulitzer are Jewish, Katherine by patrilineal  line,  Pulitzer made a super big deal about renouncing any connection he had to being Jewish 
So he celebrated Christmas, kept a Christian calendar, it’s all because the antisemitism he would’ve faced was worse than not celebrating his holidays if that makes sense? Religion was seen differently, and there even were  lots of records of immigrated Jews celebrating Christmas once they arrived in the states because it was just considered the American thing to do, and assimilation was better than preserving a pure culture


A ticket to a movie would have cost anywhere from a Nickle to a dime for a viewing. Films would be running 5 to 8 minutes long; and they were called “one reelers” earlier in the period. 
A short list of films released in 1899 with their run times. Keep in mind each viewing would be a Nickle. 

The Biter Bit 1 min 9 seconds
Cinderella 6 mins
The Kiss in the Tunnel 1 min 3 seconds
The Dreyfus Affair 13 minutes (this was actually a collection of 11 films combined)

*1900 $1 = 2019 $29.97

Mr. Jacobs Job: $12.00 Weekly
Mrs. Jacobs Laundry: $3.50 Weekly
Sarah’s Lace Making: $0.50 Weekly
Davey Attending School
Les Attending School

Yearly family budget: ~$800 a year

Rent would be about $10-$13 a month => $120-$156 a year
Yearly cost for food about $320
Davey Schooling if private school $75 a semester (most likely helped with philanthropic efforts) $150 a year [I found lists of private secondary schools and averaged the lower price ones together]

Between Food, Housing, and Davey’s schooling alone, the Jacobs after a year would have to spend a minimum of $600 on necessities I have not included other necessities like fuel such as coal, or oil for lighting. That would leave $16 a month for anything that was not a bare necessity, any new clothes, possible healthcare needs, donations for their shul or other charitable organizations, extra sugar for a baked treat, money enough to take a trolley rather than walking, etc.

The Bureau of Labor listed a yearly budget of $718 in 1908 for a family of five that were mill workers as having a “fair” Living condition. NYC even back in the late 1800s had higher prices for almost everything, so I would equate the Jacobs’ living situation to be fair.

It is also understandable why the Jacobs were so panicked when Mr. Jacobs was unable to work. His rather large economic contribution to the family kept them in a comfortable position.

I hope this provided some good and useful information! And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

Hugs and Love, 
Mod Syd

Hello! So I promised a second part and look at that I’m actually following through in a timely manner! So Katherine’s post yesterday was Really Long, today’s about Sarah will be shorter. 

The first garment again will be a chemise, hers will probably be much plainer, worn and patched from many repeated washings. 


Next will once again be stockings and shoes, her stockings would most likely be black and once again, mended many times. Also, they most likely would be made out of wool or cotton, not silk like Katherine’s. Some might have some decoration around the ankles called “clocking” but Sarah’s would probably not have this. 


Sarah’s shoes would be second hand, they’re one of the most expensive parts of the average person’s wardrobe. She would need sturdy comfortable shoes for standing and working long days. 
(I know what the date says on the label, but from images, these are closer to what she would wear) 


As for a corset, she may not actually wear one. (This is the only time I will approve of a female character not wearing a corset.) But this is dependent on her financial status and also how recently the Jacobs immigrated. If they had been in the States for a while already, Sarah would most likely want to assimilate and get a corset but Mrs. Jacobs most likely is not wearing one. Feel free to figure that all out. For my purposes, I am saying she isn’t wearing one. 

In winter, She would probably layer some flannel underwear. It would be made out of wool and it’s a very very warm garment. If she wore this, it would be under her chemise or she may have a separate pair of drawers/ shirt she could wear over her chemise. 


For her final layers, a shirt waist would be worn. These were made very cheaply in mass production so here is where a bit of extra money might be spent for some decoration. 


And then A skirt, made out of a lightweight wool in a dark blue, black or brown.  She may wear a petticoat underneath but if so, only one, maybe two in the winter and they would be very simple. The skirt length would be at least above the top of the foot, most likely at the ankle especially if she is not doing factory work as if you are carrying items in your arms,  you won’t have a hand free to lift your skirt as you walk up the stairs. Certain kinds of factory work allowed women to dress slightly more fashionably due to higher wages, a static position and less danger of the equipment. Someone in a Mill for example would want their skirts higher to not risk getting them caught in the machines or to be sweeping up all the gross crap that had fallen on the floor. 


The final layer would be an apron. If Sarah is doing factory work like spinning, weaving or the like, she will most likely be wearing an apron like the lady on the left where it has a blouse part. For work around the home or if she were doing factory work like sewing, the apron on the right is more commonly seen. Personally, I believe that this would be a personal preference as to what would rather be worn. For example, working in a mill, it is much messier work than say sewing shirt waists where you will just get thread and such in your lap rather than risk oil or a substance getting on your blouse. 


Hats were seen much more rarely on very poor women. Instead, they may tie handkerchiefs around their hair when going out. Once Sarah had been working for a while and saved up some pocket money, her first spend would probably be on a hat to be a bit more fashionable. Hats were the easiest accessory to have because you could keep the base (or blank in technical terms) from year to year and then only need to buy new trim or decorations every couple of seasons.  By the end of the century, hats were getting very very large and were secured with hatpins. 


I hope that this helped in writing and seeing the differences in Katherine vs. Sarah! As always, any questions, feel free to send in an ask! 
Hugs and Love, 
Mod Syd

Assuming Race is able to push 150 papes in the morning and 100 in the evening, he would sell 1600 papes a week. This means he’d make $16 dollars a week give or take. But, he’d need to spend $9.60 just to *buy* those papers. He’d make $6.40 in profit a week

does ele keats know that i’m in love with a character she played over twenty years ago and not even in an ironic way

be my first last kiss

You can plan on a change in the weather or time, but you’d never planned on him changing his mind.

jack kelly x davey jacobs

read it on my ao3!

Earnest to goodness, Jack Kelly was going to murder Racetrack Higgins.

No,Anthony Higgins, this was the sort of thing that makes you pull out the tarnished christian name of a friend (or so you thought) you’ve known since he was toppling over on baby-fattened legs. Anthony Higgins would die by the sword of Jack Kelly.

He just had to get this godforsaken Youtube video filmed first.

You’re doing this for the cash, Jack grumbled to himself as he passed through the metal doors of a nondescript building on the Lower East Side- it was the kind of place being slowly taken over by hip and fun corporations promising Asian-fusion bars and eco-friendly thrift stores while edging out the relic businesses built on the backs of immigrant dreams. Jack couldn’t stand areas like this, the air thick with wasted luxury, so he rarely left the barrio. Why would he? Spot Conlon slept in the bedroom next to his. Katherine Plumber and Sarah Jacobs ran the bookstore that bought his baked goods and sold them for decent money. Medda lived down the street with her plethora of children, and Racetrack still beat the known path, doing tricks on the street corner for spare change and internet views. Davey- David. David Jacobs wasn’t there. It was right where Jack wanted to be.

Much unlike the dim studio where he now shuffled his feet, waiting for the perky young PA with bright red streaks in her hair to come back with further information about the video he would be shooting. Jack wasn’t a stranger to this small production company; He participated in a few Youtube videos back before they had millions of subscribers, he played truth or dare with lots of liquor and a complete stranger, he confessed about the first time he fell in love so it could be put to pathetic music.

Cash where you could get it, right?

“Kelly, right?” Cherry Streaks was back with a vengeance.

“Jack, actually,” he corrected.

“So you’re going to stand over there where the little blue X marks the spot and wait until the producer, Adam, starts asking you a few questions. The first one might be a test for our boom guy. Answer honestly, we can pretty much tell when you’re making up a story by this point. After that, the main part of the video will begin. Got it?” She was pointing wildly with a Number 2 pencil that had previously been stuck through her ponytail, and she smelled faintly of jasmine. Jack felt dizzy.

“Wait, I thought this was one of those ‘Choose who’s the best kisser out of ten strangers’ type of deal?” I mean, that’s what Race told me- oh God. Oh Santa Maria. Oh Saint Francis.

The young woman smiled like she was keeping an excellent secret. “Have fun, Jack Kelly.”

Walking off at her ominous dismissal, Jack stood where he was directed. The fluorescent lighting made him sweat under the knowledge that he had virtually no idea what he was doing there, Race had lied to him so that he would participate in some sort of sick, horrible scheme, and for all he knew, behind door number three could be his third grade teacher with a baseball bat and a basic multiplication grudge.

“Jack! It’s nice to see you again.”

Romeo was walking towards him with that easy gait Jack had memorized so long ago- Romeo had shot the original videos on an Amazon tripod and the unfounded hope of human connection, and now he owned the entire shebang. Jack dropped his tense shoulders to give him a warm smile. “Romeo. Boy, am I glad to see a friendly face.” Jack lowered his voice to a stage whisper. “You’ve got a production assistant who actually does work, so I’m assuming we’ve died and you earned a really nice deal in Heaven?”

Romeo barked out a laugh. “If I’ve died, do not resuscitate. I’ll never be able to look at another bodega meatball sub after cooking food bought in a real grocery store.”

“Rub it in, why don’tcha?” Jack punched the shorter man on the shoulder. “Listen, Romeo, you gotta tell me what I’m in for, a buddy totally sold me out for the cash and I have no clue what this project is gonna be like.”

Before Romeo could respond, a tall, lofty man behind the camera cleared his throat. “Darling? We’re ready to begin when you are.”

“Jack, meet Specs. Or Adam, but we all know how well nicknames stick. Specs, this is the old friend I was telling you about.” Romeo ended right above Specs’ elbow, and it was all Jack could do not to laugh.

The man fixed his thoughtful gaze on him. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. You’ve got a real presence on the camera. Have you ever considered acting?”

“I’m afraid I’m, uh,” Jack flexed a paint-stained hand. “Strictly canvas, as they say.”

Nodding as if that was a phrase people commonly used and not something Jack invented on the fly, Specs then clapped his hands together. “Folks, let’s film this sonofabitch.”

“I’m Jack, and I’m a twenty-four year old artist living in New York City.”

“Have you ever been in a relationship?” Specs questioned from behind the camera.

Jack blinked in surprise. “Sure. One throughout high school, another in college and a little bit beyond. I wouldn’t call myself a heartbreaker or anything.”

“Do you stay friends with your exes?”

“One of ‘em, yea. It was more of an amicable thing, you know. She ended up being a lesbian. And I am… not.” His clumsy fingers tugged at a constricting collar.

“And the other?”

“Just because I’m not a heartbreaker doesn’t mean I can’t be a real asshole sometimes,” Jack nervously chuckled. (Davey had laid out rose petals, for God’s sake. Rose petals.)

“Was this girl the high school girlfriend, or the college one?”

“Boy,” Jack quickly corrected. “Man. I guess. He was in college- four and a half years.” (It took him four days to clear away the rotting flowers, the bleeding color slowly seeping into his carpet. Katherine found him delirious with whiskey on the bathroom floor; Sarah couldn’t bear to walk through his front door.)

“How’d you meet him?”

(He twisted in his high-backed blue chair. “It’s habláis in el presente.”) “Freshman year of high school actually. Spanish class. Funny story, actually, that other girl I dated? His sister. Broke her heart for his. He was so mad at me that we didn’t talk for like, months after.”

“It was six and a half months, actually.”

Of things Jack was expecting to see today, Spiderman was more likely than David. A flash mob singing death metal, maybe. Pigs flying through the polluted air.

“I was told to come in. I now see why.” David’s eyes narrowed behind his thin wire frames, different from the heavy Ray-Bans that he had dedicated himself to sophomore year of high school. Jack hated that he looked older, wiser, and all around… better.

Specs cleared his throat before the bewildered set of men (one more angry than the other, both desperately avoiding eye contact) could demand what sort of sick joke this was. “Can you introduce yourself?”

They broke up on a Tuesday, an insignificant, momentary Tuesday. Fourteen months ago. (Yes, fourteen months, like their terrible split was a baby that Jack was nurturing bit by bit. He refused to round down- fourteen months ago, he left David Jacobs.) So when David ran his thumb across his jawline, a nervous tick older than his younger brother, Jack couldn’t fathom why he felt so relieved. Some things never did change. “David. Jacobs.” David’s jaw flexed as he looked into the camera. “I dated Jack for almost five years.”

“Tell us about your other relationships.”

“Unfortunately, I spent the better part of high school and college pining after a total cocksock. Not a whole lot of time for casual dating in between.”

A deep silence permeated the studio as two boom mic operators swapped awkward glances. Jack didn’t attempt to defend himself- he was sort of a cocksock. David Jacobs had asked him to uproot what little life he had in New York and move to Santa Fe for a prestigious, so-accolated-you-could-cry medical school, and Jack Kelly broke up with him over containers of kung pao chicken and scattered rose petals. He was a cocksock, a dickhead, and complete asshole. An ex-boyfriend of mass proportions.

“Okay, so.” Specs was wiping at his glasses with the tail of his shirt. Jack wanted to snap them in half. “Today’s video is entitled ‘Exes kiss for the first time since their breakup’. If you need more explanation…”

“I think we’ve got it.” David snapped, clenching his fists rapidly.

Jack stepped half an inch closer to David and began murmuring under his breath. “Davey, if you don’t want-”

“Don’t call me Davey.” His eyes were alight with flame- Jack’s chest caught fire.

Of all the things that felt domestic when dating Davey Jacobs, kissing him never managed to become routine. Davey kissed like he earnestly meant it. The gears in his brilliant mind would grind to a halt so he could dedicate himself to the lilting curve of Jack’s mouth, a gentle sweep of warmth when the artist’s mouth was otherwise preoccupied with his needless words, and the world would spin on a delicate axis. (Jack’s shoulders rose to meet Davey, the physical ache of being someone’s other half drawing him forward. Davey had avoided him for so long, Jack living on a diet of lingering stares and a brief touch of the hand, that kissing him felt like a dying man knelt at a replenished well. How did they exist for so long without this innate knowledge of the universe? Could he stand to go on a single second longer without the praise of Davey Jacob’s lips?) Of all the things Jack missed about spending his life with Davey Jacobs, kissing him was certainly one of them.

There was a moment where the pads of Jack’s fingertips brushed the nape of David’s neck, a habit borne from the small noise it would draw from the back of his throat, and the steely corporate floor felt more like the worn carpet in the old thirty-second street apartment. Jack could feel his thready pulse with the gentle press of a thumb.

Davey was a fan of the dramatics- he would pull away from a passionate kiss in the middle of a busy New York street to stare into Jack’s eyes, foreheads gently touching and cheeks furiously blushing. Now, he simply drew back. Took a step away. Swiped at his lips with the back of his hand.

Jack felt like he was falling. (“If you ever break up with me,” Jack began. He laughed at Davey’s unexpected shudder, the honest and visceral kind. “Make it quick.”

“What about when you break up with me?” Davey peered over his glasses.

Crinkling his nose, Jack quickly answered before the other boy could detail any breakup preferences. “I’m not an idiot, Dave. ‘M not going anywhere.”)

He stared at the limp fifty dollars in his hand. Romeo had apologized, explaining that the people who had organized this got half the cut, and handed them both an envelope- Jack, one with “Tony Higgins” that he planned to run through his shredder, and David, one with “Sarah Jacobs,” which made Jack gawk in disbelief.

Jack didn’t want to walk away; David’s feet were shuffling against the worn pavement.

“It’s funny,” David started. “I listened to a lot of Taylor Swift to get over you.”

He winced. “Sorry?”

“Please. I know she’s been your top artist since 2013.”

(Katherine walked through a worryingly unlocked apartment door. “Is that… Begin Again? Jack, what the fuck are you doing?” She had seconds to worry about the cluster of wilted flower petals her heel had put a hole through before Sarah pointed at the pair of legs sticking out of the bathroom’s entrance.) “Yeah, okay. Fair. But… funny? Did I miss a joke?”

David closed his eyes to roll them, as he so often did when he was trying to be polite, and it hurt to be on the receiving end. “We just had our last kiss. You know, like-”

“I’mJoe Jonas?” Jack interrupted, bewildered. The semi-glare he received in return was all he needed to know- “Right. Dickhead. Listen, Dave- David, why didn’t you tell me you were back in town?”

There was a brief moment where something unrecognizable flashed over David’s face- pity? Regret? Dejection? It was quickly replaced by a soft smile tugging at the edge of his lips, his eyes glazed over with a practiced professionalism. “I’ll see you around, Jack. Have a good day.”

David turned and walked down the street, and Jack just missed the passing moment he chose to look back.

Comment on EXES KISS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THEIR BREAKUP by IncredibleKinsey: those two dudes are all mad and then just make out like that????? yeah okay call me when the wedding happens

whip it (into shape) - chapter 4

The Knuckles of New York have to make some… complicated decisions.

davey jacobs x jack kelly, sarah jacobs x katherine plumber

read chapter four on my ao3!

Katherine: So we got good news and we got bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Sarah: It’s my birthday, so good.

Davey: Well, the pigeons on the sidewalk loved your cake.


Katherine: After Jack dropped it.


Sarah: Jack, right hand red.

Jack: *ends up on top of Davey*

Davey: Okay, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?

Sarah: I stopped spinning like 15 turns ago. Honestly surprised you didn’t notice sooner.

Sarah: You just have to spread the positive vibes! Watch.

Sarah: *to Crutchie* Hey, Crutchie. Hope you have a beautiful day!

Crutchie: Aww, thank you!

Sarah: Now you try.

Spot: Enjoy your next 24 hours.



Sarah: *gets down on one knee* Will you be my brother in law?

Jack: Di-Did you just propose to me?

Davey: For me?!

Sarah: You were taking too long.

hey imagine your brothers having to get a job because your father lost his factory job because he got injured. after you come home from work for the day your brother brings his new friend home too. he repeatedly flirts with you all dinner but he keeps looking at your brother so you assume he’s just pretending to like you. they end up starting a strike and you have a couple more conversations with your brother’s boyfriend friend and they’re very platonic based/friendly. once the strike ends and he comes back from pretending to be a cowboy, he runs up and kisses you. and your last though before that is you wondering why he kissed you instead of your twin brother.

Davey: How petty can you get?

Sarah: I once edited a wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about

Sarah: Thoughts on gay rights?

Spot: … I am gay??


Love, Davey Masterlist

Warnings: homophobia, slurs, getting outed

A/N: There’s probably only going to be a few more parts to this series. I don’t know how many more yet, it depends how I write each part, but this series is unfortunately not going to be as long as the other two I’m currently working on. Also if anyone wonders why I never mention any of the other newsies it’s because if I do then it’s gonna be obvious who Red is. I’m sorry it isn’t that long but I had to leave a cliff hanger haha

Summary: Davey never understood why he wouldn’t come out to his friends. Half of them were just like him, yet he was still scared to admit it out loud. That’s where Red came in, he was scared too.


Davey stared at the screen on the stage in shock, a picture of him with the rainbow as the background popped up on the screen, and a picture of his messages with Red next to the picture.

“Ladies and gents.” Oscar started, and all Davey could do was stare in horror. “A few months ago we all got emailed from a secret fag in our school. Now don’t be fooled, it’s not Davey, but Davey has been messaging him, and it turns out there’s more fags in our school than we thought. Just know Jacobs, wherever you’re sitting.” Oscar smirked as he pointed out into the crowd of students. “There will be no secrets at this school.” He finished, a few pictures popping up behind Oscar that showed Davey’s long night conversations with Red.

Davey stormed out of the auditorium, trying to hold back tears. Before he knew it he was followed by his friends, his sister not far behind. It didn’t matter how much support they were showing him, he already knew they’d be supportive and be there for him, but he didn’t know what this meant for his relationship with Red. Davey couldn’t remember the amount of times Red had made it clear he wasn’t ready to share who he was, or that he wasn’t ready to know who Davey was. 

This proved to be true when the entire week Red had stopped emailing Davey. It didn’t matter how many times Davey tried to explain or how many times he told Red that he needed someone to talk to that knew how he felt, he got nothing in return. Although people at school were supportive, there were those who weren’t, and had started throwing around rumors and slurs at him just as they did to his friends. Sarah was the person who was there for Davey the most, listening to him rant about Red, finally understanding why he’d asked if she would go on a date with Oscar, and that’s when she had come up with a plan.

Subject: I’m Sorry

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] 

Red, I’m sorry you had to find out who I was the way you did. I know you don’t want to talk anymore, so this is the last email I’ll send. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Love, Davey

“After this you won’t make fun of me anymore for doing the morning announcements.” Sarah joked when she walked Davey in to give him access to the intercom. “Davey you can do this, okay? I’ll be here with you and when you go I’ll be there with you too.”

Davey nodded and grabbed the intercom with shaky hands, taking a deep breath before he pushed the button and started talking. 

“Attention all students, if I can have your attention.” Davey explained calmly through the intercom, taking a break to look at his sister who gave him a small smile and thumbs up. “Now or never.” He muttered to himself before he started again.


Tag List: Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this series :)

