#dean winchester au fanfiction


Blood Ain’t Love {4}

Escort!Dean x Reader

Warnings: Language, Verbal Abuse, Mentions of Cheating, Protective!Dean, Drinking

Words: 3,953

Blood Ain’t Love MasterList -My Masterlist-Patreon

You could hear the hustle and bustle of the many bodies that took up the large conference room before you even made it to the door. So many people talking and laughing, and you knew that your fake smile and laugh would be joining them soon.

With a squeeze of his arm, Dean had you looking up at him. He shot you a wink and started pulling you into the room without you saying if you were ready or not. He knew you weren’t, and he knew you may never be, so he was jumping into the shark tank head first while pulling you along with him.

A lot of the people you could see right off the bat were just distant aunts, uncles and cousins. People you really didn’t talk to, even at these things. They kept to their own circle while you tried to avoid yours. Out of everyone in that room there were only a few that you knew you would see this week, because it was the same few that you see every time.

Of course, there was your mom. The queen of it all and the one you wished you could hide from the most. There was your step dad that you adored. He definitely related to you more than anyone else there and you actually looked forward to seeing him every time these things came around.

Then there was your cousin, Jackie. She was your best friend and the one you could turn to about anything, includingfamily. She never ratted you out and you two were like your own little circle within a circle. 

But then that brought you to your aunt Tanya and her daughter Hannah. They were set on a peg just below your mom. They were rich bitches and they always gloated. It was sickening. You honestly didn’t know which was worse sometimes, your mom or those two. If you could just avoid all three, that’d be great.

The further the two of you moved into the room, the more you felt your heart rate rise. The quartz floors sparkled as you stepped across it and the noise from the rest of the family was making you feel so small because you already knew how they saw you. Then you imagined your mom walking up to the two of you, and that just made everything crumble.

“Dean, wait.” you locked your arm in place, bringing him to a stop.

“What?” he asks as you just stand there, your eyes scanning the full room. He can see the panic in your face, your cheeks flushing.

“I can’t do this.” you finally whisper, your body turning to face him as your eyes struggle to look away from the reunion of people.


“I can’t!” you quietly cry out so that no one else notices that you’re there yet. “They’ll see right through this. My mom will see right through this and it’ll be a disaster. They are so judgmental and I just…I can’t…” Before you can even register what’s going on, Dean has pulled you a little closer and attached his lips to yours. Then his free hand meets the side of your face before he pulls away and you can do nothing but just stare at him.

“Let them judge.” A shaky breath finally leaves you and yet you can still feel his lips on yours. Like an aftershock that just won’t quit. “I need you to trust me, Y/N. Because if you don’t, you’re right, it won’t work.”

“Y/N!?” You hear your name being called from across the room before you can even begin to pull yourself back from that kiss let alone tell Dean that you trust him. Or at least tell him that you’re trying to.

“Y/N! Oh my God!” You turn just as your cousin Jackie runs up to you, an empty glass in her hand as she goes to swing her arms around you. “I’m so glad you’re here!” she squeezes you tight before pulling away, her arms still wrapped around you. “I thought you said you weren’t coming this time?”

“No. I said I mightnot be coming.”

“Oh. Well, I’m so glad you did because I missed you so much!” she cried as she pulled you back into a bone crushing hug. It wasn’t until she pulled away again that she even glanced in Dean’s direction, but once she saw him, she was awestruck.

“And who is this?” she breathes as she finally lets you go and you can’t help but chuckle at her reaction. Her eyes are locked on Dean like he’s the only one in the room and she’s practically drooling over him.

“Jackie, this is Dean. Dean, my cousin, Jackie.” you introduced, your hand gesturing between them while they stepped forward and Dean took her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oh, trust me…the pleasure’s allmine.”

“Jackie!” you scolded quietly, but you didn’t miss the grin on Dean’s face.

“Sorry.” she breathed again; probably the only breathing she was able to do at the moment, then she stepped back, curling the hand that Dean just had in his. “I uh…I need to top off my drink so…I’ll just leave you two alone.” She had to rip her eyes away from your date and when she locked gazes with you, she winked.

“So, that’s Jackie.” Dean states as you both watch your cousin walk away.

“Yeah. She’s great. The only one here other than my dad that I can trust with anything and who doesn’t stab me in the back.”

“Good to know.”

“There’s my princess.” Dean watched your smile grow before you turned away from him again, this time to greet an older gentleman. But the only thing that tipped him off that he was older was the gray in his hair, otherwise he was aging very well.

“Dad.” you seem to sigh in relief as you fall into his embrace.

“How are you, sweet pea?”

“I’m good.” you whisper to him before pulling away, and that’s when the man locked eyes on Dean. 

You had told Dean that your step dad was in the army and with his own dad having a similar background, he made sure to stand straight and make eye contact when he looked at him.

“You didn’t tell me that you’ve been seeing someone, Y/N.”

“I know. I’m sorry, dad, it’s just been…”

“Nice to meet you sir.” Dean greets as you struggle to finish your sentence. He leans forward and takes your dad’s hand, giving it a nice firm shake.

“Good to meet you…”


“Dean.” your dad repeats softly, letting his eyes rake over your date. “Military man?”

“No, sir. But my dad was.”

“Oh yeah? Where was he?”

“Marine Corps. Corporal.”

Nice.” You smile when you see that your dad’s impressed. Not that you thought he wouldn’t be, but he also wasn’t the one to please here. At least, not the only one. “So, how long have you two been together?”

“Just about two months now.” you answer, giving Dean a bit of a break. 

“Not too long then.” he says, glancing at you before locking eyes with Dean again. “Very bold of you to show up to a reunion where you’re going to meet her entire family.”

“Yeah, well…” Dean slid his arm around your waist and smiled down at you. “I know she didn’t want to come alone and I just want to make sure she’s happy.” Your dad’s smile grew as he looked between the two of you.

“I’m liking you already.”

“There she is!” The tender moment is interrupted by a familiar high voice, and though you know who it is, you wait until your eyes confirm it. 

“Oh god…” you breathe, turning into Dean a bit before your mom’s hands are on your cheeks and she’s placing rough kisses all over your face.

“Oh my girl!” her hands flatten against your cheeks, practically squishing your face. “Hmm.” and here it comes…

The way she tilts her head and looks you over, you know that she’s found something that she can pick fun at. You’re just waiting to hear it. 

As her right hand slides down under your chin, she pats your jaw a few times before that infamous disappointed look in her eyes makes its appearance.

“Oh, honey. It looks like you’ve gained a little weight.” You try to hold in your irritation when she lets go of you, but that’s when she sees Dean. This is going to be terrible, is all that you had going through your head. You just wanted to grip onto Dean’s hand and run for the exit.

“Oh…” her eyes rake over your date and though this entire relationship is fake, you still feel this twist in your gut that makes you want to throw up. You couldn’t believe it. Your own mother was checking out your boyfriend. Not that it surprises you, but it still bothers you nonetheless.  “And who are you?”

“Mom…” Turning into Dean’s left side and wrapping your arms around him, he follows your lead and holds you close, his hand visible on your waist. “This is my boyfriend. Dean.” It shouldn’t have surprised you, but it still hit deep when she started to laugh.

You…no. There is no way that you are dating my daughter.” Dean can feel your hand shaking against his side and to calm you, he reaches his right hand over and holds yours firm against his body, keeping his smile as he looks away from you and up to your mother.

“Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I amdating your daughter.” Her eyes slide back and forth between the two of you for a moment before she has to add one more stab. 

“Was it on a dare or something?”

Okay. Honey, why don’t we leave these two alone, let them get some food, alright?”

“Okay.” your mom giggles as your dad pulls her away, but she plants her feet at one point to shoot out another bullet. “By the way…Dean. When this doesn’t work out, you know, the two of you…I want you to know that it was reallynice to meet you.” As she sends a wink in your direction, not only is your patience gone, but so is your dad’s.

“Let’s go!” Your dad pushes, kind of giving her a shove in the other direction. After she’s a few steps away, your dad takes a hold of your arm to get your attention.

“Don’t let her get to you.”

“I try.” He pulls on a smile and kisses your cheek before giving Dean a nod. 

“I’ll see you two soon.” It didn’t register with you that you were still in Dean’s embrace. Not until his left hand slid up your back.

“Well ain’t she a gem.” When all you do is nod, Dean pulls away a bit and looks down at you. He could see you absorbing everything your mother had said and saw that it was taking you over.

“Hey.” Pulling on your waist, he turns you so that you’re facing only him now and he presses two of his fingers under your chin to get you to look up at him. “You look beautiful.” But his attempt was shot down. You scoffed and rolled your eyes a bit as you tried to look behind you.

“I’m serious.” he pushes, making you look back at him. “You should listen to your dad. Shedoesn’t know what she’s talking about.” You force your eyes to drop from his again, not caring that he wanted you to look at him. You felt stupid and naïve. How could you ever think you could walk into one of these and actually meet the standards of everyone else.

“Why don’t we go grab a drink, huh?” You lift your head a bit, but not enough that it satisfies him. He just knows he’s going to have to work even harder to keep you on his level throughout this week.

“Come on.”

There were a few greetings while Dean led you through the crowd, and like always, you plastered on a smile and squeezed in a few words, but you were dying for that drink. So you made it as short and sweet as you possibly could and kept moving.

Dean was quick to put in your order as you approached the long bar and it still surprised you on how fast he learned your drink.

“So, what happened to your dad?” he asks after the bartender sets your drinks in front of you.

You look away for a minute, spotting your dad across the room and you become slightly confused on what Dean means.

“Nothing?” When Dean notices you glancing at your step dad, he can’t help but chuckle a bit.

No. I mean your actualdad.”

“Oh.” Taking the small black stir stick, you let it roam around your glass for a second before getting up the energy to answer. “He uh…he died. When I was two.”

“I’m sorry.” 

“Died doing what he loved from what I hear.” you laugh a bit before taking a sip of your drink. “I honestly don’t even remember him. I have pictures and that’s it, really.” Cradling his beer, Dean gave you a sweet smile before looking around the room. There wasn’t an abundance of people, but it was a pretty full room considering.

“So. We have breakfast tomorrow morning and a big farewell dinner at the end of the week…any other scheduled occasions I should know about?” You smile into your drink, enjoying the strength of the alcohol before bringing it to rest on the bar’s counter.

“Uh…not really. It’s mostly a go about your own business type of thing. You get to go around and do what you want, with who you want and just let the gossip circle around on its own.”

“So, I’m guessing before now, you’ve just been…”

“Stuck with my mom.” you giggle as you take another drink. “Yeah. That and my aunt Tanya and her daughter.”

“I’m guessing they’re just as bad as your mom?”

“Sometimes worse.” you admit quickly. “Tanya…she just…” you scoff lightly as you struggle to find the right words to describe your aunt. “I swear she thinks she’s the queen of this whole room. Her and my mom are the ones who usually set this up and her daughter is just as big headed as her.”

“Are you sure you weren’t adopted? Or…maybe switched at birth or something?” he jokes, but there still seems to be a hint of seriousness in there.

“You seriously have no idea how many times I’ve asked myself that same question.”

“Look who decided to show up!” The familiar voice had you tensing up again, and Dean was definitely beginning to understand why you were so tense on the days leading up to this.

He sees a woman walk up behind you, blonde hair, long and slightly curled with blue eyes and an expensive cocktail dress hugging her body down to her thighs. She had money, there was no doubt about that.

“Hannah.” you greeted with a forced smile. “Looking beautiful as ever.”

“Yeah.” she giggles. One that actually makes Dean cringe a bit on the inside. “And look at you. Dressed up in…” she pauses for a moment and takes a step back, looking you up and down. “…you know…I think I saw that in the Walmart catalog when I was at the dentist office the other day.” she laughs and you fight back the urge to punch her in the face. “It’s cute.” You know she’s lying. Hell, the bartender knows she’s lying.

You can feel Dean step up behind you, pressing himself against your back as his free hand finds your waist and you know he’s trying to give you comfort. Reminding you that he’s right there and that you need to use him to block out the verbal abuse.

“Right.” you breathe, taking in a good breath as you tilt your head up. “Hannah, this is my boyfriend, Dean.” Her eyes do the same thing your moms did. There’s a shock, but then they’re instantly eating him up and you can practically see her brain working on ways to steal him from you.

“Wow. Well, aren’t you just a big piece of eye candy.”

“Here you go, pumpkin.” Dean’s eyes avert from your cousins as a man walks up behind her, handing her a drink.

“Thanks.” she whispers to him before turning back to you and Dean, a cocky smile on her face as she looks from Dean to you. “You remember Josh, right Y/N?” You meet Josh’s gaze for a moment before turning a bit in Dean’s body.

“Hey, Y/N.” Josh greets with an almost too stiff expression.

“Hey.” you greet back, letting Dean’s body stop you from running for the door.

“Josh used to be Y/N’s boyfriend way back when.” Hannah spits out with a large grin as she locks eyes with Dean. “Don’t worry. You’ll come to your senses too. Just give it time.” 

Not taking another word, you set your glass down on the bar and slip out of Dean’s embrace. He looks over his shoulder as he watches you moving quickly through the crowd, heading for the wall of large floor to ceiling windows and glass doors.

“Hmm. Typical.” Dean hears your cousin scoff out and he sends her a bit of a glare before following your same path.

He hated to admit that you were right. He didn’t take you as seriously as he should have when you talked about your family, but he was here now and to be honest, he was grateful he was. No one deserved to be treated this way. He honestly wasn’t sure why you even made the trip every time it came up. But of course your mom would probably just come and hunt you down if you didn’t show. It was clear that everyone saw you in the same light. Everyone but your step dad and your cousin Jackie. Again, just like you said.

As he reached the doors and stepped out into the warm evening air, it didn’t take him long to look down the way and see you leaning against the metal railing. He weaved through a few rows of tables before coming up alongside you. 

“You sure you’re not regretting coming with me?” He grinned a bit before leaning on the rail next to you.

“Meh. But it’d be kind of fucked up to leave you right now.” You huffed out a little laugh, but still hadn’t looked in his direction.

“I wouldn’t blame you though.” 

It remained silent for a few minutes after that. Both of you just looked out to the ocean, listening to the waves rolling in and creeping up onto the shore. A light breeze brought you some comfort, but it didn’t take away the knowledge of everyone inside the building behind you.

“I thought you only had one long relationship.” Dean finally breaks the silence, feeling guilty for bringing up such a sensitive topic but was too curious to wipe it away.

“I did.” you reply fairly quickly, your voice as strained as he expected it to be. “It was with Josh.” you admit before going quiet for a few more beats. In that time, Dean felt the crushing pain just rolling off you.

“It was so weird. We were in high school so…I wasn’t sure if it would last or not. But I was happy, and there was always this little sliver of hope that maybe this could be it. Maybe after all those years of…ugh.” you stop to sniffle and wipe away some stray tears.

“I thought I had finally caught my break. But…at one of our family BBQ’s, I caught Hannah talking to him, and she was giggling and…touching him. It was clear she was flirting with him. But he seemed to always brush her off, you know? I thought that he was just being polite since she was family and all that.” He saw your jaw lock up a bit and another tear slide down the side of your face, but this one you just let go.

“But then the following year…I had lost him in the crowd somewhere. Was trying to find him to see if he wanted to help me get the dessert out and set it up.” your head dropped a bit as you and you sniffled a few more times. “I finally found him after about ten minutes. He was up in my room…with her.” Dean’s eyes fell shut as he could practically picture what you walked in on.

“That was one of the last times we had a BBQ at our house and my mom started doing these destination things. But, every year….there they are.”

“I’m so sorry.” Dean finally says, not sure what else he can say to that.

“They always win. I really don’t know why I keep trying sometimes. I mean…when I emailed you I was just so irritated about all the texts I was getting. I told my mom that I might not be able to make it because of work, and she had spread word so fast. My phone was blowing up with texts and emails…and I couldn’t take it. I was hoping that if I could bring someone, that maybe…just maybe they would look at me and for once not have anything to say but congratulations.” Dean’s jaw ticked as he felt the frustration seep into him.

“I’m such a fucking idiot to think that could be a thing.”

“No, you’re not.” he could hear you scoff. “You’re not. It’s not right how they treat you and it’s only normal to want that kind of acceptance from your family. You’re not an idiot, Y/N.” You could feel his hand meet your upper back and he began to lightly massage your neck. But as the two of you heard a faint, “There you are.” in the distance, his hand slid down your back. You both pulled away from the rail and looked over to see your stepdad heading your way with a soft smile on his face.

“I was just about to call it a night, but I had to say goodnight to my girl.” And just like that, Dean saw your sadness disappear and a smile spread across your face as you went in for a hug with the man. “That, and I wanted to see if you wanted to use me as your own escape decoy.”

“He knows me.” you say to Dean after a few moments of just smiling at your father.

The three of you then keep close as you make your way through the crowded room and out the other side. The halls were quiet as everyone was still chatting and drinking away in the large room.

“You two are on the third floor, right?”

“Yeah.” Your dad hit the silver button on the elevator and stood with you both until it arrived. “Thanks, dad.”

“Of course. I know that I’ve had my fair share, so I knew you had to be ready to run for the exit.” The three of you share a light laugh and that’s when the elevator doors open. “You two have a good night.”

“He really does get you.” Dean says after your dad heads down the hall and the two of you step into the elevator.

“Yes he does.”  

Forever Babes

@dnnwnchstr22tr22 @ricanqueen20 @onethirstyunicorn @in-deans-arms @sandlee44 @hobby27 @catching-up-with-kayla @chances-and-miracles @superfanficnatural @thatmotleygirl @sleep-i-ness @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @amandamdiehl @coldmuffinbanditshoe @deanwanddamons@winchest09 @deangirl93@that-one-gay-girl @borikenlove @foreverlonelyforhim @fairlyspnfanfic @mlovesstories @miraclesoflove @flamencodiva @tombraider42017@downanddirtydean @stixnstripesworld

Dean/Jensen Babes

@deans-baby-momma @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @michellethetvaddict  @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @jensengirl83 @idksupernatural @akshi8278 @iamabeautifulperson18 @tatted-trina6 @thoughts-and-funnies @brilovesdeanwinchester @sexyvixen7 @onceuponathreetwoone @cpag7 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @deandaydreaming @deansgirl215@mikadwinchester @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @pink-sparkly-witch

Blood Ain’t Love Babes

@440mxs-wife @vicmc624 @charlie-winchester94


Escort!Dean x Reader AU

Warnings: Language, Fluff, Dean! Dean Should Always Be a Warning Haha 

Words: 2,729

Blood Ain’t Love MasterList-My MasterList -Patreon

You had ended up dozing off a bit on the plane, but when you woke you saw that Dean was just sitting patiently and playing on his phone. He saw you shift and looked over, smiling at you when he saw your eyes open and you had smiled back, desperately trying not to think too much about how your hair was probably all messed up and that you probably looked like something out of a horror movie. 

The plane was getting ready to descend after you had sat up and ran your fingers through your hair a few times, and you were grateful that you had gotten up before the captain got on the intercom because you have woken up from that before and damn, if your heart had not been attached to veins and locked inside your chest, it would for sure have been on the floor. That is a very disturbing way to wake up.

“Good afternoon everybody. It looks like we’re just about ten minutes away from landing at Sangster International airport, so I would like for you to take this time to clean up any trash you may still have, make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened and that your tray tables are up and locked in place.” Seeing as Dean was using his tray table to rest his hands on while he messed around on his phone, he pulled away and locked it in place. He even got a drink some time while you were sleeping, because he downed the rest of the clear liquid and waited for the flight attendants to come around so he could toss it.

“It is approximately three forty eight, Montego Bay time, and it is still bright and sunny with a temperature at about eighty two degrees. So make sure your seats are in their upright positions and prepare for landing. And let me be the first to welcome you to Montego Bay, Jamaica.”

“For someone who is about to land in paradise, you sure seem tense.” Though your eyes were on the water outside your window, you couldn’t help but roll your them and then glare over at your companion playfully, making him chuckle.

“You just wait. Once you meet my family you won’t be questioning why I’m so tense anymore.”

“They can’t be that bad.” he mutters just before the flight attendants come by, and that’s when he tosses his cup in the large trash bag, thanking them quietly before turning back to you. But that grin he had was making you feel like he wasn’t taking you as seriously as he should be.

“Well, you know those families where everyone is out of their mind but at the end of the day they’re your family, so you love them?” With a half grin still plastered to his face, he nods. “Mine’s not like that.” and finally, that grin that was bothering you finally dropped a little. 

“I love my dad.” you add, bringing back his smile just a bit. “But, since he’s my stepdad, he’s technically not family. He’s more like a hostage.” The quiet snort made you smile, but again, you wish you were kidding. Only time would give him the truth.

Getting off the plane was smoother than most experiences you’ve had in the past. Dean had slid out pretty quickly, gesturing for you to hurry and unbuckle yourself as he went to pull down your bags. Once he had them in his grasp, he nodded for you to take the lead, and just like that the two of you were off the plane within the first five minutes of it parking at the gate.

Of course, waiting for your luggage at baggage claim was a waiting game, but after sitting for over six hours, it just felt good to be standing finally. 

With luggage in tow, the two of you maneuvered through the airport, making your way to the rental car counter. That was another few steps too, and you hated the inner battle that was going on inside you. You were anxious to get this done so you could get to the hotel and relax, but at the same time you were still dreading the whole family interaction. So where did that leave you exactly? Your own personal purgatory; and yet, somehow that seemed better than anything else right now.

“And how many drivers are we going to have?”

“Well…” Dean glanced to you, but then quickly turned back to the woman behind the counter. “I think I’m going to do most of the driving, but I’d put her name down just in case she needs to run away from me.” A quiet snicker comes from you as he nudges your arm, giving you a quick smile before you start to give the woman your info.

Once everything was squared away, she walked you both outside and took you to the rental car that you would have for the week. After everything was set, Dean stuck the bags in the back of the SUV and then hopped in next to you in the drivers seat.

“How you doing over there?” As he starts up the car, you notice that he caught you nervously playing with your hands.

“I’m alright.” He nods. Grateful that you’re being honest with him.

After pushing the shifter into drive, his right hand reached over and took a hold of yours, squeezing a bit as he focused on getting you both out of the airport parking lot.

The first few minutes of the drive were quiet, but Dean wanted to go over a few more basics that weren’t gone over on the plane. Like your birthday, your favorite color, favorite food, music genre, movies. Anything that someone you’re dating would clearly know about.

“Son of a…” All the cars parked in the parking lot had your heart beating like crazy and your stomach flipping, and not in a good way. This was it. Before this moment it was all talk and emails, but now you were here and you brought your hired date.

“They seriously rented this entire place out?” You nod as Dean pulls the car through the lot, looking for a good spot to park.

“Yeah. So, unless they work here, everyone you see from here on out is my family.”

The mixture of palm trees and other greenery was a beautiful welcome as you both walked into the lobby. The humidity was surprisingly not too bad considering it was mid afternoon.

Dean was gentleman enough to take your bag along with his, letting you only carry your carry on bag over your shoulder.

Check in was easy. Your mom had already set your room on the third floor, so once you gave the people at the desk your name, they smiled and handed you your key cards and let you be on your way.

“Alright…” you said as you both stepped into the suite. The family had chosen this destination in the past, so it wasn’t anything new to you; Dean on the other hand, despite all his destination weddings, his eyes were slightly widened as he looked around.

The king sized bed was just off to the left, white sheets, white comforter with teal accent pillows; across from that was a nice wooden dresser with a flat screen on top. Bathroom was off to your left too, and he was sure that it was huge without even being able to see inside it yet. Then a nice seating area just beyond a wooden archway equipped with a sofa and a small table that fit two; and just beyond that, the balcony with a perfect view of the ocean.

“We have just over an hour before we meet downstairs for cocktails.”

“Okay.” Dean cleared his throat, going back to focusing on you. “So…is tonight the black tie night, or…” Right, the other thing about this week. You had made sure Dean had gotten a tux for this week because that was just another one of their crazy traditions.

“No. Not tonight. Tonight, just wear jeans and a nice shirt.”

“So…what’s the tux for?” Sighing heavily, you pulled your shoes off and dropped them by the side of the bed that you have officially claimed.

“The tux is for the last night. Like some…fancy final goodbye that they do.” Dean nodded and went to set his bag by the dresser. “You mind if I take the shower first?” As he looked back to you, his eyes shifted to the bathroom briefly. 

“No. Go for it.”

“Thanks.” you force a quick, nervous smile and then move around the bed, squeezing passed him before slipping into the bathroom. Dean took that time to look around a little more. 

The place wasn’t big, but it was gorgeous and honestly the perfect size for two people for a week. But one thing he noticed was it lacked a kitchen. Not even a little nook was hidden anywhere. It was one straight room separated into three sections. The bedroom and bathroom, the little sitting area and then the balcony which held a nice table set and…a tub? 

His face in a slight scowl, he moves out to the balcony, loving how the ocean is the only thing he can see except the palm trees swaying around him. You had a corner unit which almost made the balcony feel bigger than the actual room. But right now, his interest was in this tub. There was seriously a tub on the balcony. A sleek, freestanding tub waiting for someone to fill it with water and slip in. There was a thick curtain that was hooked to the wall that he could release if he wanted, though Dean didn’t think it would actually be necessary. Being as high as you were and the area that was visible from the balcony, someone would have to be out in the ocean to see one of you in there. Even then, they’d be too far out to even make out any nakedness.

But now, back to his other dilemma. No kitchen. What happened when he would want a beer later in the night, or some snacks when he couldn’t sleep?

As he moved back into the room, he glanced around a bit before seeing a slim book on the coffee table. After opening it, he could see that this place was strictly room service. But at least it was 24/7. That made him feel a little better.


After wrapping one of the robes around you and towel drying your hair, you couldn’t help but just stand there and stare into the mirror. None of this felt real. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you hired a man to be your date for the week. You have literally put down enough money for a down payment on a brand new car just so that you didn’t have to be alone this week.

You still had your doubts and they were screaming in your head. With every passing minute you were getting closer and closer to facing your mother and you had this sickening feeling that she was going to see right through this.

Taking a final deep breath and running your fingers through your damp hair, you turned for the door and tried to put on your brave face. If such a thing even existed.

The first thing you noticed when you stepped out was his shirt laying across the bed. Right next to the outfit he was most likely wearing for the evening. But it didn’t click with you what you were seeing until you looked up at the man who was now moving towards you.

An involuntary gasp shook through you as your eyes landed on the half naked man in your room. The perfectly sculpted chest along with the perfectly toned muscles in his shoulders and arms…they about made you pass out.

The drink he was handing to you was completely ignored as all you could look at was his exposed torso, but you somehow were able to pull yourself together and take the glass from him, studying it for a moment before letting a small grin pull at your face.

“My favorite.”

“I’m good at my job.” his hand brushes yours as he pulls it away, but he leans in at the same time. You can feel his breath against your neck before he even speaks. 

“Relax.” he whispers right into your ear. His sultry voice coming out extremely sexy. Or maybe that was just because you saw him shirtless and everything about him was making you think dirty thoughts.

You’re able to sneak another look before he disappears completely and when you hear the shower turn on, you try so hard not to picture him stripping his pants off.

You knew you were screwed. This week was literally going to kill you one way or another. It was either going to be at the hands of your mother, Dean or possibly even yourself. But inevitably, you were dead.

While he showered, you took that time to relax. Or attempt to do so. You figured he wouldn’t be long and this gave your hair some time to dry before you got dressed and put on your makeup. You were just trying so hard to stop your stomach from twirling. It felt like it was getting harder and harder to ignore and you were sure that it wasn’t going to stop.

Dean was in the shower for no more than ten minutes, which was perfect. With just about a half hour left, you had just enough time to get dressed and fix your face up a little and then…well, you really didn’t want to think about that. 

With only a towel wrapped around his waist, it was even harder not to stare now than it was before.

“Bathroom’s all yours.” You had no choice but to gulp down the lodge in your throat.

“Thanks.” Having to literally fight your eyes from staring, you slid by him, and you just knew that he knew what he was doing to you. That’s why he didn’t move out of the way.

“You’re allowed to look, you know? It’s all part of the package.” You pause at the door and you know that your attempt at a smile is just plain idiotic. You had to look like some loner teen who walked in on the hot couple having sex. You couldn’t even look him in the eye before disappearing into the steamy room.

Thankfully the meeting place is just downstairs cause it takes you longer to get ready than you expect. But the little show you had before tucking yourself away in there didn’t help matters.

All the men you could have chosen for this week were good looking, but you’re pretty sure that you had booked the hottest guy they had. And you didn’t even do it on purpose!

The final touches of your makeup were applied and that’s when you looked over yourself again. This time as a finished product. You felt pretty, but you knew that your mom would find something wrong with it. Whether it be the outfit or you. Just another thing to look forward to.

Running your hands through your hair, you turned for the door. You weren’t ready by any means but you didn’t really have a choice. 

As you stepped out of the bathroom, you caught Dean just getting off the couch. He must have heard you come out and by the looks of it, he was ready to go. 

Dark jeans and a white, short sleeved button up made him drool worthy. He looked dressy and yet casual, which is exactly what you were going for. Tonight was just a quick gathering, pretty much showing off who had shown up and who didn’t.

“You look great.” At his compliment, you practically had forgotten what you were wearing.

Your white dress was flowy and loose. The perfect outfit for a warm night in paradise. The deep V neck had you worried about your cleavage, but it was honestly the only dress you could find that fit the atmosphere, that fit you and was affordable.

“Thank you.” Stepping around the end of the bed, Dean held out his arm, waiting for you to hook yours in.



Again, sorry for the long Hiatus! Hoping to be able to stick around a little while now! love you all, hope you enjoyed the new installment! Chapter 4 will be coming soon!

Forever Babes


Dean/Jensen Babes

@deans-baby-momma@backseat-of-deans-67chevy@michellethetvaddict @jerkbitchidjitassbutt@adoptdontshoppets@starsandmidnightblue@lyarr24@torn-and-frayed@jensengirl83@idksupernatural@akshi8278@iamabeautifulperson18@tatted-trina6@thoughts-and-funnies@brilovesdeanwinchester@sexyvixen7@onceuponathreetwoone@cpag7@wirdbeimaufhebengebunden@deandaydreaming@deansgirl215@mikadwinchester@x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x@pink-sparkly-witch

Blood Ain’t Love Babes

