#debbie gallagher


Summary: Meeting Fiona was a whirl wind of emotions. Leaving her was something you regretted but didn’t have a choice in doing. When an injury sends you back home you are reluctant to see her again. Especially with Steve/Jimmy back in the picture. You cannot guarantee her happiness so why ruin it by coming back into her life? Loving from afar is all you can do…

Warning: Illusions to Suicide, Past Violence Resulting in Injury, A lot of angst

A/N:I am unsure if I want to continue this, or what to call it but I hope you enjoy!

Meeting Fiona Gallagher was something else. She was so bold and out there. Especially when it came to her family. She was protective and steadfast. She was everything you loved and leaving her was the hardest thing you ever could have done. 

You met Fiona when you were in boot camp she was still with Steve/Jimmy. She was working at some bar in some short skirt and a skimpy top. Not that you didn’t hate the sight. You hated the men who looked at her as if she was a piece of ass that they can hit an quit the next day. Not to sound creepy, but you always visited on her shift, made sure to get seated in her section, and left a big tip. As much as you could afford at least. You weren’t that well off. She started talking to you after you got kicked out of the place. A group of guys were catcalling her and even  though you wanted to step in you knew she could take care of herself. That was until they touched her. Slipped dollar bills into her pants and stroked her stomach and thighs. She was obviously uncomfortable but couldn’t do anything without losing her job. You ended up breaking that mans finger and another mans’ nose. After that all of you were tossed out but those guys didn’t walk away with out a fight. Despite being a woman you held your own against the four for a bit. What you didn’t take for account was the amount of rings one of the guys had on. They beat you to a pulp and left you by a dumpster.

When you come to your senses you saw her beautiful brown eyes and you smiled. “Hey… Hey!” You finally hear her. “Hey… Beautiful…” You say in a haze. “What you did was really stupid…. You okay?” She asks holding out her hand. You nod and grab it as she hoists you up. “As good as I’ll ever be-” You are cut off by bile rising to your throat and quickly turn away into a garbage bag and throw up. “Jesus!” She exclaims as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “You are really fucking stupid you know that?!” She says grabbing your chin and looking into your eyes. “You got a hell of a concussion…” You just smile and gently move her hand away. “It was worth it…” She rolls her eyes. “You got a place?” She asks and you chuckle. “Trying to take me home?” You ask and she sighs as well. “I don’t swing that way.” She says and you nod lifting your hands in surrender. “Sorry I didn’t mean to over s-ste-” You turn around and barf into the trashcan again. “J-Jesus this was not how I wanted to meet you…” You say solemnly. “You wanted to meet me?” She asks shocked. You nod “Uh huh… I have been sitting in your section a-” “And giving me big tips. Yeah thanks for that. You tryin’ to butter me up?” She sounds angry and you sigh. “Look I’m sorry… I didn’t know how to talk to you. You’re a pretty girl an- Jesus No one knows I’m gay… But I wanted to shoot my shot…” She sighs and nods. “You have anyone waiting at home for you?” She asks and you shake your head. “Uh no… I live alone… Kind of…” You mumble and she looks at you confused. “Look it’s fine I will leave you alone… I didn’t mean to cause trouble… I just know how it is like to be objectified and I couldn’t stand by and  let it happen to you.” You say and begin to stumble away when she catches your wrist. “Look… I can’t have it on my conscience that someone died defending my honor. Which you will never do again I might add!” She says in a scolding tone. She ended up taking you to her house that night. She stayed up to make sure you didn’t fall asleep again, held your hair when you were throwing up, and listened to your nervous rambling. From then on you had a friendship that blossomed into something more. When she found out that you were to be shipped off in a few months she was heart broken but she pushed through for a while. Sent care packages when she could, sent letters, sometimes nudes which you enjoyed sometimes, but you always told her that you loved her. In every letter, package, hell you would spell it out on your tits when you had the time to send a polaroid. Through her letters she said it would always make her laugh. That was until your third tour. You guys got into a big argument.  

“Your fucking leaving?! You just got back a month ago!” Fiona exclaims. “Fiona you know how this works baby… I didn’t know until today and It took me a lot to get this much time with you already. Let’s ju-” “No! You can’t just come here and let us get use to you and take off again!” “Fiona she c-” “Zip it Ian!” You sigh. “Baby I know you are tired of this long distance thing but if you can just wait a little lon-” “No! I am done waiting! I am tired of waiting!” You walk up to her and cup her shoulders. “Fi please… Let’s not spend the last two nights together angry we can ju-” “No! I am not going to wait around for you to get yourself killed! You should-” “I didn’t have a choice Fiona!” You exclaim. “I didn’t have a choice! I was in a shitty situation and I needed an out!” Fiona lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh we all are in shitty situations and w-” “This was all I could get! If I knew I was going to meet you I wouldn’t have joined in the first place!” You say as tears start streaming down your face. “I love you so much Fiona Gallagher. Please… Just wait for me…” “No I am done waiting! The last time I waited for someone they never came back!” You cup her face and look at her in the eyes. “I am not Steve… It hurts that you think I am…” You lean into kiss her but she pushes you away. “Just leave…” She says quietly. “Fi…” “Just get out! I am done! I can’t take this bullshit any longer!” She says and walks into the kitchen. “Fi I can’t do that! I live here and I love the family we have!” You say following her into the kitchen. “I do-” “Just leave! We don’t want you here! We don’t need you….” Your heart feels like it stops. “If you want me to go I will but please Fiona… I love you…” Fiona turns around and stays silent. “Please just say it back… Say it back to me please…” You say with a sniffle but she stays silent. You know she is just angry and she will come to her senses soon but it doesn’t make it hurt less. You turn around and walk up the stairs. You hear a couple pairs of foot steps behind you as you exit Fiona’s room with your stuff. “Are you really leaving?” Debbie asks and you let out a quivering sigh and nod. “Yeah my loves I’m leaving… But I promise I will be back as soon as I can.” You say and Debbie runs into you with a hug followed by Carl who you can see now. You kiss the top of their heads and give them a tearful smile. You hear two more pairs and look up to see Ian and Lip. “I know you both are pissed at me… They cut my leave short… I didn’t expect it…” You say as you walk toward them and open your arms. Ian immediately hugs you “She is just angry she will snap out of it.” He says as he pulls away. Lip walks up and gives you a side hug and nods in agreement. You kissed all their foreheads including Liam’s before heading down stairs. “Baby?” You call out but it is left unanswered. “I love you Fi…” You say and wait a few seconds. When there is no response you sigh and walk out the door.

“(Y/N) What are you doing here? When did you get back?” Kevin asks shocked and almost excited. “And Je- What the fuck happened to you!” He says gesturing to your left arm or lack there of. You have tears in your eyes as you look at him. “Missed you Kev…” You say with a sniffle. Kevin knocks on the bar before saying “Alright dipshits! I’m closing early!” There was a sound of groans and they all left after about five minutes. Kevin locks the door from the inside and immediately comes to sit next to you. “What happened? When did you get back?” You hug him as tight as you can and let out a small sob. Kevin gently surrounds you in a brotherly embrace. “I missed you all s-so much!” You cry. “Have you called Fi-” “No.” “What why?” You pull away and sniff again. “She doesn’t want anything to do with me…” Kevin looks at you as if you shot his dog. “You know that isn’t true right?” He asks and you shake your head. “It is… You know about our argument before I left… I get letters from Debbie and she says Steve is back…” Kevin’s face drops. You know that he knows but you aren’t mad at him for it. “Does anyone know you are home?” He asks and you shake your head. “I came here first… You are the only person who knows and it is going to stay that way.” You say sternly. “(Y/-” “I need a favor.” Kevin stands up waving his hands. “Woah, woah, woah!” He says and paces for a second. “At least tell me what happened that caused that…” He says gesturing to your missing arm. You chuckle before removing your hat to show that you also have an ear missing. “Jesus fuck (Y/N)!” He exclaims. “I uh… I attempted to throw back an explosive…” Kevin’s face seems to grow even more shocked by the second. “Wh-” “My whole squad were in a fucked position… I had to do something and this was the aftermath…” Kevin takes a breath and sits next to you again. “It was always you who would play the hero…” Kevin says with a small laugh. “What is the favor?” He asks sadly. “And why does it seem like I am never going to see you again?” You sigh and wipe your eyes before setting down your duffle bag and rifling through it. You take out an envelope that hasn’t been sealed so he can look at it and set it on the bar. He pauses for a moment but then picks it up to look at it. “A check?” He asks.

You nod. “Yeah… My compensation… I placed you as the home address. I would have done Fi’s but I wasn’t sure if Frank was still around.” You say as you place your hand in your lap gripping your pants leg. “I did the math and both you and V are included. It’s not much but it can pay bills, Help the kids get better clothes, and may-” “You can’t give us this!” Kevin exclaims. “What about you? Where is your cut?” He asks and you shake your head. “I don’t need it.” “Like hell you don’t need it have you looked at yourself!” He says his voice rising. “I’ll be fine! I ca-” “What about medicine? O-Or clothes! Painkillers! You must be hurting!” He says shoving the check toward you but you shove it back. “I’m fine! Kevin Ple-” “No Yo-” “KEVIN LISTEN TO ME!” You scream and this shuts him up. “You are going to take this money, buy clothes, food, hell even Christmas presents for that household!” “We don’t ne-” “I know you don’t but I want to! Please just do this for me!” You plead.  Kevin pauses. “Why? Why give this to us?” You sigh and look away. “I’m going to end up dead in a ditch anyway so why take the money with me?” You say before standing up and walking behind the bar. “Which is why we need to help you!” Kevin says. “I am not going to be some other burden for all of you to carry!” You shout. “You aren’t a burden… There are people who love you!” He says standing up and going behind the bar helping you open a beer. “I don’t want help.” You say blinking back tears. “I’m sure Fi-” “She has Steve and his money… I just want to do this last thing for her and that family…” A few tears slip down your cheeks as you take a swig. “I love her. I love Fiona and the kids! I love both you and Veronica!” You say turning toward him. “I just want to do one last thing and then I will be happy.” You say setting down the beer and wiping your eyes before picking it back up again and taking a sip. “Then at least come with me. You can give it to them yourself!” He says trying to convince you to stay. “I am not going to ruin their dynamic… They have Steve to take care of them… They don’t need me messing it all up…” You say. “She would drop Steve the minute she saw you…” Kevin says and you shake your head. “No… I wouldn’t want her to. She deserves better then me. Better then him… But he makes her happy and I am not going to stand in the way of that… I am not going to be a burden…” You say chugging the rest of your drink and tossing it in the trash behind the bar. You scoot by him and grab your hat. “Don’t tell anyone about it. Say you made extra cash at the bar or something.” You say as you put it on and lean down with a grunt to grab your duffle. “Are you really doing this?” Kevin asks defeated and you nod. “I love you all…” You say and quickly duck out of the establishment.

Debbie is in her room looking through the letters she recently received. They weren’t from you as they usually were they were from some military officer. It had a first class stamp on it and everything. It was well into the night but she needed to understand what this is. Everyone other then Fiona knew that they still got letters. Before you left on your third tour you and Fiona had a bad fight and for a while Fiona would just burn your letters before even opening them so Debbie and some of the others started checking the mail before she could and hide them. It became a routine. Debbie and everyone would send you letters back on occasion so you would know that they are still thinking about you but now this military jargon is messing with her head. Since letters like this have been coming for a week now. Debbie quietly slips out of her room and makes her way to the boys room. While doing this she can hear Fiona and some of her friends downstairs. When she gets there she goes up to Ian’s bed and shakes him while whispering. “psst Ian!” Ian is startled awake and looks at her. “What do you want Debs?” He asks rubbing his eyes. “It’s a letter! From (Y/N) it makes absolutely no sense!” She says and Ian sits up and turns on a lamp. He looks through the letter as his face turns from tired to serious. “Wake up Carl and Lip… We need to tell Fiona.” Debbie’s eyes widen. “What?! No! She will try and burn it before we can figure out what this means!” Debbie says her voice rising. This rouses Lip from his sleep. “What the fuck are you two doing up?” He asks and Debbie sighs. “There is a letter from some Military Officer and not from (Y/N)…” Lip hops down and walks over to look at it.

Meanwhile downstairs in the living room Fiona, Steve, and Veronica are sitting and laughing while drinking a few beers. “So where is Kevin? He should be here!” Fiona says and Veronica shrugs. “I don’t know he says he has been taking extra shifts at The Alibi.” Right as she says that Kevin walks through the door. “Delivery!” He says as he walks to Fiona and Veronica handing them their own envelope and Veronica squeals and takes it to count but Fiona is still reluctant. “You should save all this money for the baby…” “You say that every time Fi I told you it’s fine!” he says with a forced smile on his face. Fiona notices this and raises a brow. “Where do you get this money again?” She asks and Kevin Shrugs. “The Alibi! Don’t worry about it!” He says when Steve chimes in. “Who cares where it’s from! It’s money and that’s all that matters!” He says with a smirk and Fiona sighs rolling her shoulders out. That is when Debbie, Lip, Ian, and Carl comes down stairs somewhat in a rush. “What are you guys doing down here?” Veronica asks. “We have something for you Fiona…” Ian says slowly. “Can’t it wait till morning? It’s a school night.” But Debbie shakes her head, seemingly close to tears. “What is Debs?” She asks and Lip responds. “It’s about (Y/N)…” Fiona tenses up and Steve asks. “Who is (Y/N)?” “It doesn’t matter who she is she isn’t important.” She says flatly. “You know that’s not true!” Debbie exclaims. “She is important to all of us! We all love her and so do you!” Debbie says nearly screaming. “Debbie!” Fiona says shocked. “She’s back!” Debbie says and Kevin slowly makes his way out of the room which doesn’t go unnoticed by Veronica so she follows him. “Kev?” She asks and He tenses up. “Uh yeah V?” He says nervously. “What are you hiding?” She asks sternly. “Hiding? I’m not hiding!” He says and Veronica storms up to him where they are practically chest to chest. “I know when you are lying now tell me!” “Then I might as well tell everyone…” He says walking back into the living room where Debbie is bawling her eyes out, The boys trying to get through to Fiona and Fiona seems to be hyperventilating. “Guys…” Kevin says but they don’t seem to be listening. That is when Veronica speaks up. “GUYS!” They all pause their arguing  and look at Kevin.

Kevin takes a deep breath before speaking. “I saw (Y/N)… She came to The Alibi a month ago…” They all in unison scream. “What?!” He nods his head. “She didn’t want to see everyone because of… What was the word… Dynamic I think. She said that since Steve is here she didn’t want to ruin it… She didn’t even want me to tell you.” He says sighing. “And the money… That’s from her. Sh-” “We aren’t a fucking charity case you find her and take this shit back!” Fiona says standing up and handing her envelope to him. “If you saw her you would think it was the other way around?” Kevin says and Fiona looks confused. “What does that mean?” She asks and that is when Lip speaks up. “She was medically discharged a few months ago… Came back to the states a month and a half ago…” Fiona looks over at Lip. “Medically discharge? Is she hurt what does it say?” She asks walking over and taking the letter from him. “It talks about her compensation and the address to find her but she listed Kevin and Veronicas address…” Ian says looking down at his hands. “How did you get this letter?” She asks. “Well…” Debbie speaks up. “I send her letters…” Fiona looks shocked. “What?” “You started burning (Y/N)’s letters so we all made sure to look through the mail before you got to it…” Carl says. “I… I thought she stopped sending them…” Fiona says  as tears well up in her eyes. “Where is she now?” She asks Kevin and he shrugs. “I don’t know… She said that it was going to be the last time I saw her…” Veronica hits his shoulder. “So you just let her go!” “She was adamant! I wasn’t going to turn my back on her!” Kevin exclaimed. “When was the last time you saw her?” Debbie asks. “A month ago but I have guys keeping tabs on her. She is still in Chicago. That’s all I know…” He says quietly. “Okay, okay guys. Lip you and Carl go to all the homeless shelters in the Area. Ian you and Debbie check every hospital! V and Kev you guys ask around… I might know where she is…” Steve stands up from the couch. “What about me?” He asks and Fiona gets an unpleasant shiver. “Uh… You stay with Liam…” She says and then goes to get ready.

“My only role model options are either a teenage mom and a white boy drug dealer”

“Is this what he really thinks of us? We did what we had to do to survive”

Tonight’s Shameless….

Ian… I love u <3

Mickey… STAHP!

(I Love Ian & Mickey, but I hate them together at times, because until Mickey can be good to Ian, Ian will always be too good for him)

Lip, Stop trying to make your life suck

Mandy, You’re Great

Fiona finally had a good day!

Jimmy, I know you just wanna help, but think about Fiona’s needs AND the family’s needs.

Frank, I think this might be the first episode where I actually liked him.

I love love love Debbie & Sheila

Last but most certainly not least

Karen… I love you as an actress, but GOOD LORD I was so happy to see Karen get hit by that car.

I was still extremely shocked, and my jaw was dropped for a good minute.

I really can’t wait for next week’s episode now!

But lets all look at how much Lip looks like Sid from Ice Age right here

Wow is responsible and smart Debbie back??? Love to see it!!!

Ian: come on Lip I didn’t drink that much last night!

Lip: u were flirting with Mickey

Ian: so what? He’s my boyfriend!

Lip: u asked him if he was single and cried when hi said he wasn’t..

This is the art. This is the truth. This is true love.

I’m done

Totally my fav

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Like or reblog if u like this one

Mickey Milkovich was the best character on this show. And now you’re trying to erase his existance by calling him “ex boyfriend”, “escaped convict ex”, “fugitive”. But no matter how you try it won’t work. He’s still the most discussed person. And he has a fucking name.

