

Daedalus and Icarus

Orazio Riminaldi

circa 1625

Icaro, il suo figlioletto, gli girava intorno, e senza sospettare di toccar cose che gli sarebbero s

Icaro, il suo figlioletto, gli girava intorno, e senza sospettare di toccar cose che gli sarebbero state fatali, con volto raggiante ora acchiappava le piume che il vento birichino faceva svolazzare, ora ammorbidiva col pollice la cera bionda, e giocherellando disturbava il prodigioso lavoro. […] e affascinato dal cielo si portò più in alto. La vicinanza del sole ardente ammorbidì la cera odorosa che teneva unite le penne. Si strusse, la cera; lui agitò le braccia rimaste nude, e non avendo con che remigare non si sostenne più in aria, e invocando il padre precipitò a capofitto, e il suo urlo si spense nelle acque azzurre, che da lui presero il nome.

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Ubi presentation so far…Still waiting for some new splinter cell

Ubi presentation so far…

Still waiting for some new splinter cell

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R6 siege commission: Frost Commissions/Ko-Fi

R6 siege commission: Frost


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Commission: Catwoman from Batman ninja. This one was really fun to draw, she is such a cutie~.CommisCommission: Catwoman from Batman ninja. This one was really fun to draw, she is such a cutie~.Commis

Commission: Catwoman from Batman ninja. This one was really fun to draw, she is such a cutie~.

Commissions /Donations

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Another Catwoman from batman ninja commission! she stills a cutie! Commissions / Donations Another Catwoman from batman ninja commission! she stills a cutie! Commissions / Donations

Another Catwoman from batman ninja commission! she stills a cutie!


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A client’s original characters I drew some weeks ago. thanks again~These characters don’A client’s original characters I drew some weeks ago. thanks again~These characters don’A client’s original characters I drew some weeks ago. thanks again~These characters don’

A client’s original characters I drew some weeks ago. thanks again~

These characters don’t belong to me.

Commision info here!

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These kind of questions awakes Marina’s thirst These kind of questions awakes Marina’s thirst

These kind of questions awakes Marina’s thirst

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This weekend was busy so sadly I can only deliver some sketches.

This weekend was busy so sadly I can only deliver some sketches.

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Thanks for the idea, anon

Thanks for the idea, anon

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HEY EVERYONE!In order to keep this blog more clean and “art only” looking, I decided to create a sec


In order to keep this blog more clean and “art only” looking, I decided to create a secondary blog in which Ill be answering all your questions.

From now on all the questions will be answered here: https://ctoffice.tumblr.com

Also, keep in mind that if you send me an ask on this blog, you will be instantly redirected to the new one instead.

Most of the time I used to skip some of the questions to avoid posting 30+ of them in between one drawing, so if there is any question you sent and never got an answer, now is your chance to send it again. 

Finally, if you usually enjoy the questions I answer here, consider following the new blog too, since I wont reblog any of the asks to the main one unless they have some sketch or drawing as an answer.

Costroupe post office is officially open!

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Colored Hibana commissioned by @theonlyxiledSomething quick between commissions, next one is Cosgal.

Colored Hibana commissioned by @theonlyxiled

Something quick between commissions, next one is Cosgal.


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Some really nice anon asked for Hibana some days ago, and since its Hibanas birthday… why not

Some really nice anon asked for Hibana some days ago, and since its Hibanas birthday… why not.

Ill answer more asks soon, I just wanna finish some more serious content first. Thanks for the love tho~ 

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Gothgal is back for E3 2019

Gothgal is back for E3 2019

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Sombra pfp patreon reward.Patreon - Twitter

Sombra pfp patreon reward.


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Arby and Wendy.Welcome Arby chan! Twitter - Patreon

Arby and Wendy.

Welcome Arby chan!


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Wholesome Arby chan for Arbys  #DrawThisInYourStyleTwitter - Patreon

Wholesome Arby chan for Arbys  #DrawThisInYourStyle


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