




@queer-deckovskij has shared information with me that’s lead me to believe that she’s a predator. This started when she told me she’s been attracted to multiple 16 year olds, and when I confronted her (an adult woman aged 19, about to turn 20) she told me that some sixteen year olds are mature, that it’s okay if the minor consents (as if they could), that it’s not illegal in Italy & therefore okay, and that age is just a number. I want to warn her followers of the possibility of being manipulated/used. Please stay safe!!


This post is accusing a friend of mine, a girl I know in real life for more than 6 years, of being WHAT SHE’S NOT. This girl is caring, sweet, and she is really the most humble and pure person I’ve ever met.

This person (mandarinastronaut) is bullying her with this post. This is defamation, and defamation is a crime. Please report this person, they can’t send hate toward a person they don’t even know in real life.

!!!!! please report the defamatory post, what it says is totally bullshit based on nothing


Amber Heard had more evidence supporting her claims than most abuse victims have and yet that jury decided she defamed that man. I’m truly angry and disgusted. This has been a major setback for women and abuse victims.

@sayruq​ I just watched Heard’s attorney Elaine Bredehoft on Today saying that a great deal of evidence was suppressed, including medical reports showing that Amber Heard had been reporting instances of physical and sexual abuse since 2012. 

This verdict is an enormous attack on First Amendment rights for anyone who has an allegation against a rich and powerful individual. Depp’s fans seem incapable of realising this; by the time they do realise it when their own freedom to speak is threatened, it will be too late. 


so the jury also found that Depp’s lawyer calling her allegations of abuse “a hoax” was defamatory (so I guess they do find that he abused her) so this was literally just saying “yes he abused you but you can never speak about it.”

I am confused and surprised by this verdict. How can it be defamatory for Adam Waldman to call Amber Heard’s allegations “a hoax”, yet it is also defamatory for Amber Heard to call herself a public figure representing domestic abuse? 

Either one is defamatory or the other. Not both. I would argue that Waldman’s statement was highly prejudicial and unfounded. Amber Heard’s article never named Depp nor specified any of her allegations, yet the jury ruled that the claims in the article were false. 

I am concerned about the impact on First Amendment rights after this ruling. 

Johnny Depp Won!!!!!

I watched almost every single day of the trial. It was the performance of Amber Turds’ life and it was still completely bullisht! I couldn’t believe a word that came out of her mouth! I didn’t believe one F****** word that came out of her mouth.

She made domestic abuse a joke! There are women that actually go through what she lied about (her claims) and it’s serious. But her lieing so extensively she turned it into a joke! And that’s SO wrong, and messed up! Then her trying to say him winning is a move back for women. Give me a F****** break! NO ONE believed a word out of her mouth, and I personally don’t think she was harmed in any way. There’s a difference between yelling and arguing and verbal abuse. I’ve been through multiple different types of abuse from my own F****** blood/DNA family! And if johnny had done something it was SO clear in her actions and words in her so called evidence that she would’ve been the instigator! She did it on purpose. I personally think she had been planning all that from the beginning. When you are in love with someone you don’t instigate shit like that and you don’t record constantly or take pictures of some of the things she took pictures of.

It’s a freaking step forward for men being abused which you don’t hear about practically at all!

And let’s go Camille and the rest of Johnny’s team! Like around of applause for them! Amazing! Spectacular! They did a damn good job.

“And what did you say in response to when Miss Heard said ‘Tell the world […] I, Johnny Depp, a man. I’m too victim to domestic violence.’”

“I said yes, I am.”

“I have nothing further your honour.”

