#defend indy wrestling


(Gif credit to my bestie, CasketxCutter.)

“I don’t want the whole world, the sun, the moon and all their light. I just wanna be the only man, you love all your life.”

Request: Sami Callihan/Jake Crist with Dave playing matchmaker?

Pairing - Sami Callihan/Jake Crist

Warning: Fluff

Jake and Dave were sitting backstage, waiting for their match at the Impact taping to come while Sami was on the phone with a company, talking about a possible booking. Dave was tying up his boots when he looked up and noticed his little, blonde haired brother was staring at Sami as he moved around the locker room.

“Hey, I’m goin’ to take this out, ‘right? If management asks where I am, tell ‘em I’m outside makin’ a company more fuckin’ money.”, Sami said before exiting the locker room as Jake sighed. Dave would chuckle before going back to tying his boots up the rest of the way.

After the match, Sami went to catering while Dave and Jake went back to the locker room. “You know, I saw the way you looked at Sami when he was on the phone and tonight during our match against LAX.”, Dave said with a hint of teasing while Jake only rolled his eyes, changing out of his ring attire into a pair of jeans, a Prince t-shirt and a pair of purple and black Jordans.

“Hey, maybe you and him should go on a date sometime.”, Dave said which caused Jake to stop tying his shoe, glaring at his older brother. “Shut the hell up, Dave. I ain’t into him like that!”, Jake said calmly before going back to tying his shoes which caused Dave to laugh. “Rightttt, keep saying that lover boy.”, Dave said which caused Jake to lung at him only for a pair of tattooed arms to wrap around his waist.

“Hey, hey, hey! Quit! Jake, quit strugglin’. Hey! QUIT THAT!”, Sami yelled as Jake struggled to get out of his arms, but he would suddenly stop once Sami held him tighter which caused Dave to snicker. Jake thought about lunging at him again, but with Sami’s arms around him? That would be nearly impossible, besides, he loved being in Sami’s arms. He felt safe and secure when he was in his arms.

Soon, Sami would let go of the blonde. Before Jake could say anything, Dezmond came into the locker room, asking if he could speak to him. Jake would nod, walking out of the locker room. Sami watched closely as Jake walked away, Dave would smirk. This matchmaking shit should just be his second job. 

Sami would sit down on a folding chair before Dave started to change into a pair of jeans and a BlackCraft Cult shirt. “You know, Sam. I’ve seen the way you look at Jake. Maybe you two outta go out.”, Dave said, chuckling as he tied his shoes. Sami would look at the older male, his face neither annoyed nor happy.

Sami was about to speak before Jake walked back into the locker room which caused Dave to stand up straight. “Alright, look. We’re all men here, so why play stupid games? I’ve seen the way you both stare at each other. You two have been all cute with each other since we first met. So, how about y’all just go on a fucking date and stop hiding your feelings?”, Dave asked.

Jake was about to yell, but Sami would cut in. “Ya know what? You’re right. I have been all “cute” with Jake for a long time now, I’ve just been too afraid to ask him on a date, fearing that he would confuse my wrestling persona with my actual real life self. What do ya say, Jay?”, Sami asked.

Jake would stay silent, Dave would take the hint and he patted his little brother on the shoulder before walking out of the room. Sami and Jake would lock eyes before Sami started to speak. “We-” “I don’t know, Samuel.. I just don’t know.”, Jake said interrupting the younger man. “Why don’t you know, Jay? Look, I know. My temper can get the best of me sometimes. I know I kiss people at random times. I know companies hate me, but I can assure you. If you agree to this, I will give you the whole damn world with the palm of my hands.”, Sami said. Before he could speak up again, Jake would cut him off with a gentle kiss to his lips. As soon as Jake pulled away, he looked into Sami’s eyes.

“I don’t want the whole world,
The sun, the moon and all their light.
I just wanna be the only man,
You love all your life.”

After Jake finished speaking, Sami took his cheeks softly in his hands, bringing his face close to his before placing his lips on his. As soon as Jake wrapped his arms around Sami’s neck, Dave would open the door a little, peaking inside before patting himself on the back. “Good job, Dave. You should do this more often.”, he told himself as the duo in the locker room slowly pulled away from their kiss.

“Shit on a shingle and horror movies at my place, then a slow dance to a Prince song in the kitchen?” Sami asked.

“You know the way to my heart.” Jake said before the two left the arena, hand in hand.

Pairing- Jay White/OC

Warning(s)- Fluff, swearing

Jay and I have been dating for a couple months. We first met when I went to a Ring of Honor show, he gave me his number and since that moment we started talking before he asked me out, I would have been stupid to say no.

We were backstage at NJPW, tonight CHAOS had to face Jeff Cobb, Juice Robinson, Michael Elgin, and Toa Henare. Jay decided it would be a good idea for me to meet the boys which I was nervous about. They were one of the hottest teams in Japan besides the Bullet Club and Los Ingobernables de Japon.

However, Jay assured me that everything would be fine and they would absolutely love me. Jay finished getting ready before walking me over to where the rest of CHAOS was standing. I saw the familiar faces of the team. Soon, Jay would stop, introducing me to each member one by one and we all shook hands. Then, suddenly, things took a weird turn once Jay introduced me to Will Ospreay.

Jay introduced us and I held out my hand, he shook it before smiling at me which caused Jay to tense up but I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. While we waited, we sat down on some crates backstage and talked about anything and everything but Will had his eyes on me, which I could tell was making Jay angrier and angrier. I could tell Jay was about to say something before him and the rest of his team mates that were needed were called to go to the curtains.

That left Will and I alone backstage until Jay got back which would take a bit of time. I went to get off of the crate, Will offered me his hand.

“Mind if I help you, beautiful?”, he asked as he held out a hand which I politely declined which he completely understood.

I got down off of the crate and Will walked with me while we waited for the match to be over.

“What’s going on with Jay?”, Will asked, “he’s been acting very hostile the last couple of hours.”

“I think he’s jealous.”, I said simply.

“Jealous? Of what?”, he asked, obviously confused.

“I think he thinks you’re trying to take me away from him.”, I said which caused Will to chuckle.

“Not a chance, just being a nice person.”, soon we would hug and suddenly I looked over and saw Jay who turned on his heels, storming away. I would soon get out of Will’s arms, chasing Jay.

“Jay! Jay! Wait!”, I yelled while chasing him throughout the arena, he was ignoring me and he was obviously pissed.

Soon, we stopped at the locker room. He went inside and tried to shut the door, but I managed to slip inside before he could, he would walk away avoiding me at all costs.

“Jay..”, I said before getting cut off.

“Save it! Go ahead and go be with Will!”, he yelled which caused me to chuckle.

“Now, why would I do that?”, I asked which caused him to glare at me.

“You were fucking hugging him and he’s been really close to you, you two might as well be a thing!”, he yelled which only caused me to laugh.

“It’s so stupid that you think Will could possibly take me away from you.”, I said which caused Jay to calm down a little bit, so I went on.

“Listen, I know you’re not perfect, nor am I. I know you get jealous but there’s no reason to be. There is no other man I would rather be with.The only man that could ever put up with me would be you, Jay.”, I said, walking closer to him. He would hold me close, I would lay my head on his chest, he would run his fingers through my hair before whispering in my ear.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby and I always will.”

(Credit to the owner of this gif.)

“She loves a small town boy like me. She’s my ride or die baby. She’s my cool, she’s my crazy.”

Pairing- Danny Havoc/OC

Warning: Fluff, Language, mention of hardcore wrestling

She was standing in the ring, barely listening to anything that DJ Hyde was talking about. It was Cage of Death 19 and DJ had come out to address the fans in attendence. Before DJ could even get a word out of his mouth, she had walked out and interrupted him. It was no secret to everyone that DJ and her never liked each other. It all started when she entered the company, DJ hated the fact that she always talked to and supported the “nobodies” like Dave and Jake Crist, Nevaeh, and many more including the man she saved from DJ, Danny Havoc.

DJ and Danny started their feud way back in 2005. DJ always usually got the upper hand in the matches and he would normally humiliate Danny after the matches. She got tired of it. She told everyone backstage that one day DJ would pay for the way he was treating Danny. Everyone told her either to stay out of what doesn’t concern her or to just leave him to embarrass the kid. 

At CZW’s Any Questions? PPV, it was Danny vs DJ in a Tables Match. DJ had scored two straight falls, but Danny wasn’t about to give up yet. Danny scored the final fall by putting DJ through a table. DJ got furious and threw Danny off the balcony and through a table. Once DJ got backstage, she walked up to him and pushed him.

“What the fuck was that all about?!”, she said as DJ stumbled back. DJ only laughed before pushing her back. “I suggest you get the hell out of my face.”, he said before walking off. She would snarl at him before running out to go help the medics with Danny. Every since that moment, DJ has never liked her and she has never liked him.

When Danny decided to retire from professional wrestling in 2017, she knew that DJ would take every chance he could to mess with her. While he was giving his speech at Cage of Death 19, she interrupted him. Before she could even say anything, DJ started going off on a rage about how she shouldn’t have come out here and he wish he never would have hired her. That only caused her to laugh, however his next line of topic would be what pissed her off. “Oh, don’t think I forgot about your little thing for Danny.”

The crowd would gasp and ooooooo as she glared at him. That had been a secret she did not want to get out, DJ knew that. She fell in love with Danny when she first laid her eyes on him and she could never tell him. DJ would only laugh before beginning to speak again. “What’s wrong, Y/N? Cat got your tongue?”. 

She would look at him before walking away, acting like she was going to grab a microphone before lunging at him, hitting him with multiple punches and kicks. She went for another punch until he hit her with The Lariat. She fell to the mat and DJ only glared at her. He was about to pick her up for the Shadow Driver when Danny Havoc appeared behind DJ. DJ dropped her once he felt his back hit someone, he slowly turned around. 

“Hey DJ, you remember me?”, Danny yelled before hitting him across the head with a trashcan lid before hitting him with General Order 24. She sat up and looked at him, she could not believe her eyes.He would then look over at her, walking over to her and offering her his hand. At first she thought this was just a silly dream she was having until she reached up and grabbed his hand. His hand was a perfect match for hers. 

She didn’t have much time to think about the moment, he helped her up and helped her out of the ring before lifting her up and carrying her bridal style to the back. Danny continued to hold onto her before walking into a locker room. She was rambling on about how she was so sorry about what DJ said and if he stopped talking to her, she would understand but he would cut her off by placing his lips on hers. The kiss would last a couple more seconds before Danny slowly pulled away, chuckling. “I always knew you loved a small town boy like me.”

(Gif credit to the owner of this gif.)

“Yeah, he wanna get married but he don’t wanna marry me.”

Pairing- Dave Crist/OC

Warning: Sadness (I literally bawled like a baby when I wrote this.)

It had been her dream since she was a little girl. She wanted to get married and he always knew that. Every since they were little, she would always talk about how she wanted this and that for her wedding. However, what he didn’t know was she was planning everything for him and her.

It all started when they were just little kids, she was 7 and he was 9. He would always chase her around the playground and “threaten” to beat her up because he was bigger than her but he never did. He would always just tackle her and tickle her until she turned into a giggly mess. 

Then one day, she dared him to kiss him but once he ran after her, she ran away from them as their parents laughed and joked about how in love the two were but the two always denied it. 

When they were teenagers, he always went to her softball games and her theatre performances to cheer her on. Everytime she had to go away for a competition, he was always on the bus with her or he was driving her to the competitions. And she was always there for him everytime he was wrestling in someone’s backyard, someone’s barn, whereever it was.

There was this one night after he got finished wrestling, she ran over to him and hugged him as she always did after his matches. He looked down at her and she looked back up at him. He moved closer to her and her heart beat went way faster than a normal heart beat should ever be. Their lips were a few inches away from each other until Jake came over and broke it up causing Dave to push him away and play fight with him. Once Jake finally back up, Dave looked over at her and shrugged causing her to laugh.

One day, she looked in her mailbox and she noticed a letter from Dave. They two hadn’t spoken much after they both graduated from high school. She walked inside and slowly ripped open the envelope and saw a wedding invitation. She read over it and her heart sunk deep down into her stomach. 

The day had finally arrived and she was standing there, talking to Dave’s mom. She was talking about how emotional she was about give her son away to the most beautiful girl in the world. Little did she know, she wasn’t the only one giving him away. She looked down at her black dress, black shoes before walking over to the present table. She placed the gift she got the couple on the table which was wrapped in a t-shirt he gave her after one of his matches.

Soon afterwards, she walked past the guests and ran out of the church doors. Not a minute after she left, Dave stood there at the alter and something clicked in his mind. She was sitting at their favorite resturant they used to go to just to talk or to do homework. She was in the process of drinking her cup of coffee when a car pulled up. She was too distracted to even notice Dave get out of the car, still wearing his suit. She looked out of the corner eye, thinking his sight was just a figment of her imagination before she turned and looked, her full gaze on him. There Dave was, standing there with what looked like tears in his eyes…
