#idk their ship name


Isa: Everyone here, present company included, has considered killing me.

Lea: If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t considered killing you in months.

Isa: …a little bit

sorry but i stand by matt / elektra… it’s so entertaining- the contrast between the violence and aggression that surrounds their life and inevitably permeates their relationship with the tenderness and respite that fills those rare ‘moments’ they got amidst everything,,,, and then when those two sides collide! you get her pointing a sword at his neck and him moving closer, you get her tracing his scars without him flinching, you get him unable to let go of her hand while he prays for her, you get her sheer instinct being to protect him over and over, you get his relentless faith in her humanity-

anyway can u imagine how much better it would’ve been if the writers didn’t inject some unnecessary racist tropes into her character lol hahahahah

(Gif credit to my bestie, CasketxCutter.)

“I don’t want the whole world, the sun, the moon and all their light. I just wanna be the only man, you love all your life.”

Request: Sami Callihan/Jake Crist with Dave playing matchmaker?

Pairing - Sami Callihan/Jake Crist

Warning: Fluff

Jake and Dave were sitting backstage, waiting for their match at the Impact taping to come while Sami was on the phone with a company, talking about a possible booking. Dave was tying up his boots when he looked up and noticed his little, blonde haired brother was staring at Sami as he moved around the locker room.

“Hey, I’m goin’ to take this out, ‘right? If management asks where I am, tell ‘em I’m outside makin’ a company more fuckin’ money.”, Sami said before exiting the locker room as Jake sighed. Dave would chuckle before going back to tying his boots up the rest of the way.

After the match, Sami went to catering while Dave and Jake went back to the locker room. “You know, I saw the way you looked at Sami when he was on the phone and tonight during our match against LAX.”, Dave said with a hint of teasing while Jake only rolled his eyes, changing out of his ring attire into a pair of jeans, a Prince t-shirt and a pair of purple and black Jordans.

“Hey, maybe you and him should go on a date sometime.”, Dave said which caused Jake to stop tying his shoe, glaring at his older brother. “Shut the hell up, Dave. I ain’t into him like that!”, Jake said calmly before going back to tying his shoes which caused Dave to laugh. “Rightttt, keep saying that lover boy.”, Dave said which caused Jake to lung at him only for a pair of tattooed arms to wrap around his waist.

“Hey, hey, hey! Quit! Jake, quit strugglin’. Hey! QUIT THAT!”, Sami yelled as Jake struggled to get out of his arms, but he would suddenly stop once Sami held him tighter which caused Dave to snicker. Jake thought about lunging at him again, but with Sami’s arms around him? That would be nearly impossible, besides, he loved being in Sami’s arms. He felt safe and secure when he was in his arms.

Soon, Sami would let go of the blonde. Before Jake could say anything, Dezmond came into the locker room, asking if he could speak to him. Jake would nod, walking out of the locker room. Sami watched closely as Jake walked away, Dave would smirk. This matchmaking shit should just be his second job. 

Sami would sit down on a folding chair before Dave started to change into a pair of jeans and a BlackCraft Cult shirt. “You know, Sam. I’ve seen the way you look at Jake. Maybe you two outta go out.”, Dave said, chuckling as he tied his shoes. Sami would look at the older male, his face neither annoyed nor happy.

Sami was about to speak before Jake walked back into the locker room which caused Dave to stand up straight. “Alright, look. We’re all men here, so why play stupid games? I’ve seen the way you both stare at each other. You two have been all cute with each other since we first met. So, how about y’all just go on a fucking date and stop hiding your feelings?”, Dave asked.

Jake was about to yell, but Sami would cut in. “Ya know what? You’re right. I have been all “cute” with Jake for a long time now, I’ve just been too afraid to ask him on a date, fearing that he would confuse my wrestling persona with my actual real life self. What do ya say, Jay?”, Sami asked.

Jake would stay silent, Dave would take the hint and he patted his little brother on the shoulder before walking out of the room. Sami and Jake would lock eyes before Sami started to speak. “We-” “I don’t know, Samuel.. I just don’t know.”, Jake said interrupting the younger man. “Why don’t you know, Jay? Look, I know. My temper can get the best of me sometimes. I know I kiss people at random times. I know companies hate me, but I can assure you. If you agree to this, I will give you the whole damn world with the palm of my hands.”, Sami said. Before he could speak up again, Jake would cut him off with a gentle kiss to his lips. As soon as Jake pulled away, he looked into Sami’s eyes.

“I don’t want the whole world,
The sun, the moon and all their light.
I just wanna be the only man,
You love all your life.”

After Jake finished speaking, Sami took his cheeks softly in his hands, bringing his face close to his before placing his lips on his. As soon as Jake wrapped his arms around Sami’s neck, Dave would open the door a little, peaking inside before patting himself on the back. “Good job, Dave. You should do this more often.”, he told himself as the duo in the locker room slowly pulled away from their kiss.

“Shit on a shingle and horror movies at my place, then a slow dance to a Prince song in the kitchen?” Sami asked.

“You know the way to my heart.” Jake said before the two left the arena, hand in hand.

Spoilers tho mostly it’s just my interpretation of the main trio’s relationship dynamic

To me, the FinnPoe was strong. I don’t really care that Disney felt the need to insert a female love interest for Poe. Well, I care in that it was cowardly, but whatever. The story is what *I* make of it. I can easily read Poe as poly. I see him and Finn in a loving but open relationship where they are each other’s primaries. And Rey is obviously openly accepted as part of their family. The “this is my boyfriend Finn, and this is Finn’s boyfriend Poe” parks & rec reference actually works pretty well, except that Finn & Rey are best friends instead. And I love that. Poe and Rey are prickly towards each other at times, but in the way of siblings used to bickering but still ultimately respecting and loving each other.

And while I’m not a fan of Reylo, I’m not going to deny it was canon, but Rey had such a strong relationship with Finn & Poe (& Bb8 & Chewie) as her family of choice that when she ultimately loses Ben it wasn’t a huge blow to her because she barely had him in the first place. I think she had already faced her feelings and come to accept them but also that it was a complicated and shitty situation with little hope for a happy ending. As an orphan used to loss, she had already braced herself in that regard, and is profoundly grateful for who she still has, the people (and droids) who have been supporting and loving her on this journey.

Anyone else out there feeling that w me? I just loved their embrace at the end and felt like it encapsulated their relationship beautifully. I see them having all the cuddles T~T

P.s. I saw an article floating around that seemed like a relationship analysis of the trio but I avoided it since I hadn’t seen the movie yet and now of course I can’t find it anywhere so if anyone knows what I’m talking about off that incredibly vague description and could link me I’d appreciate it.

Summary: An introspective piece focused on Kaito Momota at the beginning of the game.


Warnings: References to canon violence and death.

Notes: I guess I was in a Kaito Momota mood, because here’s a fic focused on him set at v3′s beginning. I actually like his relationship with Kaede quite a bit so I thought I’d try and explore it. There’s also some Oumota because…you know.

***Alternate Ao3 Link***


He liked Kaede from the start. Who wouldn’t? She was outspoken and assertive, even if her insecurities would creep in every now and then. She would’ve been a perfect leader if only she didn’t second-guess herself so much.

Still, he wanted to support her with everything he had. She had the wits and the will to triumph. He was sure of it.

He wasn’t the only person supporting her, too. That Saihara guy seemed to stick to her like glue and while Kaito was a lot less sure about him, it never hurt to have friends and compatriots. Everyone should’ve seen how striking and full of the starry-eyed potential Kaede was full of!

Which was what made bastards like Ouma beating her down all the more unforgivable. Kaede might’ve been either too meek or polite to argue back, but it still pissed him off to no end.

Still, someone being a leader meant they were to be trusted. He might not agree with Kaede’s occasional cowardly approach, but he could still trust her to carry through. To triumph. Rome didn’t build rockets in a day or however the hell the saying went.

It would be fine.

It would be fine.

Ah, hell, things might not be fine.

It had still been a beautiful night out. He hated the cage above, but at least they could still see the stars. Sparkling and full of shimmering possibility—despite everything, looking up at them never failed to cheer him up.

His first thought upon seeing Kaede wandering around had been that maybe she was the same. Maybe they shared that kinship, even with Kaede’s admitted ignorance when it came to space.

He hadn’t thought anything weird about it, except that Kaede jumped when he called out to her.


Kaede even let out a very unmanly little yelp. And, uh, sure, she wasn’t a man but it was still…

That was beside the point! Kaede started acting a little weird. Her shoulders hunched over, her head ducked and her normally sharp gaze was askance. As if she was caught doing something shameful. That was just weird.

She shouldn’t feel bad about anything, he thought but when it came time to say just that, he held back. She’d argue with him, and he didn’t want that.

“Oh, Momota-kun.”

Even though she recognized him, she still didn’t calm down. If anything, she grew more anxious. It wasn’t right. The leader shouldn’t buckle like that—even to the Luminary of the Stars.

Damn you, Ouma, he cursed because it was always just easier to blame everything on that sniveling liar. Sure, it was a bit unfair but whatever. Jerk still should’ve been more considerate of Kaede.

“I-It’s a bit late,” Kaede began lamely in lieu of Kaito still pondering on what to say. “Um, are you—here to stargaze or…?”

“You don’t have to look so spooked,” he said. “No one’s gonna do anything, no matter what those asshole pandas think.”

“I wasn’t suggesting…!” Kaede shook her head frantically. “T-That, um…!”

Urgh. She wasn’t acting like herself at all. What was he supposed to do?

“S-Sorry,” she apologized meekly, which only made it worse. Was it because he was grimacing?

“No, it’s fine.” Best to just be polite. Best to be reassuring. Even crying kids could cheer up in the face of the Luminary of the Stars. “Is everything alright?”

“It’s…” Kaede hesitated. “Given the situation, I don’t see how anything could be alright.”

“Well, no, but we still got each other’s backs,” he said and flashed a grin. “We’re all friends, ain’t we? There’s six of them and like, sixteen of us. We’ve got numbers even if we don’t got the weapons.”

“Those weapons are the real sticking point,” Kaede sighed. “I just… I’m still worried.”

He can get that. Even he can’t help but worry. He had faith in his comrades, but—a gun was still a gun. He can’t help but worry and think—which of us might end up—?

Except! Such worries were still uncool and lame. If he let shit like that paralyze him with doubt, he might as well stay grounded forever.

“It’ll be fine! We believe in each other!”

Kaede perked up, and she did smile. That was a rousing success, right? Kaede smiling, Kaede hopeful…

“When you say that, I find myself wanting to agree, Momota-kun.”

He let out a huge belly laugh, even as Kaede shushed him for the hour. He rolled his eyes, but it was all good-natured. Kaede was still smiling, even if there was still tension in her shoulders.

“We’ll get through together,” she said and it was wonderful to hear. “I’m sure of it.”

Back to being bright and striking, and Kaito had known things would be fine. That everything would be fine.

That everything would be—

It wasn’t right.

It just wasn’t right.

No leader should be swinging like a pendulum like that. Kaede—shouldn’t have gotten crushed like that. And he had just barely gotten to know Amami, what the hell? Just how could this happen?

It wasn’t right.

Saihara pissed him off. There was no question about it. He was a spineless, blubbering mess of a man and there was just no relying on someone like that. It pissed him off that Kaede would entrust her wishes to a man who was just so goddamn weak.

…he knew he was being unfair. He still couldn’t even come to grips with Kaede dying. It didn’t feel real. He didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to wake the fuck up and see her smiling face in the morning with everyone else—

But she wasn’t anywhere in sight when he looked. Because the way that piano chomped down on her body…probably didn’t leave anything behind.

He felt so sick he couldn’t eat, and god fucking damn it all—he hated himself so much. When he thought about Saihara again, he just…

He guessed that he didn’t want Kaede’s wishes to go to waste.

But, he also knew that Saihara saved Kaede in a way.

He doesn’t want to think of her like this, but if there had ever been even a shadow of a moment where Kaede thought against telling them what she did—that would’ve been worse than death. Even if she survived, she would’ve destroyed herself. She was always too kind, too caring towards others—and god help him, he adored her for that alongside everything else that made her great.

Kaito made his choice then and there. He wasn’t going to be as bright or even as clever, but he’ll do everything he can to carry Saihara even if it was through the depths of hell. No, he’ll do everything he can for Shuuichi. Not just as a leader…but as a friend, too.

It’s what Kaede would’ve wanted, and he’d do anything for her.

…it hurt. It really did hurt, watching Shuuichi cry his eyes out, but it helped. They’d heal and they’d carry on. They’ll work together, they’ll fight together, they’ll win together.

It would be fine.

It had to be.

“Wah! I thought I found some sort of shadow troll, but it was just that idiot Momota-chan!”


“It’s so late out,” Ouma went on, looming over him with a malicious grin. “Were you contemplating something devious? You weren’t planning on killing anyone, right?”

“Dumbass,” he snapped. “I’m just laying here and thinking. Shouldn’t it be past your bedtime?”

“I’m on a night prowl, you know,” Ouma said. “Unlike you slackers, I care very much about preventing murders, you see!” He laughed, grating and irritating. “That’s a lie! I was actually planning on killing you right here and now! You better start running!”

“Dude, I am not in the fucking mood. I’m…”

Exhausted. He’s fucking exhausted. But, if Shuuichi saw him like this, it’d ruin everything. Still, if he goes to bed, he might end up dreaming of her.

“You gonna sleep outside?” Ouma asked, blinking down at him owlishly. “That’ll make it super easy to kill you, you know.”

“No one’s gonna do that. Kaede, just… She was different.”

“She wasn’t boring, unlike you.”


Seriously, he didn’t think he’d get Ouma. He just knew he didn’t like this kid.

“Seriously, though.”

He really didn’t understand, especially when Ouma started speaking to him like this.

“Akamatsu-chan isn’t going to be the only one who turns to murder.” This frustrating kid leaned in, his irritatingly childish face obscuring the stars—and the cage bars. “Trusting everyone isn’t feasible. You need to learn how to exercise caution. I won’t always be here to look out for you.”

He didn’t understand, because then Ouma was grinning.

“But I will be there to kill you! Nishishishi!”


And of course, the brat ran off. Frustrating and incomprehensible—but a total fucking coward all the same. That wasn’t who Kaito wanted to be at all, and it was someone that he really needed to keep far away from Shuuichi, too.

Still, he’s worried. Who wouldn’t be? That jackass may have given Kaede a lot of grief, but…

Even like this, Kaede’s pitiful smile kept flashing and flashing in his mind’s eye.

What would you do? You’d manage, right? You’d definitely…manage.

It would be fine.

It would be fine.
