#demonic spellwork



Algol’s Degree is 26 Taurus according to Christopher Warnock. Furthermore, for election’s sake. the Star should be either rising or culminating on the ascendant or midheaven. The Fixed Stars are said to be rising or culminating 5-8 degrees on either side of the Midheaven or Ascendant with the Ascendant being preferred due to its strength. With that said, let’s get into it.

Algol’s stone is said to be Diamond. The plants associated with her are Black Hellebore with the addition of Mugwort according to Agrippa. The Bodleian MS says of Algol “Hellebore Juice with an equal amount of wormwood place under a diamond etc. to bring hatred and courage, preserve the members of the body and grant vengeance over those you wish’.

The Image of Algol is said to be the head of a man with a bloody neck.

Her Talisman brings the following effects: Success in petitions, obtaining boldness, preserving the body, reflects evil sent against the magus and protects against witchcraft.

Her talismans are favoured for spiritual protection. Black Hellebore is toxic as an incense therefore mugwort would be preferred. Black and red candles are good colours but Warnock mentions toning down the rough energies of Algol by way of white candles. She is a good star to work with but one that does not take well to disrespect in any form. She requires good focus and preparation in the working be it devotional, spellwork or the preparation of a talisman both before, during and after.

Invocation of Algol as given by Christopher Warnock:

said nine times

O’ Algol, Hail Unto You, Beta Persei. O Ras Al-Ghul, fearsome, powerful Star. I ask that you grant me personal protection (or protect these people and this space) from incantations and all attack, reflect all attacks back upon the attackers.

The Symbol of Algol

Extra Notes

Algol does hold a particular place in certain groups of black magick as a star suited to empower works, empowering the creation of monsters and the works of transformation and alchemy. It can be called upon to increase the power of the witch and is regarded as highly auspicious in the LHP. Due to its incredibly dark nature, as well as highly transformative effects, Algol does impose evolution onto the person calling upon Her. Saturating an area with this star’s energy has been known to cause its inhabitants to take on a darker nature. It aids in darker works of alchemy and enlightenment through darker avenues.
