#dess text post


I Acquired A Copy!


…of the volume of Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy where Marx and Kirby were childhood best friends! Manpuku may not be the prettiest looking (and its obsession with Dedede’s butt is a.definite.issue) but I found myself pleasantly satisfied with this one story.

“Do you remember every promise you’ve ever made?”
“You’re sure you haven’t forgotten even one?”
“A promise languishing somewhere…”

It had your standard zany manga Kirby gags, but Marx and Kirby’s friendship was done well, never crossing over into uncomfortable weirdness. This was a nice mix of sympathetic Marx and mischief-gremlin Marx. (Especially gremlin-like, as he lived alone in the tunnels underneath Castle Dedede for 5 years waiting for Kirby!!)

Anyway, really happy to see another manga outside of Moretsu Pupupu Hour attempt to work Marx into the story at all. 

(…It CAN be done!)

So, you may have seen this sprite paired with a bevy of amusing redraws(ala the Sailor Moon redraws boom) on Twitter.


It, of course, comes from the first (optional) tutorial in Kirby Super Star (Ultra)’s first introductory mini-game “Spring Breeze.


Hilarious as Kirby’s reaction to being called “jolly” is, why DOES the puffball give the narrator that nasty glare at that description??


In Japanese, after introducing Kirby to us, the narrator says “…they have no cares.” Or “…no worries.” “They live a stress-free life” in essence!

Kirby gives the narrator that look because the comment is cheekily dismissive of our hero who is about to go on a (short) quest to save Dream Land! (Not to mention take a few hits along the way, if the player is truly new to the game.)

So Kirby frowns at the implication that their life is always easy and that nothing ever bothers them. Which is interesting, considering a lot of us DO tend to fall back on “Oh, Kirby is so carefree and easygoing!

We’re sorry about that, Kirby! You’re our hero and we take you seriously! We know that everyone has off days, you included! You don’t have to be jolly all the time! But thank you for always trying hard for us!


Hi everyone.

I am so sorry but due to the sudden death of my keyboard, I will not have today`s chapter up on time. I`m going to have to order a replacement and since I don`t know how soon that will take plus a bunch of other factors, updates may be sporadic/delayed for a bit.

My sincere apologies to everyone looking forward to this.


…Same deal applies here at my main blog. (It would just have to happen when I`d decided to clear out my inbox grrr…) Currently, I have four asks queued up (one more for tonight and three for tomorrow, possibly) and seven asks I haven`t gotten to yet.

I FOUND IT!“The enemies that Kirby defeats or swallows just revive on their own (like weeds.)&


“The enemies that Kirby defeats or swallows just revive on their own (like weeds.)”

This seems to imply it's Kirby’s ability that makes themincapable of killing anything (not without intent…?) and not a Popstar thing.

Interestingly, if this document was in play during the Sakurai-era, then the question of how’d Marx survive Milky Way Wishes becomes surprisingly simple: Marx was never “dead” dead to begin with!

(It’s NIGHTMARE! Nightmare was the revived evil soul!) /j

FWIW, this seems to be from Early Kirby, where Kirby is said to be 20 cm tall (first item on the list, in fact) and that seems to have changed? Because there are height charts amongst the FL signs in Wondaria that reach 3-5 ft, and while Kirby isn’t that tall, they’re taller than 20 cm. So, take all this with a grain of salt.

Post link

The Kirby series being the Kirby series, I don’t seriously take anything the side merchandise says as evidence of say, a canon romantic pairing. (“Lovingly dedicated…” COUGH COUGH

It’s a cute little nod, if nothing else!

…So, speaking of the latest cute nod I’ve found!

I saw Re-Ment put out a Kirby Hanafuda set. In Koi Koi, a game with Hanafuda, you draw and match cards, aiming for specific sets. There are various ways cards can match, like month and subject, and certain specific matches get you more points.

This is all to say look who they put on the July/Wisteria cards!


And the significance of them being the same month means that, no matter what, you will always be able to make a matched pair out of Marx and Magolor!

(…They’re just not worth many points…)


…At least, their memory is alive thanks to these Kirby’s Block BallandKirby’s Star Stacker t-shirts in this latest (?) wave of merch!

Maybe if we buy enough of them, they’ll realize how much we actually love those two and work them back into the series!!

…Okay, look, I’m trying very hard to be unbiased here, but we all know everyone’s really here for our favorite onion witch. 

Brobo fans, you are valid too though. 

…All two of you. /j
