

I was sent this template by my sister who knows my tastes too well.

Marxolor anon, you are valid (and very sweet) and welcome in my ask box any time!

Also, have a quick, random Marxolor sketch!


-A Gijinka Kirby Fan Comic-

After way too long, the second half of Chapter 1 is finally done! 

Marionettes’ Pavane” or “MariPav” is my serious, personal take on Magolor, Marx, their growing relationship, and the complex events preluding “Return to Dream Land.” It’s full of headcanon and not always canon-compliant ones either. (…Especially now. Oops.)

Warnings: this part contains some unnatural eye imagery in several places (various characters) and some STRONG horror/body-horror elements toward the end. (That last one’s for Marx, so, you can probably guess what’s coming. He’s.not.well…)

Pt.2 is 10 pages!


End of Ch.1

Will Marx pull himself back together before this golden-eyed maniac does who-knows-what to him?!  
Find out next time!

(Spoilers: He does, in fact, get better.)

The Kirby series being the Kirby series, I don’t seriously take anything the side merchandise says as evidence of say, a canon romantic pairing. (“Lovingly dedicated…” COUGH COUGH

It’s a cute little nod, if nothing else!

…So, speaking of the latest cute nod I’ve found!

I saw Re-Ment put out a Kirby Hanafuda set. In Koi Koi, a game with Hanafuda, you draw and match cards, aiming for specific sets. There are various ways cards can match, like month and subject, and certain specific matches get you more points.

This is all to say look who they put on the July/Wisteria cards!


And the significance of them being the same month means that, no matter what, you will always be able to make a matched pair out of Marx and Magolor!

(…They’re just not worth many points…)

Bastard dating bastard

(Might delete later when I have time to color these in with more Marxolor sketches lmao, for now I’m going to sleep zzz)

Enjoying cake together in the New World

(Close up of the dumb posters in the bg because I spend too much time over it-)

Saw that one chapter of Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy about Marx being Kirby’s childhood best friend and I haven’t been thinking about anything else since

(first drawing is with the direct quote from one single panel from that chapter and it hurts so much?? ) ((also idk what is happening with the bg in that one, I’m sleepy hdgxhc))

Aggie Kirb collab with @processormalfunction (aka bestie I dragged into Kirby hell with me via Metadede), she drew King Dedede and Marx Soul while I drew Meta Knight and Magolor Soul

We both did the lines together on Aggie, I insisted on putting base color, then I got possessed and started doing cell shading jdjcjc

@zeldyhare said : Oh okay! That’s good to know. VvV could it be possible to draw Magolor and M

@zeldyhare said : Oh okay! That’s good to know. VvV could it be possible to draw Magolor and Marx having a dessert or desserts of some kind together? If it is too detailed I understand and will change it, but thank you in advance. >v<

of course!!:0 here they are on a date!! tysm for requesting!

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