#destiel feels


A long desperate sigh filled the waiting room
A gentle left the man’s lips soon after to be heard by no-one but himself. And if he was listening
His Angel
“Cas buddy, we need you,”

From the tense silence of the nearly empty room an older woman burst through the doors.
“Do we have a Dean?”
The man froze. It seemed in those limited seconds between question and answer every emotion passed his thoughts.
“That’s me…”
“He wants to see you.”
The man didn’t realise he’d been clenching his fists and holding his breath until he released them at the sound of ’..he wants..’

Everything was in slow motion.
Feet clattering down with each step.
Passing by each devastatingly injured person hooked up to every life support.
‘That could be him’

Every joyous, laughing person.
'I wish that was him,’

The presumed nurse stopped outside a door, and spoke gently, with kindness.
“He’s in there.”
“My pleasure it’s always beautiful when couples re-unite in a hospital room.”
This was the last thing she’d said before walking away yet he still called after her,“ we’re not a couple, he’s my best friend.”
Suddenly it felt odd to call him a best friend but he dismissed the feeling and entered the room.

“Hey buddy,”
“Dean it’s you,”
“Yep, in the flesh and blood,”
“But the question is.. How are you cas?”
“Seems reasonable,”
“How are you and Sam?”

“Me? I’m good, just keepin’ goin’. Sam? Well he’s the best he’s been in years, right now he’s huntin anything and everything whe can find.”

The only thing filling the silence was a brief chuckle from cas then the steady noise of the heart machine.

“Cas did you hear me?”
“And… Well you know we need you…”
“Of course Dean..”

Both of them shuffled around awkwardly. Uncommon for Dean. Very common for castiel.

“I know you need me more than Sam. I know you should be saying 'I need you’”

“Cas what do you mean?”
He heard no answer and slowly raised his head from staring at his shoes and looked at castiel.
He had gone limp and his beautiful eyes had closed.

“Cas, cas buddy wake up, we need you!”

There was no reaction or visible change however the heart monitor began to slow..
Seconds later they came crashing in, four or five of them. Straight to his bedside.


He dropped closer to the bed and spoke softly to him one last time,“Castiel. Baby. I need you.” “I Need You Now.”
But his attempts were in vain and the heart machine simply stopped.

“No no no no no this can’t happen. I need you. Baby I love you..”

Sorry I don’t know who drew this if you do let me know It’s super cute Thanks guys have

Sorry I don’t know who drew this if you do let me know
It’s super cute
Thanks guys have a good day

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