

Dethentines Day 3: laughing togetherorcrying together

girls night girls night girls night

Dethentines Day 2: inspired by a favorite romantic song

listen. i intended to draw angsty magnate inspired by a mountain goats song. but this isn’t from a mountain goats song all

Dethentines Day 1: in the style of a romance novel

i’ve wanted to draw a cover for @little-murmaider’s fic, A Permanent Arrangement, for ages!! and now i finally have


Y'all know what’s up! Dethentine’s Week is a week dedicated to all things schmoopy and schmaltzy and shippy, when we give our blorbos the love and affection they deserve. :’) Drawings, fic, mood boards, videos, it’s all good as long as you bring on the warm fuzzies!

Have fun with it! Interpret the prompts however you want! And if you have any questions/would like anything clarified, just drop me an ask or a message and I’ll be glad to help!

Happy Dethentine’s!
