


kloktober day 7: sci-fi! i wanted to draw my idea of a cyber-revengencer AU feat. ROBO-TRINDLE, who i’ve been waiting to draw again for years

Dethentines Day 3: laughing togetherorcrying together

girls night girls night girls night


Actually speaking of Fanklok, recently came up with the ship of Trindle X Lavona. Like their mutual obsession with Nathan eventually circled to just being gay for each other . Honestly at the risk of perputaing certain problematic stereotypes (during fucking Pride no less) it wouldn’t surprised me if Trindle was into just anyone that looked like Nathan.

✨Late night Trindle drawing✨

Just thinking about how cute it would be if Nathan bought this dress for her cuz he thought she’d look adorable

I’m officially adopting her and Brendon Small can pry her from my cold dead hands, lol

Every drawing I made on vacation this year on one page! Featuring a couple Mirandas, a Mackenzie, a vintage Trindle and a Nita!

I swear Miranda’s hair gets pinker every time I color it traditionally, lmao. I gotta work on that
