#detroit evolution



Detroit Reawakening is now live!

Check out the final Reed900 short fan film from Octopunk Media. After the events of Detroit Evolution, Gavin and Nines reflect on the early days of their relationship.

Detroit Reawakening serves as a remake of our very first DBH film, Detroit Awakening, and the original DA will be deleted at the end of the day <3 Thank you for three years (right down to the day!) of support and enjoy the film.

((so sorry this is late))

Happy Birthday Detroit: Evolution!

When I discovered this film, I also discovered, what I didn’t know then, would be an amazing family to me today. This film, it’s community and the people behind it all have a special place in my heart.

Thank you @octopunkmedia for bringing these characters to life and for making this community such a welcoming environment, for helping me and so many others feel like they finally belong somewhere and feel valid.

Lots of love,


Absolutely adore the Reed900 cosplay photo shoot that @octopunkmedia did, so I couldn’t resist doing some art of my favourite photo from the shoot



Can I be hopeful and tell myself that Detroit Evolution gave me the ace Nines I’ve always wanted?
Like from the way he talks about falling in love with someone during the scene in the car and the ending scene where he expresses his disappointment at not being “complete” or being able to give Gavin what he thinks he needs. It struck a chord with me. Reminded me of myself. 
Even if that’s not the case, and it’s not symbolic but purely face value android stuff, I still love it. I love that Gavin reassures Nines that it’s ok, and that he loves him for him.
My heart.

It’s 100% intentional my dear. I am glad you felt seen! I - the writer/director - am asexual, so it was written from that experience of self doubt and journey through the asexual discovery process.

I just wanna say- thank you. As a fellow ace- It was really refreshing to see an ace character that was ace- but not completely sex-repulsed. The sex-positive and sex-indifferent side of the ace community honestly gets so little representation that for years, despite knowing I was ace, I felt broken, even within my own community.

Nines didn’t seem grossed out or even completely disinterested in that aspect of the relationship, he knew he was lacking and he admitted to never feeling that way for someone, and that’s just- so damn relieving. I spent at least an hour just- being relieved that Nines was ace, but in a way that didn’t make me feel broken either. And Gavin’s reassurance was something so many people needed to hear, and proof that people don’t always need that in relationships is so- so nice.

Thank you so much for this- all of you. Sending all the virtual hugs!

jadedragon1903sartblog: @octopunkmedia I decided to do a series of screen-cap redraws! Here’s the fijadedragon1903sartblog: @octopunkmedia I decided to do a series of screen-cap redraws! Here’s the fi



I decided to do a series of screen-cap redraws! Here’s the first one. Hopefully more to come soon :P

“I just wanted to protectyou.”

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