


Dick Grayson/Nightwing in the Titans Season 3 Trailer

 Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. Bu Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. Bu Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. Bu Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. Bu Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. Bu

Sometimes I have to come here, simply to be alone before my mind fairly explodes with confusion. But most of the time I can’t escape

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You start to question what you’ve become. What you could have been. What some say you should hYou start to question what you’ve become. What you could have been. What some say you should hYou start to question what you’ve become. What you could have been. What some say you should h

You start to question what you’ve become. What you could have been. What some say you should have been
↳ Nightwing #29 (2011)

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I think you keep trying to swing out too far so you don’t have to swing back   ↳ Nightwing Rebirth #I think you keep trying to swing out too far so you don’t have to swing back   ↳ Nightwing Rebirth #I think you keep trying to swing out too far so you don’t have to swing back   ↳ Nightwing Rebirth #

I think you keep trying to swing out too far so you don’t have to swing back
↳ Nightwing Rebirth # 3

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