#dinners and diatribes


Excuse me , but like #sorrynotsorry

WHAT THE FUCK DID I FUCKING TELL YOU!!! YA’LL THOUGHT OUR BOY ANDY WAS SOME TALL GLASS OF SUGARY SUBNESS BUT HERE IS MY EVIDENCE, THIS IS ALL THE EVIDENCE I FUCKING NEED!!! Our dude made his poor horny lover trapped in this disturbing elaborate dinner of raw meat and all she can do is sit and stare and do nothing while he uses his special telekinetic powers to keep her where she is and SUFFER. But I mean he seemed to find great joy in her burning him up and roasting a marshmallow over his dead body, so, as I have said before…

Andrew Hozier Byrne is a switch through and through

Okay okay I think I’m alright now. That just made me feel really good and the video was weird as hell but wonderful. Gonna go watch it again, bye ya’ll.

Sorry about the hyperagression…got ahead of myself hahaha

So I know I have been arguing this for a while but…

Dom!Hozier Evidence:

  1. It Will Come Back (Obsessive man unable to control the romantic and lustful pulls he has. Compares himself to a dog)
  2. Moment’s Silence (Song about blowjobs, which could arguably be a Dominant sexual act)
  3. Jackie and Wilson (Man wanting some soothing from his girl, could be showing some claiming behavior)

Sub!Hozier Evidence:

  1. NFWMB (Finds great enjoyment and emotion in being with powerful and intimidating women)
  2. Dinners & Diatribes (Some sort of insertion is occurring, whether pegging or getting ridden idk, but either action is arguably submissive)
  3. Work Song (Very coddling and cuddly, sounds like he wants to be taken care of)

So let me bring it up again: Andrew Hozier Byrnes is the bog king of switches and it should be appreciated his versatility while still drinking the good respect women juice
