#dino thunder

Imagine Fossilador hypnotizing you into agreeing to have multiple clutches of eggs. “Whose eggs?” yo

ImagineFossilador hypnotizing you into agreeing to have multiple clutches of eggs. 

“Whose eggs?” you asked, before succumbing to the monster’s power. “Yours? Mesogog’s? The Tyrannodrones’?” 


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Did you stop watching Power Rangers at Mighty Morphin and wondered whatever happened to the original Green Ranger/White Ranger after the series ended? Here’s my video letting you know the other appearances Tommy has made on the franchise beyond the first 3 seasons.

It’s rant time again

Ok so as we know, in the Dino Thunder and Ninja Storm team up episode, when Cam told Blake and Hunter that they needed to go into the abiss of evil in order to get their powers back, Blake immediately said “There’s no way we are doing that. It’s crazy.” and even when they were already attached and about to go down, he insisted in not doing it. I always felt that being scared wasn’t really a thing that Blake would do, but thinking about it I remembered:

In the episode “General Deception” when Blaked climbed down a cliff to help someone, it ended in him falling.

Blake wasn’t scared just bc they were going to a dangerous place, he was scared because the last time he was in a similar situation he almost died.

And the worst part is…

He did end up falling AGAIN! (thankfully Hunter was there to jump for him, which would be his second time doing it)

I seriously can’t stop overanalyzing every single thing i can about them.

I want to say how much I love that everyone is running along their partner at almost the same speed

Andthen there’s the Bradleys and Tommy

Blake was probably thinking about how much he hates tall people

Remember that time the rangers were being attacked in their dreams, and Trent was the only one safe bc he was pulling an all nighter to do hw and Elsa was all angry like “Why can’t you sleep like a normal person?!” Yes, we all feel you Trent.
