#ninja storm

torihansons: POWER RANGERS AESTHETICS: Power Rangers Ninja Storm  view on pinterest in collaboration

shane clarke is a beautiful man and is in the running for Top Red Ranger Of All Time and i think that we as a society just have to accept these claims for what they are: the unadulterated, non GMO 116% organic Truth

kimberlyannharts:codenamejd:kimberlyannharts: i’m so glad the reboot movie paid homage to ninja




i’m so glad the reboot movie paid homage to ninja storm, the inventor of the front of helmets opening up

Excuse you.

that’s the weirdest suit i’ve ever seen, i guess that’s from ninja storm’s unaired pilot

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#ninja storm    #disney era    

Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger - Headers

I am back with sad thoughts and I want to drag everyone with me

A while back I rewatched the Thunder Storm team up and noticed how Blake was the only one that wasn’t wearing uniform and the rest had new ones since they became teachers while he sticked to motocross.

Now the thing is, what if he kept his old uniform? Imagine him wearing it sometimes or just looking at it when he misses Hunter and his friends while he is away? Damn I got emotional again.

I was watching the pic of the ns cast that Sally Martin shared in her facebook and umm… how do I say this?

Is… iS JORGE WEARING A CHOKER? This seems like an in costume pic bc they are all in their ranger colors, does that mean that Blake would wear them? I swear that the only accessory i ever saw on him was an occasional necklace (i actually found it kinda ugly but anyways-)

In conclusion, that guy has taste and is a fashion icon (take a look at that ring too✨)

Now that i am finally feeling brave enough to empty my vents caused by over thinking lemme just put this around here:

We all know that in the last episode of Ninja Storm Blake is going away bc of the motocross thing, he doesn’t say how long it will be, but we only see him having a little chat with Tori about it.


Imagine how it must have been for him and Hunter to be separated for the first time in their entire lives? After spending years in which it was only the 2 of them depending on each other.

The wind team at least got to teach together, Hunter and Blake had to fucking say goodbye.

It’s rant time again

Ok so as we know, in the Dino Thunder and Ninja Storm team up episode, when Cam told Blake and Hunter that they needed to go into the abiss of evil in order to get their powers back, Blake immediately said “There’s no way we are doing that. It’s crazy.” and even when they were already attached and about to go down, he insisted in not doing it. I always felt that being scared wasn’t really a thing that Blake would do, but thinking about it I remembered:

In the episode “General Deception” when Blaked climbed down a cliff to help someone, it ended in him falling.

Blake wasn’t scared just bc they were going to a dangerous place, he was scared because the last time he was in a similar situation he almost died.

And the worst part is…

He did end up falling AGAIN! (thankfully Hunter was there to jump for him, which would be his second time doing it)

I seriously can’t stop overanalyzing every single thing i can about them.

I’ve been thinking of a one shot fanfic idea for Power Rangers Ninja Storm, and instead of doing it I used it for a screenplay I had to write for an assignment. So basically I have an AU in which everything’s the same except for the whole “ninja/power rangers” thing.

I will probably be editing it out of the script format, changing it to english, and uploading it to Ao3 some time soon.

I want to say how much I love that everyone is running along their partner at almost the same speed

Andthen there’s the Bradleys and Tommy

Blake was probably thinking about how much he hates tall people

Me: Oh I didn’t cry with this specific media, guess I have toughened up.

Fictional character: (insert another character) is the only family I have)

Me (crying): omg they’re the only family they have.

Yet another dumb thought I had and felt like expressing it

(After Blake falls from his bike on a race)

Hunter: All right, where’s the break? You feel a break?


Hunter: Are you woozy?


Hunter: How many ranger colors does the team have?

Blake: I’m fine

Hunter: Answer the color question!


Hunter: No! See? Something’s wrong with you. We have red, blue, yellow, green- That’s all we have? You’re OK


girl help in order to obtain the exact content i want i must create it myself

The amount of times I say this as I angrily write my RPM and Ninja Storm fanfiction bc the actual shows fucking angstbaited me. What do you mean if I want very specific family drama and fluff from the Bradleys, I have to write it myself?

One of the main reasons that I’m grateful for Power Rangers being a series targeted at children is that if it wasn’t, then there would almost always be one dead ranger per season (I know there have been “deaths” but when rangers die, they always come back).

And I am completely sure that if that were the case, then one of these fuckers

would have been a goner


my list, in no particular order, of when a soundtrack has absolutely went off it’s tits to give some of the best moments in any media.

  1. infamous quicksilver scene from x-men apocalypse (”sweet dreams are made of this” playing as he saves everyone from the manor)
  2. the inexplicable use of supermassive black hole by muse  in twilight during the baseball scene
  3. the scene in umbrella academy where five fucks up all those agents in the diner while “istanbul (not constantinople)” plays in the background
  4. what’s up danger playing from into the spiderverse when miles takes the leap of faith
  5. the start of spiderman homecoming when they played the orchestral version of the spiderman theme for the first time
  6. sweet victory
  7. “sitting there useless as two shits hey, turn around bend over i’ll show you where my shoe fits
  8. the part in rwby where they slingshot ruby at the nevermore while the final part of red like roses pt.2 plays, the guitars blaring as she goes up the cliff and ending with the beheading
  9. “I AM MOANA”
  10. busted from phineas and ferb
  11. the end of guardians of the galaxy volume 2 where they start playing father and son
  12. the part in thor ragnarok when hela asks thor “what were you the god of again?” before thor attacks her and starts going batshit crazy on the undead army while led zeppelin’s immigrant song plays

as this is by no means a comprehensive list, please add any soundtrack moments that were so Fucking Good they made you have a physical reaction.

1. The entire Digimon Adventure soundtrack, the opening riff of Brave Heart always gives me chills, and don’t get me started on “Concierto de Aranjuez” playing over Holyangemon appearing for the first time.

2. Power Rangers Ninja Storm theme song, idk what the instrument that sounds is called, but right before “the call is on” there’s this sound that makes you go “Yes, these are ninjas”.

3. “POWER RAAAANGEERS (lost lost) GALAXYYYY” “Aaaahh aaaah aaaaaah aaah”

4. Power Rangers Dino Charge theme song, and the first intro of Dino Super Charge when there are 8 rangers and the pose-with-explosion thing at the end fits PERFECTLY WITH THE beat. Also that morphing theme that was a somehow even more epic instrumental version of the intro song.

5. The first seconds of the intro of Power Rangers Super Samurai when the sounds of the swords fit perfectly with the beat.

6. That one time they used a different version of EVO in Digimon Tamers (it was also the first time we heard that song, they used it with Terriermon).

7. The battle song for The Chronicles of Narnia, the chills it brings, and the way it goes silent, the heartbeats, and then only war sounds.

8. “At the airport” from Yuri!!! on Ice

9. In Twilight Princess when Ganondorf starts transforming into Ganon, the human voice distorts into a beast, and the music starts playing.

Tori: “Blue Bay seeing yellow!”

Dustin: How cool is this?

Hunter & Blake: (silently judging)

“I thought I was supposed to be the older, wiser one.”

“You’re still older, way older.”

Dustin being Dustin + the team highkey getting worried

(angry woman voice) And take your trash with you!
