

Theoi Summary - Dionysos

Διονυσος (dee-OH-nee-sohs) - Dionysos AKA Dionysus
God of wine, chaos, reincarnation, rebirth, pleasure, madness, mental illness, fertility, the grape harvest, androgyny, and the transgender/nonbinary
Ouranic Olympian with Chthonic aspects

Symbols: Thyrsus, grapevine, ivy, chalice, pine cone, wine
Animals: Goat, panther, leopard, bull, serpent, tiger
Colors: Red, green, black, purple
Plants/Herbs: Grapevine, ivy, bindweed, white pine
Stones/Crystals: Amethyst, purple crystals

Retinue: Maenads, Satyrs
Relations: Ariadne (wife), Zeus (father), Semele (mother), Persephone (sometimes mother), Priapos (son), Methe (daughter), Thysa (daughter), Telete (daughter), Iakkhos (son), Pasithea (daughter), Kharites (sometimes daughters), half sibling to all children of Zeus
Identified with: Liber (Roman), Bacchus (Roman), Osiris (Kemetic), Haides (Hellenic), Iakkhos (Hellenic)

Festivals: Rural Dionysia (10th Pos.), City Dionysia (10-17th Ela.), Anthesteria (11-13th Ant.), Dionysian Mysteries (??), Eleusinian Mysteries (14-23rd Boe.)

Epithets: Maenoles (Mad), Nyctelius (Of the Night), Lampterus (Of the Torches), Hestius (Of the Feast), Androgynos (Androgynous), Auxites (Giver of Increase), Staphylites (Of the Grape), Theoenus (God of Wine), Oenops (Wine-Dark), Dimetor (Twice-Born), Anthion (Of the Flowers), Kissios (Of the Ivy), Eleuthereus (Liberator), Lysios (Of Release), Soterius (Savior from Madness)
