

You know you have a chronic illness when… your browser history is mostly medical journals, patient forums, and chronic illness blogs. 

One of the worst things about chronic illness is how it changes your relationships. 

Because you’re so tired, it’s hard to regulate your emotions. You might snap at your loved ones, or lean on them for emotional support too heavily. 

You might worry about asking your loved ones for too much help. Even if you have very supportive family and friends, internalized ableism can make you feel that you’re a burden on them.  

Worst of all, chronic illness can cause the people who don’t understand it to say very hurtful things to you or even walk out of your life entirely.

It’s extremely hard to cope with the changes that chronic illness brings to your body while coping with the changes it brings to your relationships and your life. 

Caption by f.vargas.art on Instagram:

Art in progress.

Caption by mutant_robot on Instagram:

taxes. [image: taken from my viewpoint so that arm and joystick of my powerchair are visible. Across from me is a desk with papers and the keyboard my tax advisor is working at]

Caption by migratorypatterns_ on Instagram:

I did it! I vlogged nearly a whole day! I got a bit carried away and filmed a lot more of Granville island than I meant to. I hope the footage comes out okay ^_^ my hope is editing these will be a little quicker. I need to learn to be less precious with them! Almost impossible for an obsessive perfectionist. 

Caption by kristen__noel on Instagram:

Collarbone has been stuck forever..the rest of me is like jello. Today’s heat and sun were way too much even for the brief amount of time I was outside. Brace yourselves….summer is comming. 

Caption from sitting_pretty on Instagram:

When I was a little girl, I saw myself as beautiful. Like fairy-princess riding a glass carriage to the ball kind of beautiful. I woke and ate and dressed and played and slept believing this.
When I got a bit older, I started to pick up on the way people looked at me. They rushed to help me, seemed sad or even proud when I smiled, and stared at my paralyzed legs. I noticed that none of the fairy-princesses on the screens looked anything like me. And this is when I started to piece it together – girls that looked like me were usually pitied, could maybe become inspirational, but were never beautiful. So I found ways to hide myself, obscure my imperfections, point the camera away from my paralyzed legs.
But here I am, thirty years old, finding my way back to the little girl who saw herself as beautiful, who wasn’t afraid to put on a lacy floor-length dress, just to go to the library, who didn’t try to hide, who felt worthy of admiration. Day by day, I am building my beauty uniform – the space I slip into that invites me to relish in my own particular beauty, to be seen without shame.

#via instagram    #disabilityisnormal    #disability advocacy    #disability awareness    #disability    #disabled    #wheelchair    #wheelchair user    #garden    #outdoors    #portrait    #fashion    #body image    #self image    #beauty    #paralyzed    #saytheword    #acceptance    

No caption from michelle_gilmour on Instagram

{Michelle is a tattoo shop owner and this is them with their coworkers}

Caption from steelwheels76 on Instagram:

One of my hobbies is #woodcarving . I kinda have major loss of function in my hands, which complicates things. Most of my hobbies require dexterity and the use of tools and/or knives - painting, sketching, cooking, gaming. Sometimes I think I do these things out of pure spite. 

My YouTube upload from last week. I’m both a wheelchair user and I receive all essential nutrition via a feeding tube that runs into my intestines. This doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy the normal pleasures of life, sometimes it just means adaptations, and smaller amounts of said pleasures than is considered ‘normal’.


A photo posted by F. Irina Vargas (@irina.vargas) on

No caption from irina.vargas on Instagram.

Caption from _snow_whyte_ on Instagram:

I chopped my hair…. Lol Jk- just my bangs:)

This is a painting my friend Mandy painted of me from a self portrait during a hospital stay just over a year ago. While a hospital stay isn’t necessarily a normal part of life for most people, Mandy reposted it to bring awareness to the DisabilityIsNormal project.

I strongly believe it should be normal for disabled people to be depicted in all forms of art and media. While my personal opinions on what constitutes ‘normal’ are complicated and I don’t believe we should have to strive to be ‘normal’, I <b>do</b> think that disability should be (and is) a normal part of life for everyone in the world.

This will only be acknowledged and true when everyone stops ignoring disability. With movements like #SayTheWord, #DisabilityIsNormal and the various campaigns to get real, honest disability representation in the media, we will get there.

caption from steelwheels76 on Instagram:

Både fint, obehagligt och lätt incestuöst när @miss_sof_e sjunger Moulin Rouge!-versionen av “Your Song” för mig.

caption from botfighter on Instagram:

and so kawakon ends, with a pretty chill sunday.

caption from studdedsugar on Instagram:

in honor of #rarediseaseday here’s a full body photo of me rocking my knee braces. i’ve mentioned having ehlers-danlos syndrome twice before on this account, but it’s something that affects my day to day life, so why not talk about it a few times?

Enjoying my Sunday morning cappuccino! I’ll always have the comfiest seat in the house (;

Enjoying my Sunday morning cappuccino! I’ll always have the comfiest seat in the house (;

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Via Twitter user rory @ spoonlesscutie“A pic I took visiting family last month - my aunt and I were

Via Twitter user rory @ spoonlesscutie

“A pic I took visiting family last month - my aunt and I were sewing and I had Oreo pie!”


Post link
Via Twitter user Carly Medosch @ CarlyRM“Borrowed a wheelchair to attend VA state fair in 2011 where

Via Twitter user Carly Medosch @ CarlyRM

“Borrowed a wheelchair to attend VA state fair in 2011 where I met my best pal Domino “


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