#discussion of fatphobia





it’s weird when i step outside of my firmly anti-diet social circle and hear a person talking about doing some pretty severe calorie restriction as if that’s totally normal. like how the fuck do i even begin explaining to someone i barely know that eating only 1300 calories a day is extremely bad for you and that basically everything they think they know about nutrition is false.

the average thin person is so afraid of becoming fat that they’ll do things which are extremely bad for them on every level with zero upsides (calorie restriction is even likely to cause future weight gain!) and this is completely normalized in mainstream culture. anti-fat discrimination is so deeply ingrained in the systems of our society and it’s so fucked.

Diet people never even seem to remember that a calorie is only a measurement of energy, specifically the energy it takes to raise the temperature of water by one degree. Theres no single solid definition of what a “calorie” is in your food and most labelling of such is just spitballing but people talk about it like it’s a literal 1 to 1 measure of how fat a food will make you.


if u are going to draw a fat character u Need to commit to making them fat. for real, do not skimp out. before u consider ur art finished, please try comparing it to pics of the actual character to see if they match….. if they are skinnier but u consider them proportionate in ur style i genuinely urge u to reconsider that line of thinking. regardless of that, they are skinnier than theyre supposed to be. its so unbelievably important to not draw fat characters smaller than they really are, regardless of style

im not saying any of this with malice, but with genuine encouragement. its important to represent fat bodies accurately. its okay if u are still learning and ur not skilled at it yet, the important part is that u try to portay fat bodies in a way that empowers and respects them




sometimes i think about how when yuri on ice was airing i tried to watch it but was so hurt by the fatphobia in the first couple episode i couldn’t finish it. then afterwards i couldn’t find a single person talking about it on tumblr to the point that i convinced myself i’d simply watched the wrong anime

These tags are so good, you’re absolutely right about everything.

Also, what fucking post about a fat person sitting on a folding chair? I’m going to kill someone.

#yea u would not believe how quickly I saw red when the excuse became “its figure skating fatphobia is traditional”#yea bitch u know whats traditional in gay men? eating disorders. thats fucking traditional too. suck my dick#and fuck anyone who guilted fat ppl for being uncomfortable with that shit by saying it was a boon for mlm rep#we shouldn’t have to grit our teeth and smile for representation that fucking spits on us
