#genital mention



This isn’t funny or anything but transphobes are so fucking stupid. They are deeply and genuinely stupid. Completely and utterly stupid without a glimmer of hope for common sense, dare I say.

You think I’m kidding but I’m not. These people are STUPID stupid. UNIMAGINABLY stupid. Point blank dumber than rocks don’t know anything about what they’re talking about stupid. And ALARMINGLY fixated on their obsession with little boys’ penises. Like weirdly intent on circle-jerking to the idea of having hands-on control on kids’ genitals.

tw: genital mention

DHT is something that can safely boost genital growth for people on testosterone but it isn’t legally available anymore.

To help make it available there needs to be proof there’s a demand for it, so fill out this this google form to register your interest!

robotniks-announcement: radicalgraff:‘There are girls with dicks, guys with vaginas, and transphobes



‘There are girls with dicks, guys with vaginas, and transphobes without teeth’

“It’s called a deadname cuz you’ll be dead if you call me it”-my nb friend from school

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aside from being cissexist the whole XX = female and XY = male thing is Straight-Up Wrong

AFAB people can have XO,XXX,XXXXandXY chromosomes while AMAB people have have XXYY,XYY, and XX chromosomes and since the majority of the population never has their karyotype examined,  they’ll never know that they have one of these chromosomal quirks unless that specific combination has associated symptoms, and not all of them do. you could literally have one of the aforementioned combinations without even knowing it and meanwhile you’re insisting that all AFAB people are XX and that anyone else who has this must also be female

we could also talk about how hormonal patterns for XX persons can naturally and biologically mirror that of a typical XY person, or vis versa, which gives rise to things like androgen insensitivity disorder. here u have it, folks, an whole group of intersex people who have XY chromosomes and testicles and vulva and vagina, all grown naturally, all at the same time. 

the number of people who are intersex mirror the number of people who are born with red hair, but no one goes around trying to say that red isn’t a natural hair colour just because the phenotype doesn’t manifest in the majority of the population. 

seriously consider the bold if you are aggressively upholding the ridiculously flawed theory that is the sex and gender binary.

Big genetics nerd here, with a biology degree for whatever that’s worth. I’ve been saying this for well over a decade (i.e. it’s not a “tumblr thing” lol). The whole “XX = woman, woman = XX” thing, ditto for XY and men, works okay as a rough guideline but it’s simply not a universal “rule”.Sotelling trans people “you’ll always ‘really’ be [assigned gender], because chromosomes” is scientifically ignorant nonsense for three reasons:

  1. Sex differentiation in humans isn’t really controlled by chromosomes. In species where it is, things like bilateral gynandromorphism can occur. That’s not possible in humans, though, because our development is controlled by hormones. Our chromosomes play only a very small role.
  2. Because people don’t know other people’s karyotypes (or even their own, most of the time), they’re just pre-selecting the conclusion they want, then “proving” it with “evidence” they don’t actually have.
  3. Because other conditions can also produce XX men and XY women, the idea that a trans person’s karyotype determines what they “really” are is a blatant double-standard. One which exists solely to “prove” the pre-determined conclusion that cis people’s genders are valid, and trans peoples’ aren’t.

Consequently, there are only two scientifically informed, logically consistent options:

  1. Accept that nature is more complex than one learned in 5th-grade science class, and chromosomes can’t tell someone’s “real” gender. DNA is a truly wondrous molecule, not some Magical Essence of Gender.
  2. OR, double down and demand to see everyone’s karyotype. Refuse to respect anyone’s gender if the results aren’t what one expected. Insist that all cis people with “mismatched” karyotypes must transition against their will, and be transphobic toward them until they do.

In other words, transphobes claim to be authorities on X and Y chromosomes, yet have no clue what they’re talking about.

Cisnormative society has a bizarre obsession with finding the One True Indicator of Biological Sex. Chromosomes are just the latest answer. In the past it’s been ovarian/testicular tissue, or penis/clitoris size. What will it be fifty years from now? But whichever One True Indicator is the current fad, there’s always at least one intersex condition which contradicts it, thus exposing how ridiculous and arbitrary these indicators really are.

Not that transphobes let facts stop them, of course. If someone doesn’t fit either One True Sex, they just don’t count! (I’ve literally heard this.) Cis people with reproductive, endocrine, or urogenital disorders still “count,” of course. An XY man with a small, hypospadic penis? An XX woman born without a uterus? Eh, just a man and a woman with minor quirks. A non-XX woman or non-XY man? They ~don’t count~, because ~disorder~. What an odd coincidence that this magical gender-invalidating power of “disorder” only applies to people who threaten the all-important binary. Circular logic at its finest: the binary is real because anyone who disproves it doesn’t count, and they don’t count because if they did, they’d disprove the binary!

That isn’t science. It’s not nature, or reason. It’s bigotry, plain and simple.


a lot of young teen lesbians on tumblr r aligning with the terf ideology without knowing properly what it stands for. so as an Older Lesbian with some 6 years of Being Out Experience i wanna clarify some things for you.

nobody is forcing you to be attracted to anyone

nobody is saying that if you aren’t attracted to [insert a trans woman name], you’re automatically transphobic and a terf. nobody is saying you have to have sex with trans girls if you aren’t attracted to them. just as nobody is saying you have to be attracted to every cis woman. and nobody is saying you have to have sex with gay girls you aren’t attracted to.

we are only asking you to respect trans women as women

and that’s really the least you could do! trans women (trans lesbians and wlw in particular) are just other girls out here trying to survive in this hetero world. and it’s hard being a lesbian already - but being a trans lesbian is so much harder. don’t make these girls feel even more alienated, don’t contribute to the hate that is turned against them. 

“but i don’t wanna have sex with someone with a penis”

if you end up never sleeping with anyone w a penis, that’s okay. being a lesbian isn’t just about who you have sex with. it’s also about who you love, who you’re attracted to and who you date. and one day you might find yourself falling in love with a trans girl. 

if that happens, just like in any relationship, you can negotiate your limits in sex. there’s no point in saying “i am not attracted to trans women” - because it makes it seem like trans women are inherently so much different from cis women, makes you sound like you think all trans women look/are the same and like you think of women as walking genitals. which is pretty misogynist! 

so please just don’t listen to terfs. protect your trans sisters because they need it and they will always be there to support you if you support them too. 

bunchofrandomness:slightlyme:qfeminism:^The transphobic bathroom brigade in a nutshell.THANK




^The transphobic bathroom brigade in a nutshell.


Exactly. You guys are so obsessed w/ our genitals that you’re willing to put laws in place that would allow you to check our genitals against our will, yet you’re calling us the perverts.

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sometimes i think about how when yuri on ice was airing i tried to watch it but was so hurt by the fatphobia in the first couple episode i couldn’t finish it. then afterwards i couldn’t find a single person talking about it on tumblr to the point that i convinced myself i’d simply watched the wrong anime

These tags are so good, you’re absolutely right about everything.

Also, what fucking post about a fat person sitting on a folding chair? I’m going to kill someone.

#yea u would not believe how quickly I saw red when the excuse became “its figure skating fatphobia is traditional”#yea bitch u know whats traditional in gay men? eating disorders. thats fucking traditional too. suck my dick#and fuck anyone who guilted fat ppl for being uncomfortable with that shit by saying it was a boon for mlm rep#we shouldn’t have to grit our teeth and smile for representation that fucking spits on us

genital mentiongenital mention


with a limited number of distinct noises the human mouth can make its logical that not only within single languages, but across all languages, there will be the repetition of words and sounds. perhaps they’ll mean similar things, or perhaps be entirely different. inevitably, an innocuous word in one language will mean penis in another. this is simply the way of things






Aphrodite Lesbian Flag

Aphrodite Lesbian: A lesbian who prefers sexual acts and affection, or who centers sexuality in their relationships

I made an Aphrodite lesbian flag as a devotional act for Aphrodite and especially Aphroditos, because I learned the most popular flag was made by a proud TERF and had a whole stripe for only being attracted to vulvas.

…yeah. It’s bad.

So, here they are!

A seven striped pride flag. In order the stripes are red, hot pink, baby pink, white, light blue, blue, and dark purple.
The same flag but with a statue of Aphroditos (Aphrodite with a penis) overlaid.

The stripes’ symbolism is as follows:

Red: Roses, Aphrodite’s blessings (love/lust)
Hot pink: Sexuality, attraction to the feminine, trans lesbians
Pink: A-spec lesbians, sex-positive asexuals, femme lesbians
White: Community, connection, acceptance
Light blue: Seafoam, allo lesbians, butch lesbians
Blue: The ocean, the variety of lesbians, history
Purple: Solidarity and love with bambi lesbians, Sappho and violets

wait what’s “pretty bad” about having a stripe dedicated to solely liking vulvas?

Who is gonna tell op that that’s a statue of Hermaphrodite and not Aphrodite with a dick

OP, stop being absolutely ridiculous. There’s nothing bad about solely being into vulvas, you’re just a fucking lesbophobe. I also find it ironic how your joke of a flag focuses so much on women who are not sexual (a-spec, bambi, etc), which results in the absolute contrary of the idea behind the rainbow/pride flag. Why the fuck would there be a stripe for “attraction to femininity” (and trans women ) when there is none for masculinity ? And butches and “allos” have the same stripe, I wonder why … Anyway, leave lesbians alone if you cannot handle the reality of our sexual orientation.

Hi! So, normally I don’t entertain transphobes, but I’m just gonna respond to this because it’s so ridiculous and I want to make some points clear to non-TERFS.

So. number one: it’s pretty bad because some lesbians like and have dicks. Get over yourself. Make your own term if you want something for only liking vulvas, but Aphrodite lesbian was coined by transgender folks, so this word isn’t it.

Two: Hermaphroditos*, not Hermaphrodite, which is an actual slur, so good going there. Hermaphroditos and Aphroditos are conflated and likely the same deity to some degree, and we don’t fully know which statues are of which deity. A quick search on Google could tell you that.

Third, asexual Aphrodite lesbians exist. I know this because I am one. And, yeah, solidarity with bambi lesbians is a stripe because Aphrodite lesbian was explicitly coined to be its counterpart. That’s why the term was made. To be the opposite of a bambi lesbian.

Butches express queer masculinity, and for someone so pissed that pussy isn’t on a flag, you sure are upset that the word masculinity isn’t there.

Also, stripes can mean multiple things. I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to imply by butches and allos having the same stripe, especially because you don’t seem personally offended by femmes and asexuals sharing one. Or by that stripe meaning seafoam, or by the bambi solidarity stripe meaning violets. Do you think I’m implying Sappho is a flower? Or is your goal just to strawman a butch dyke because trans people offend you?

I am a butch asexual Aphrodite lesbian. Maybe you can just hop off my dick and mind your own if you’re so personally offended by transbians and ace lesbians. And also maybe like, use google before you get on your reactionary TERF rhetoric on my blog.






now see I like goats. goats use their brains to invent new crimes and formulate evil plots, which means they are often preoccupied with their own inner worlds and the logistical problems of how to maximize the impacts of their mischief. unlike rams. which have no interest in criminal activities more complicated than giving and receiving as many concussions as possible.

An extremely funny and 100% real thing about this difference is

When a goat buck and a ram get into a fight

The buck rears up on his hind legs, as bucks do, to be able to come down on his opponent with a sweep of his horns

And the ram um. Puts his head down and RAMS his opponent. At head level

So like um when a buck is reared up that puts his dick at head height.

Um so

A lot of bucks get their dicks rammed really hard by rams in fights its like it’s. A thing. Super common

And this happened to one of my goat bucks once and he screamed and ran to a bush and cowered and cried and had a nosebleed. And I thought he was hurt but. He was not I sat with him for an hour or two to calm him down and o inspected him and he was. Fine like he was totally normal the next day. He was just like damn bro you punched my dick with your skull that SUCKED

Like goats are doing you know posturing and like, going for psychological warfare or whatever and rearing up to look big and be like YO MAN YOU WANNA GO???

And rams are already like oh yeah no we are doing this and they just don’t even consider like they locked on 30 seconds ago they’re doing it

OK I don’t know if goat kids do this too cause I’ve never raised any, but lambs from the day they’re born have to punch their mama’s udder in order to get milk out, that’s how lactation works in ewes, so the instinct is very firmly ingrained in their little baby lamb heads to “punch the dangly thing on adult’s belly in order to dispense food.” By the time they’re big enough to wean, they will sometimes punch hard enough to lift their mama’s back legs off the ground in their enthusiasm for food.

I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. One year I had to pull a few of the ram lambs two weeks early for reasons (nobody @ me they were fine) and because they were smaller than usual and there were only a few of them I didn’t want to dump them straight into the pen with all the big guys to get beat up. Instead I put them in a smaller pasture and tossed the Boss Ram in with them as a babysitter because he’s always been relatively gentle with lambs and letting The Boss get used to new guys alone usually helps with dominance fighting later.

So here is this big, dominant ram, undisputed king of his domain, locked in a pen with four of his newly weaned mini-mes who have never shared a pen with an adult male before. He’s got the biggest horns and the hardest head on the farm, he’s ready for anything.

Except. The lambs have no interest in bashing skulls. The lambs are hungry. The lambs see an adult with dangly bits in approximately the same place as their mama’s dangly bits. Their entire three months of lived experience tells them punching those dangly bits results in food.

That ram, who had never before run from a fight, spent a very uncomfortable and confusing time being chased around the pen by four miniature copies of himself, all of them crying at the top of their lungs and very determined to punch him in the nuts.


So I just got this message from a porn blog - I appreciate you’re trying to learn but “a cis man who

So I just got this message from a porn blog - I appreciate you’re trying to learn but “a cis man who is not attracted to dick” is just a transphobic straight dude.

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