#dna kit

Poof !!! There goes my brain trying to understand DNA cousin matches haha!

Poof !!! There goes my brain trying to understand DNA cousin matches haha!

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Hurry hurry!! Only a few hours left!! There’s a special offer from 23andme to upload your existing AHurry hurry!! Only a few hours left!! There’s a special offer from 23andme to upload your existing A

Hurry hurry!! Only a few hours left!! There’s a special offer from 23andme to upload your existing Ancestry.com raw data to 23andme and receive 4 free reports!!
Get to your computers and do it now! Offer is ending soon.

Go to: www.23andme.com/discover23
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If you have ever wanted to have a DNA test done by testing company “23 And Me” but were swayed again

If you have ever wanted to have a DNA test done by testing company “23 And Me” but were swayed against it because it may be a little expensive, well the time is now! 23 And Me is having a Thanksgiving Family Sale! If there was a catch, it would be the word “family”. In order to receive the sale price of $49.00 per test, you have to purchase more than one test. But! At this price, I would gladly purchase more than one test!

Go to their swore for more info:

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If you have ever wanted to have a DNA test done by testing company “23 And Me” but were swayed again

If you have ever wanted to have a DNA test done by testing company “23 And Me” but were swayed against it because it may be a little expensive, well the time is now! 23 And Me is having a Thanksgiving Family Sale! If there was a catch, it would be the word “family”. In order to receive the sale price of $49.00 per test, you have to purchase more than one test. But! At this price, I would gladly purchase more than one test!

Go to their swore for more info:

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Interested in finding out more about you? Contact Legacy Tree Genealogists and get started today. To

Interested in finding out more about you? Contact Legacy Tree Genealogists and get started today. To visit them go here: https://www.legacytree.com/?utm_source=guestblog&utm_medium=KristineWulf&utm_campaign=kwpost

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