#dnd ref

expressions-of-nature:Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Zhangjiajie, China by Timon Studler


Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Zhangjiajie, China by Timon Studler

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Unlike the Archfey Warlock who has fairies who cast magic for them and grant them a small boon of their power, the Feywild Sorcerer has a much deeper vein of fey magic running through their veins.

Fey Ancestry

After being exposed to fey magic, you learn to read and write Sylvan, have advantage against being charmed, and cannot be put to sleep through magic. Instead, you fall into a trance for four hours.

However, not all fey are alike. Some are benevolent protectors and guardians who impart their generosity and compassion on those they come across. Even if they pull mischievous pranks, they are meant in good fun without malicious intent. This is the Seelie Court. But some fey are cruel and vicious, preferring to end the lives of those who trespass in their domain. They are the powerful and dangerous Unseelie Court. Be they sirens who lure sailors to their death, kelpies who drown those foolish enough to ride it, or boggarts who trash the house from lack of respect. When you are touched by fey magic at first level, choose one of these two faerie courts.

Seelie Spells
1stGuiding Bolt,Faerie Fire
3rd Misty Step,Moonbeam
5thRemove Curse,Tiny Servant
7thPrivate Sanctum,Woodland Beings
9thDream,Animate Objects

Unseelie Spells
1st Faerie Fire,Hex
3rdCrown of Madness,Web
5thBestow Curse,Fear
7thGiant Insect,Blight
9thMislead, Insect Plague

One with Nature

Starting at 1st level, you develop a close and personal relationship with nature. Upon leveling up in this subclass, you can choose to replace any Sorcerer spell you could learn with a spell from the Druid spell list. It must be of a level you have spell slots for. Charisma is your stat for spellcasting.

Court Emissary

Beginning at 6th level, your sway over the emotions of mortals is stronger based on the disciplines instilled in you by the policies of your court.

Seelie: When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that has the chance to charm a single target, you can target a second creature within 5 feet of the original target. Both targets make a saving throw against being charmed.

Unseelie: When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that has the chance to frighten a single target, you can target a second creature within 5 feet of the original target. Both targets make a saving throw against being frightened.

Magical Miscreants

At 14th level, you can play with the perceptions of other creatures for your amusement. When another creature makes an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, you can reduce the number rolled by a 1d10. Creatures with blindsense or that see through illusions, such as with True Sight, cannot be effected by this feature. You can use this feature equal to your Charisma modifier. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.

Ambassador of Avalon

By the 18th level, you have risen to a place of great prestige within the Seelie or Unseelie Court. With your rise to prominence comes with it greater access to the magic of the feywild.

Seelie: For one minute, you grow a pair of translucent butterfly wings with a flying speed of 30 feet. While in this powerful state, the magic of the feywild flows through you. When you cast spells of 1st level or higher that deal damage, deal an additional 5 radiant damage + your sorcerer level. During this transformation, other creatures have disadvantage against being charmed by you. Creatures that resist being charmed lose their resistance, and creatures immune to charms can be charmed with disadvantage. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Unseelie:  For one minute, you grow a pair of translucent moth wings with a flying speed of 30 feet. While in this powerful state, the magic of the feywild flows through you. When you cast spells of 1st level or higher that deal damage, deal an additional 5 necrotic damage + your sorcerer level. During this transformation, other creatures have disadvantage against being frightened by you. Creatures that resist being frightened lose their resistance, and creatures immune to being frightened can be frightened with disadvantage. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.


Created by rain-junkieDnD

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artwork by Dominik MayerandFlorian Herold



i learned of “Box beds” – cabinets with beds in them and, sometimes, lockable doors – were used for privacy and safety in parts of rural medieval Europe before individual bedrooms were common. They became fashionable even in homes with bedrooms and remained in use in Scotland into the 1900s (x)

I don’t want a swimming pool, I want a box bed/nook bed


Twin Weapons - a Collection of Magic Weapons and Items Designed for Two Weapon Fighting

That’s certainly a mouthful of a title, isn’t it?

There’s been a lot of fuss over dual wielding, and whether the rules for dual wielding should be changed. But all of the rules changes in the world won’t change the fact that there aren’t nearly enough weapons designed for dual wielding!

Inside this compendium are dozens of weapons and other magic items designed to bring those fantasies to life… And room for plenty more! Suggestions are always welcome, as is feedback on anything I make.

Keep reading
