#dnd player



I haven’t posted on here in a while but I’d like to show everyone my favourite quotes some some dnd games I’ve DM’d/played

Fighter: “I mean the body can take the hit, the booze must survive”

Rogue: “don’t bite the hand that feeds you - go for the legs, it’ll throw them off balance”

Monk: “I’ve got twinks in my inventory!”

Sorcerer: “you went from bored to a full mental breakdown”

Fighter: “NO! You want to hear it in Infernal? NO!”

Sorcerer: “that’s one heckin tiddie window”

Monk: “shit my amour fell off! Quick, sausage sauce!” (Don’t ask me for context I can’t even remember)

Warlock: *mimicking holding phone* “hey mum can you pass me over to Satan, please?”

Druid: “you know that thing pirates do with a knife and a sail? Can I do that but with a kraken and a flaming sword?”

Adding to this list with a few new quotes I enjoyed:

Cleric: “I’m not recognising anything! Not on 7hp, I’m not!”

DM: “the ghast bleps in fear”

Bard, to an undead: “are you made of flesh?”

DM: “(Bard) jingles his bells and the alter opens”

Druid: “tits out for the King” (we were at his funeral)

Hey guys, my goal got funded! A new series of tables for player characters is up on my Kofi and will be posted here!

First up is ideas for a bard!
