#dnp art


here you go. some houseplants for you to kill without having any sleepless nights @amazingphil


happy birthday, phil

Kinda late but a picture of how I imagined @danielhowell felt when eating that kawaii bento lunch box a few days back ! ✨❤️


Thanks so much for sticking with me on this emotional ride! So many emotions and feelings were rediscovered and relived when going through their videos, and I’m really grateful I got to experience them once again ❤️

Again, thank you so much! ❤️

Part 10: Interactive Introverts!

Still not over because here it’s still the 18th so yeah, last part tomorrow! ❤️

Part 9: The Dan and Phil + dogs calendar!

This just melts my heart so much I had to draw them with their faves dogs too ❤️ (shiba for Dan and Corgi for Phil!) ❤️

Part 8: The amazing tour is not on fire! (TATINOF)

I was just starting to know them back then and maybe that’s why this drawing giv4s me the feels ❤️

Part 7: Japan!

I know this is actually a day in the life of, but it’s just that this video is so iconic and cute I HAD to draw it.

Part 4: First day in the life of Dan and Phil!

I had to watch this video again to choose the perfect moment to draw and honestly? I just wanted to draw it all. It’s just.

They are so funny and cute omg.

Part 3 of 10 years of Dan and Phil !

Idk if you could already tell, but these cute little drawings are basically from videos that started a series (this time, baking) or that where really domestic and cute (2010 blindfolded thingy!). I’m really happy for the amount of people that are enjoying this! ❤️

Part 2 is here! I’ve been having so much fun doing this, but the nostalgia is hitting hard. Hope you are liking these! ❤️

Art I did for the fic “Summer’s End”, by @allthephils ! I loved working on this one, specially with the background. It was definitely a challenge because plants and grass and stuff isn’t something that I’m really used to, but glad to experiment with!

You can check the amazing story here ! I really really enjoyed and it was amazing reading through this ❤️

Art I did for the fic “Alternative”, by @dykephannie ! I had so much fun doing the drawing, and also reading the fic! Seriously, it was truly amazing I loved every part of it, and I’m so glad I got to do art for it! So, go check it out on tumblrandon Ao3!


Decided I wanted to die so I went out of my comfort zone and did a full digital painting Ahksnsj

rip me drawing everything on one layer and i was rly happy with the lineart of course

anyways heres magician!phil with his lovely assistant dan



pardon the sketch, but imagine with me the return of fringe!phil but with colourful bobby pins, hair clips, and overall more accessorizing.

Okay I accept this concept and one-up you with this: Decora-level hair clippage

noted. i humbly present you with decora!phil

havent thought abt decora fashion in so long ty for this!

pardon the sketch, but imagine with me the return of fringe!phil but with colourful bobby pins, hair clips, and overall more accessorizing.

for real i kinda miss fringe!phil sometimes and i want him to embrace the “fwiff” style and be a lil softie

how simply can i draw them?

happy valentine’s day!

*drops a chocolate heart into the decorated bag taped to ur desk*


wishing you the best day. thank u for always bringing joy and positivity with your vids. u deserve all the gifts!

better start unwrapping… it looks like somebody’s gotten into the presents…


i want phil to do this next time they film and dan goes on a tangent

somebody said that peeling fruit is a love language and it got me thinking about what dnp’s specific love languages are

mini sketch/idea dump

1. some pose practice with phil

2. alternate crisis twink phil pose

3. original hach drawing idea for wdnpte2 vid

yeah i gave him a rainbow road star powerup inspired tattoo yes im v original

i think phil should start drama in 2022 and embrace the chaos.

also ive been obsessed with the orion experience lately give them a listen

pls accept this meager doodle in light of the photos

happy bday dan!

here’s to another year on this flaming death ball hurtling around the sun. ty for entertaining us and bringing us even a modicum of relief from the unrelenting tedium of existence.

check out @phandomgives and donate to their charity page if youre able!

here’s what you need to know abt his newvid feature film

onelike/reblog = one treat for phil ^o^
