

Guys!!! It’s here!!!!!

Drove 10+ hours to hear all about this and I feel like a new Harry Potter book came out!

Hands down the best conference I’ve ever been at. To be in the room debating the current standards with the people who wrote them was fantastic!!!

So I lied clinic is not goint to be chill this go around.

I checked my messages first thing and found 70+ patient calls and refill requests because our office staff decided that my patients weren’t important last week and no one refilled anything or called anyone back. Then they realize they made a mistake with the schedule and put a fellow resident down as working when he is not. So I was gifted all of his patients as well as my own to see today.

Any chance of post vacation happiness has been murdered by the clinic office staff.

Scuba Steve: Where do you go to school?

Me: Oh I’m long done with school.

Steve: Okay so where did you go to school.

Me: I did undergrad in *state name* and graduate school in Poland.

Steve: Cool what’s you degree in?


Steve: What do you do with that?

Me: Well I’m a doctor.

Steve: Wait, what…no way, how old are you?!?!?

The one time I slipped and told someone the truth about what I do- they don’t believe me anyways!!!
