#doctor who confessions

Sarah Sutton is a beautiful young woman on Doctor Who and remains beautiful today. Submit your own c

Sarah Sutton is a beautiful young woman on Doctor Who and remains beautiful today.

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There are several stories of Classic Who I’d like to try redesigning. Like into concept art from a v

There are several stories of Classic Who I’d like to try redesigning. Like into concept art from a video game or something equally impressive.

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The War Doctor was wholly unnecessary and felt a bit like it was just Moffat showing off the fact he

The War Doctor was wholly unnecessary and felt a bit like it was just Moffat showing off the fact he could get John Hurt on board. 8 should’ve been the one fighting in the Time War; it would give McGann more screen time to establish to casual fans that the 8 we see in 2013 is a very, very different and very damaged man compared to the 8 we were introduced to in 1996.

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I can’t accept that we had an episode at Coal Hill (series 8, The Caretaker) and a WHOLE spin off se

I can’t accept that we had an episode at Coal Hill (series 8, The Caretaker) and a WHOLE spin off set in Coal Hill, but not even ONCE Ian Chesterton shows up… even he being the principal…

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The more I think about the Timeless Child, the more I hate it. The fact the Doctor is shown that no

The more I think about the Timeless Child, the more I hate it. The fact the Doctor is shown that no matter the stakes, or the risk, they can just regenerate a million times and keep living forever is so bad. It takes something fundamental away from the character. It even contradicts the idea that “failed” regeneration is possible (which happen in Turn Left, where the 10th Doctor dies in Donna’s world, even presuming that the Doctor didn’t even try to regenerate).

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While I am not the biggest fan of the Moffat era, I do prefer 11′s run. Matt’s Doctor revived my lov

While I am not the biggest fan of the Moffat era, I do prefer 11′s run. Matt’s Doctor revived my love for bowties as a fashion object.

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I was under the impression that the 21st century Doctors commenting on their body parts soon after r

I was under the impression that the 21st century Doctors commenting on their body parts soon after regeneration, as well as hating goodbyes are purely a NuWho characteristic. But, I saw a clip of Robot, which is Tom Baker’s first full story as the Doctor. And, in that episode, Four looks in the mirror and says, “the nose is a definite improvement”, and even asks Harry Sullivan what he thought of the ears. And Four even says, “I hate goodbyes”. So, Tom Baker’s Doctor is one reference for the characterization of NuWho Doctors. It is no surprise at all that Four is the most respected and love Doctor in the history of the show.

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I’m completely on board with shipping Clara and the Second Doctor after reading one (extremely good)

I’m completely on board with shipping Clara and the Second Doctor after reading one (extremely good) fanfic. I think they have very compatible personalities.

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I would love to read a comic book miniseries about the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe, and Mel Bush tra

I would love to read a comic book miniseries about the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe, and Mel Bush travelling and having adventures together.

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If I was to become a writer for the show, and write a multi-Doctor story, I would have the First Doc

If I was to become a writer for the show, and write a multi-Doctor story, I would have the First Doctor appear again (regardless of whether its Bradley or a new actor playing the role), and have him be written more rounded and accurate, to make up for the disgraceful writing in Twice Upon A Time. The way the character was written by a certain S. Moffat was a huge insult to William Hartnell and the show. I know it was one episode, but it was still an affecting one for me. 

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I don’t care what anyone says, I love The End of Time! The End of Time made me into a Doctor/M

I don’t care what anyone says, I love The End of Time!

The End of Time made me into a Doctor/Master shipper. No regrets, just ALL THE FIC!

I wanted to like EoT so badly but I just felt like it went on for too long and it just wouldn’t end. And the Donna thing made no sense either.

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For me this is the best way to describe doctor who http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQmVpGB-a9s

For me this is the best way to describe doctor who


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I was so upset by the kiss between Clara and The Doctor. I’m more mad at the Doctor than Clara

I was so upset by the kiss between Clara and The Doctor. I’m more mad at the Doctor than Clara, though. The fact that he didn’t even mention, “I have a wife” just really irritated me. It just makes me believe more than I ever wanted to that he doesn’t love River nearly as much as she loves him.

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I have this strong irrational fear about Doctor Who being canceled for good. I know it won’t h

I have this strong irrational fear about Doctor Who being canceled for good. I know it won’t happen any time soon, it’s doing very well right now, but I can’t stand the thought that it will someday end.

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I’m actually really okay with Clara being the new companion because she has what I think the P

I’m actually really okay with Clara being the new companion because she has what I think the Ponds were missing and more.

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Do not get me wrong, I love the series, I just think they should get more into the mystery aspect of

Do not get me wrong, I love the series, I just think they should get more into the mystery aspect of it though. I love Matt but it all seems too dramatic, a little more mystery would be good.

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I really dislike how some people hate certain companions because they replaced another, or they thin

I really dislike how some people hate certain companions because they replaced another, or they think they’re not good. Each companion is unique and affected the Doctor greatly and, even if it takes a while for me to warm up to them, I eventually come around to loving each and every one.

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Martha was supposed to mend the Doctor’s hearts after he lost Rose but he rejected her. I thin

Martha was supposed to mend the Doctor’s hearts after he lost Rose but he rejected her. I think that Clara will be the one to save the Doctor now. She will make him happy and I think she will teach him how to love again. He’s too broken to remember what it feels like to love withiout being hurt.

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As much as I loved Amy and Rory, I hated them together. I know it’s a bad move to make, I just

As much as I loved Amy and Rory, I hated them together. I know it’s a bad move to make, I just felt like they weren’t right for each other.

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I want everyone to come back for the 50th…even Wilf.

I want everyone to come back for the 50th…even Wilf.

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I think River Song could be a compelling and tragic villain. As a hero, though, she’s unbeliev

I think River Song could be a compelling and tragic villain. As a hero, though, she’s unbelievable.

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I really hope Clara/Oswin isn’t Jenny, because then she kissed her dad! In fact, I hope Jenny

I really hope Clara/Oswin isn’t Jenny, because then she kissed her dad! In fact, I hope Jenny doesn’t come back at all! She was adorable, but I just don’t think it is necessary.

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Whilst I love both Classic Who and New Who, I prefer the original series. Some of the stories, such

Whilst I love both Classic Who and New Who, I prefer the original series. Some of the stories, such as The Seeds of Doom and Remembrance of the Daleks are better than the likes of Asylum of the Daleks and Smith and Jones.

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I’m sick of how every character is being critiqued in some way. I love ALL the characters. Yes

I’m sick of how every character is being critiqued in some way. I love ALL the characters. Yes, they have their downsides, but maybe that’s what makes them so appealing to me. No one is perfect. And face it, Doctor Who wouldn’t be the same without each and every one. So please, appreciate them!

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I listen to HOURS of Doctor Who soundtracks every week. At night before I fall asleep I listen to th

I listen to HOURS of Doctor Who soundtracks every week. At night before I fall asleep I listen to them. I love them so much, I’ve been inspired to actually think about going into music professionally, and join the BBC national orchestra of Wales. That’s my dream right there. And all because of just Murray Gold and his music.

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The queue has once again thrown a tantrum and we’ve lost all the confessions we had prepped. More coming soon, so sorry about this!

I don’t understand how people are still claiming that the Doctor’s relationship with Riv

I don’t understand how people are still claiming that the Doctor’s relationship with River is one-sided. I think he made it pretty clear in The Angels Take Manhattan that he cares for her and likes her a lot in the very least, if he doesn’t love her, which I think he does.

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I can understand people not liking Moffat’s writing because of his depiction of minorities and thing

I can understand people not liking Moffat’s writing because of his depiction of minorities and things, but when you think about it, he’s one of the best writers of our time. Let’s be thankful for his brilliant connections between circumstances. If it weren’t for him, the show would probably suck nowadays. Let’s be honest…

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 I recently came to Doctor Who in a desperate attempt to make friends in a new school, and I love AL
I recently came to Doctor Who in a desperate attempt to make friends in a new school, and I love ALL of it! I love nine and his sassiness, along with Captain Jack and his harkness-sexuality. Then there’s ten, my favorite, and I ADORE every single one of his episodes and every companion, be it Rose, Martha, or Donna (though RosexDoctor is my OTP). And seeing Matt Smith in the Christmas special makes me excited for what’s to come!

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I actually thought that Amy was a refreshing character. As much as I’ve liked the Doctor&rsquo

I actually thought that Amy was a refreshing character. As much as I’ve liked the Doctor’s other companions, all of them went from being ordinary to extraordinary. It was nice to see Amy go from being different to being able to find herself.

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