#dont know why


Don’t know Japanese but pretty confident Sensei is mocking our pain and enjoys toying with our feelings

slowdive 2017

#slowdive    #shoegaze    #music video    #unofficial    #dont know why    

I just want to scream into a pillow sometimes.

Why is writing so hard?

like am I being my own worst enemy or does this chapter really just suck?

it’s something I actually had planned for a while but I never said anything. maybe I should of.

Maybe I should just set a rule for myself that when I’m 1600 words in I’m not allow to doubt it.

Nah, he loves them.(but really, the question “who do you love more: mom or dad” is so bad.)Nah, he loves them.(but really, the question “who do you love more: mom or dad” is so bad.)

Nah, he loves them.

(but really, the question “who do you love more: mom or dad” is so bad.)

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Midnight Sun is unironically one of my favorite books
