#dont take this too seriously



It was quiet in the motel room save for the sounds of soft breathing and the tapping noise of a keyboard. Sitting in one of the uncomfortable chairs and typing away on his laptop, Sam gave a tired sigh and ran a large hand through his hair. It was one of those nights for the hunter, where he was exhausted yet unable to sleep. So to pass the time he’d began to do research for a possible hunt while his partner slept away in one of the motel beds. The hunter paused his typing and with a small tilt of his head looked towards the bed where his companion was sleeping soundly. The familiar form of Olidia laid peacefully in her bed, her chest rising and falling with each breath as she slept. Sam couldn’t help but let out a small smile as he watched her. While she slept she looked like any other normal person.

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Is anyone else finding this season a little….. idk… off? like the Joint Training arc was never the best in the manga, so i wasnt going into the anime thinking it would magically go from a 5 to a 10… but i was hoping for at least a 6 (fighting does normally work better when u can see the characters moving lol), instead we got an already dull arc stretched out with 5 mins with of flashback per episode, then we get the bonkers move of switching MVA with the EA arc, which was a choice i was willing to accept if they pulled it off well by maybe doing a mystery angle of “heres this new mysterious threat, we dont know who they are!” then at the end of the EA arc it goes to MVA and we get a big ol’ reveal that it was the LOV all along! but after todays episode they’ve obviously just switched the two arcs around but had to cut out certain key information from EA as to not spoil MVA, like… why not just do the 2 arcs in the right order then…. and in the same amount of episodes you were already planning on using for them? if they’re doing MVA this season.. then why not just put it first?? both arcs are happening this season, so why not put them in the right order??

idk im just not a fan of the creative decisions being made for the anime and i hope maybe at the end of the season i look back and im like “ah okay those 15 disappointing episodes all make sense now!” i also see anime onlys being super confused by the story regarding Hawks and these ‘mysterious’ villains and who everyone is / what they’re doing, confusions im sure they wouldnt have if they’d seen MVA 

Really I think Dreadwolf should just fanservice the fuck out of itself

Like yes new players are important but I’ve been here since pre-Inquisition. I was there Gandalf, I’ve been waiting ten years for this, and I think they should just pander to the fans as much as they want without making a total dumpster fire of a game. 

Bring back Zevran, bring back Isabela, bring back Fenris bring back ALL the fan favorites that’ll drag the old fans back just to see them again while still being in a new story so still making some sense to a new player. Honestly. Make the story good, of course, but fill it with that sweet fanservice at every opportunity and I will love it

I’m not looking for the next masterpiece of gaming I’m just looking to be gay do crime and see Fenris again. My standards are not high

Persona 3,4 and 5 coming to PC and not Switch.

It’s over fellas
