#dps headcanons


So are we just all ignoring the incredible amount of enby energy Meeks radiates orrr…?

i dont think neil knows how much todd likes to sit and listen to him ramble about whatever is on his mind that day - something interesting he saw, a weird dream he had, a shower thought, a poem, a book, something funny a classmate did etc

todd could sit for hours listening to neil ramble on and on

and every time neil would stop, todd would ask a question to get him to start talking again because he just loves sitting there listening to neil so much

todd anderson going home in all his sulky emo wannabe glory only to lay on the living room couch near the phone , swinging his legs in the air and giggling into the phone while talking to his boyfriend

anderperry but due to a series of misunderstandings neil thinks they both have agreed to date and todd is clueless and confused as to why neil just greeted him with a kiss
