#dps memes


ok my dreams are becoming wild so here’s the one i had last night:

i had to go to a restaurant with my family and friends, but we didn’t leave immediately (idk why) so me and my dad decided to hang out around (for some reason i didn’t know the place) and we found a building with a low roof, so for some reason i entered without him lol.

there was a weird pool with a giant bridge in the middle (let’s not comment this) and i was now randomly hanging out with fricking Wilhelm from fricking Young Royals like we were besties or smt.

so at some point we sit down in the corner of the room and i proceed to show him coloured pencils and i ask him:

“pick your fav colour”

and he thinks about it, then picks up the BLACK one “i like this”

and i’m like “gurl thats not even a colour there are so many others you could choose-“

but just when i’m telling him this next to me randomly appears Todd fricking Anderson from dead poets society and joins the convo like nothing

then a lot of other people, fictional characters and friends of mine START TO SHOW UP VERY RANDOMLY and i’m like in disbelief, and they all wave at me and say “hi”

and at some point they all leave without further ado

and everything fades and i’m at the restaurant where i was supposed to be with a friend of mine and i tell her “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED-“

and then i woke up.

neil: woah, last night we were soo drunk. i even dreamt we were kissing, me and todd, ahaha! how stupid!

todd: yeah, i did too!! such a coincidence!


pitts: charlie please

charlie, wheezing: you’re NOT telling them
