#wilhelm young royals

royal-wilmon: sharing clothes, just friend best thingsroyal-wilmon: sharing clothes, just friend best things


sharing clothes, just friend best things

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ok my dreams are becoming wild so here’s the one i had last night:

i had to go to a restaurant with my family and friends, but we didn’t leave immediately (idk why) so me and my dad decided to hang out around (for some reason i didn’t know the place) and we found a building with a low roof, so for some reason i entered without him lol.

there was a weird pool with a giant bridge in the middle (let’s not comment this) and i was now randomly hanging out with fricking Wilhelm from fricking Young Royals like we were besties or smt.

so at some point we sit down in the corner of the room and i proceed to show him coloured pencils and i ask him:

“pick your fav colour”

and he thinks about it, then picks up the BLACK one “i like this”

and i’m like “gurl thats not even a colour there are so many others you could choose-“

but just when i’m telling him this next to me randomly appears Todd fricking Anderson from dead poets society and joins the convo like nothing

then a lot of other people, fictional characters and friends of mine START TO SHOW UP VERY RANDOMLY and i’m like in disbelief, and they all wave at me and say “hi”

and at some point they all leave without further ado

and everything fades and i’m at the restaurant where i was supposed to be with a friend of mine and i tell her “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED-“

and then i woke up.

Edvin marking territory❤️

I don’t know about you but I’m going to miss that princess hair️️

fake scene

credits: Instagram -> love_youngroyals

Ready for the second season? ❤️✨ because I do

Omar’s dedication to Edvin on Instagram for his birthday❤️✨

Happy birthday Edvin Ryding

step by step of my drawing ✨ always the two of them ✨

my signature is on the inside of the right side of the drawing, it doesn’t bother me if they use it or download it

❤️kiss me prince charming❤️


I’m sitting here thinking about Wille and Simon arguing about something pretty menial around their friends and Maddie being like “okay you two are being Towers right now and I’m going to need you at a solid Lovers, alright? Maybe Worlds if we really can’t get along” and it stops the argument because everyone’s just too “????” to continue

Young Royals (all photos) //Night Sky with Exit Wounds - Ocean Vuong // Stories of my childhood - BN Pressman // Fish in Exile - Vi Hki Nao //Eurydice - Sarah Ruhl

-young royals-

it’s always the second borns that got 2 be gay,,,,,,, shoutout 2 my gayass second born princes!!

wilhelm’s step by step guide to getting laid:

1) just injest a fuckton of drugs (bonus points if they’re from your crushes dad)

2) proceed to call the object of your affections, eat plastic grass, and describe in detail how everything is fake but your love for them is real

3) ?????



more young royals posting bc this show fucked me up:

when i first watched the trailer, i wasn’t really sure what i expected out of wilhelm’s character

like i was afraid and also expecting him to be this really annoying spoilt elitist prince who desperately needed a reality check, but im honestly so glad that he wasn’t????

he’s just some kind and mumbling teenager whos awkward and can’t keep up a conversation with his crush and

felice at the dead pixels of august’s camera while watching the video he recorded of wilhelm and simon:


Is it just me or did Erik know about Wilhelms sexuality ?!
During their phone call i think it was implied he knew. He never used the words “girl” oder “she”. He always stayed neutral.

as much as i love the idea of this even wilhelm didn’t know about wilhelm’s sexuality until simon kissed him

so i started young royals and ik the relationship between wilhelm and simon is really cute, but my favorite part has to be felice and sara

like holy shit they’re just so sweet? like seriously, i love that whenever they get into something that would have constituted a falling out and like an entire episode’s worth of drama in a normal show (ie: the roussou thing in the parents dinner or august kissing sara) gets resolved so easily (like felice doesn’t get angry at sara because her boyfriend kissed her without consent and doesn’t blame her??? effervescent)

like it’s so beautiful how forgiving they are of each other and how they build each other up its seriously so sweet

I can’t wait to see Simon find out that August was the one who leaked the video. I want to see rage, pure, unfiltered rage.

Wilhelm really was all “shh!” to Simon when he suggested they should cut class and then one minute later proceeded to talk loudly about how they had to make it look like Simon had come from the bus while standing one meter from the door that Malin was standing behind, probably hearing every word. Logical thinking is not Wilhelm’s strength.

Edvin and Omar were absolutely right when they said that this is the sexiest scene in the entire series. You can feel every bit of the tension between them and we get to see them both react to it. This is Wilhelm’s way of showing him that he wants him and Simon’s way of letting him know that he feels the same. But Simon tries to keep talking and to keep the conversation going while Wilhelm is kissing his neck. He knows that Wilhelm will be in charge later but here he is still in control of the situation, deciding not to give in too early, keeping this tension alive.

Let’s make a list of things that are wrong with August, I’ll start:

- kissed Sara without her permission

Wilhelm with his LED lights is peak gen Z culture
