#drabble collection


Spectrum: A Canon-esque drabble collection for @inuyashapridemonth 
Day 6: Red - Life | KaguKik | Canon | Rated G | WC: 100

Painted lips; a sign of wealth, status, and confidence.

The rouge that Kikyo had come to know so well curved; the odd encounter had become more frequent, and she knew better than to put it solely down to chance.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Kagura said, opening her fan to hide her smile – as if it didn’t reach her eyes.


To Kikyo, red was always the colour of blood, of monstrous passion. But tides had turned, and dauntless ruby eyes and vibrant red lips sparked a warmth she hadn’t felt since living.

Nevertheless, something she couldn’t afford to fall for.


Chapter 97: Judgement
Summary: Sometimes, all it takes is one word. A love story told in 100-word drabbles.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Romance, Fluff, Slice of Life, Meet Cute, They’re Both Idiots Your Honour


Sango.” Kagome paced. “I’ve made a huge error in judgement.” A pregnant pause, a rustle, and Kagome winced when she realised she’d interrupted something.

“You’re having second thoughts?”

“What? No, of course not,” she scoffed. “I have too much stuff. Inuyasha said bring anything, but I don’t think he means anything, you know? Where did I even get all this crap anyway?”

“You’re panicking. I’m sure he just wants you there. Endless trinkets included.”

“This isn’t helping.”

“Do you want help?”

Her pacing ceased, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes.”

“I’ll bring Miroku. Be there in twenty.”

Read it on AO3
