#dream smp new years eve



++ let*s hope for a much better year, cause 2021 was officially the worst year of my life :) don’t forget to wear safety goggles!!!


♡ dream ♡:

  • driving out to a viewpoint in the middle of the night to watch the fireworks together
  • counting down the seconds when the time hits 11.59 pm at the top of your lungs
  • getting drunk together and eating mcdonalds at 4 am, laughing as you annoy the employees
  • setting off fireworks together and screaming at the loud noises
  • kissing once the time hits 12 am

♡ georgenotfound ♡:

  • wearing the most ridiculous hats and taking photos of each other wearing them
  • playing video games all night
  • popping the champagne bottle open and drinking it straight from the bottle
  • sitting on the floor, telling each other stories from your past
  • watching the fireworks from the window with his arm around you

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • going to a new year’s party and getting dressed up for the occasion
  • dancing on the floor together, enjoying the last day of the year
  • kissing somewhere in a corner and missing the countdown to midnight, only caring about each other and nothing else
  • coming home to watch your favourite movie on the couch whilst eating snacks
  • falling asleep together while watching the movie

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • renting a cabin just for the two of you
  • playing board games while the new year’s channel runs on the tv in the background
  • ordering chinese food and eating way more than you can handle
  • setting off fireworks
  • posting videos on twitter of each other in secrecy

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • wearing matching technoblade pyjamas all day and all night
  • logging onto random minecraft servers and playing games you haven’t played for years
  • cooking dinner together and then filling your tummies with ice cream
  • cuddling up on the couch with floof and watching whatever’s on tv
  • talking all night and celebrating him hitting 10 mil as well as the new year with a kiss

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • going out into the city and wandering the streets all night
  • buying matching ugly sunglasses from a random corner store and taking funny photos together
  • getting scared of the fireworks because they’re so close to you and then laughing at each other getting scared
  • laying in the grass at a park nearby and watching as the sky lights up with your fingers intertwined

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • going to a bar someplace nearby
  • and shouting a big ‘fuck you’ to 2021 once you enter 2022
  • getting shitfaced drunk and planning on forgetting the past year
  • getting tattoos you picked out for each other
  • having to rip his phone out of his hands before he accidentally does a face reveal while drunk

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • driving around town in a shopping cart you took from a mall
  • wearing 2022 headbands
  • going to eat at an expensive restaurant and then get stared down by the rich people as you run out and ditch the place with a wine bottle in hand
  • spending the rest of the night with friends and family, playing fun games for a memorable night

♡ quackity ♡:

  • playing horror games where you have to drink every time you get jump-scared
  • watching videos of yourself from this year
  • kissing with fake moustaches on to match the weirdness of this year
  • shaving his head and making him bald while he’s asleep
  • nah jk, you’ll just photoshop him to look bald

♡ punz ♡:

  • crashing at a party where you don’t know anyone and no one knows you
  • competing against each other in beer pong
  • and because you lose he makes you jump into the pool
  • he jumps in too and you share a drunken kiss under the water
  • laughs at your angry frenzy but then gets you warmed up afterwards to make it better()
  • you leave at 6am and sleep the whole day once you get home

♡ tommy ♡:

  • streams minecraft with you until midnight
  • and then you spend time celebrating with his family, taking a photo together with hats on and posting it on twitter
  • begs you for a kiss when the clock strikes zero and pouts when you only kiss his cheek
  • rambles on about how he’s gonna stay up all night
  • and then ends up falling asleep with his head on your lap an hour later

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • you guys stay up all night streaming a bunch of different games, keeping  each other awake when the other is tired
  • taking a small break from streaming to watch the fireworks go off in the neighbourhood
  • as soon as the stream ends you both flop onto the bed, signing off almost immediately
  • you manage to mumble a “happy new year” to each other before blacking out

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • you have your own at home karaoke with hits from this year and songs that you both love
  • your plan was to go out and enjoy the fireworks with friends, but instead you ended up staying home to hang out with each other
  • you watched the countdown on tv and he hugged you tightly once you entered the new year, kissing your nose
  • you played minecraft together on your own server, just the two of you
  • he makes sure to cover your ears to protect you from the loud noises from the fireworks as you watched the colours in the sky change


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you​ @smuttasticc @cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor​ @fruitkith @viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123​ @nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach @valeriieesblog​ @ranboosday @st4rstr 
