#mcyt oneshot


+ happy valentine’s day <3 all things done in this are done consensual!


promt: “look! there’s a discount for couples!” “we’re not a couple?” “they don’t have to know.”


♡ dream ♡:

  • tease tease tease
  • absolutely tries to make you flustered the whole time
  • he honestly doesn’t really care about the discount as much as he cares about making that blood rush to your cheeks
  • and he sure succeeds when he twirls a piece of hair out of your face with a smirk on his face, putting that same hand into the back pocket of your jeans
  • hits you up with some sweet talk while the cashier is beeping in your list of tech equipment, maintaining eye contact with you only
  • you can’t breathe the whole time
  • he makes sure to hint that he meant every single move he made after you’d left the store

♡ georgenotfound ♡:

  • he makes it so obvious that you’re not actually a couple, it’s crazy that the waiter even gives you the discount
  • “ew! why are you touching me?” “george!” he is an idiot
  • he manages to redeem himself by taking pictures of you with his phone like a real instagram husband while the waiter is looking, and you figured that’s why you got the discount
  • you make him pay for the food so you’re even after his horrible attempt at pretending to be your boyfriend
  • he makes up for it later again though when he actually becomes your boyfriend

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • discount? getting close to you? it’s like music to his ears
  • you don’t even get to finish your sentence before his hand is in yours, dragging you to the front desk of the hotel lobby
  • you’re staring at the manager with wide eyes as your “partner” says, “a one-bed room, please. the best, of course, for my wife.”
  • what. the. fuck
  • you’re freaking out inside while the manager finds you a room on the computer, adding the discount to the bill
  • when he’s paid, he wraps an arm around you as you leave the lobby to find your room. you’re a flustered mess
  • reaching your room, you remember something again and push at his chest lightly;
  • “why did you get us a one-bed room?!”
  • it was secretly his plan all along ;)

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • he thinks it’s the best idea you’ve ever had
  • I honestly don’t think bad will have any chill at all - if anything he’s blatantly trying to hit on you the entire time
  • swings his arm around you and pulls you into him, like it’s what he’s been doing every day for his entire life
  • you have never seen this side of him before, so it’s a little surprising, but you’re liking it
  • with both of your amazing acting skills combined (if you were even acting, cause at this point it’s looking pretty real) you manage to get the discount with ease
  • he treats you for some ice cream for “doing such a great job” even though he was literally the once carrying the team (no offence) to whole time

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • he thinks you’re crazy for even bringing up the idea, but he’s definitely not against it either
  • he sucks at acting like he’s in a relationship with you, though
  • you have to take initiative, intertwining your fingers and stepping closer to him when the cashier shoots you a suspicious glare, not entirely believing that you were a couple
  • techno immediately gets pulled out of his zoned out state. seeing how the cashier was about to speak up and probably not give you a 50% discount (50 percent!!), he grabbed you by the chin and crashed his lips on yours
  • it was hard not to look shocked at his act of impulse, but he was ready to risk it all for that 50%, putting all embarrassment and awkwardness aside
  • he might’ve kissed you later too, but this time it wasn’t for a discount

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • he is either completely up for it, or doesn’t want to do it at all. depends on his mood
  • but when he is, he does not hold back with the teasing. or the pet names.
  • “my little honey pie,” “you’re so cute, darling,” “hmm, I don’t know. what does my one and only ray of sunshine want for brunch”
  • you want to choke on your pancake and die
  • he’s so embarrassing. it’s like he doesn’t know what being in a relationship is like
  • but alas, you get the discount. you’re not sure if it’s because they actually believed you were a couple, or if they were just to scared to start a discussion on whether you were a couple or not due to what they saw of wilbur
  • this will be an inside joke between you forever and, yeah, wilbur will use it against you in any given situation just to make you feel embarrassed

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • shy corpse, shy corpse
  • it’s definitely a sight for sore eyes, how he morphs into a ball of shyness when you bring it up
  • usually he’s the one leaving you all shy and flustered, but the fact that you brought it up so casually was what left him speechless
  • you both have your own ways of showing love, and you use them to your advantage; he does all the sweet talk and pet names and you do all the touching
  • your method works perfectly, and you get the discount with no suspicions aimed towards you
  • confident corpse is back though, and for the rest of the day, he pretends that you’re still a couple by continuing with the pet names

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • karl has a hard time with not giving away that you’re not a couple
  • by constantly giggling every two seconds because “you keep touching me so much”
  • which is a fair statement seeing as you keep your fingers interlocked with his as you admire the different scented candles
  • not that he’s any better with the incoming kisses every now and then; forehead, nose, hand, you name it
  • while you’re looking all cutesy and couple-y, you both make sure to stack the fuck up on all the things you’ve ever desired to buy from bath and body works now that it’s so cheap for you
  • and when you come home, karl is ready for the haul and you’re ready to jump into a hot bath and smell amazing
  • a success, indeed

♡ quackity ♡:

  • he is screaming on the inside the entire time
  • oh, wait, did I say on the inside? I meant he is literally panicking loud and proud right there in front of the cashier the second you grab his hand
  • you make eye contact with the cashier and just shake your head at her, not to mind him, and she pretends that he isn’t acting fucking crazy right now out of kindness
  • you’re thankful, because it also means that your lie is more believable when you say “honey, calm down, we’ll be home soon,” and he freaks out even more at the pet name
  • you’re killing him right now
  • he kind of plays along after the shockwave is over, and you guys actually get the discount
  • he won’t stop talking about the moment you held his hand for the rest of the day - the rest of his life, actually

♡ tommy ♡:

  • thriving, tommy takes this opportunity to get as close to you as possible, swinging a heavy arm over your shoulders as he moves closer to you on the booth seat with a proud smile on his face
  • you’re about to push him off of you when the waiter comes to take your order, and you remember what you’re doing again
  • wilbur is losing his shit on the other side of the table as he watches tommy confidently place his order while you sit uncomfortably, not forgetting to mention the discount
  • when the waiter is gone, you push him off and cross your arms. he pouts.
  • “come on, y/n. can I at least hold your hand?”
  • “no!”
  • he ends up doing it anyway later on and now you’re both blushing while wilbur is third wheeling in the background

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • doesn’t think that much of it to start with
  • that is until you ruffle his hair up, hold his hand in yours, bat your eyes at him and kiss his cheek. his cheek! he was about to combust
  • he is actually very good at talking around it without showing how flustered he is
  • you don’t even notice until his palm starts sweating in your grasp
  • anyways, you guys successfully convince the person behind the desk to give you the discount, so now you have full access to the ice skating rink
  • you both kinda glaze over the “acting like a couple” incident, and have a good time
  • he ends up reaching for your hand so you could skate around hand in hand cause he misses the touch

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • flirt mode; on
  • if you haven’t heard about the volleyball story, boy are you in for a ride
  • leans over to whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you wait for the cashier to scan the barcode on your items
  • his hand is placed on your waist before he gets his card out and tells the cashier; “anything for my girl/boy/s/o,” and you die on the spot
  • the cashier shoots him a look as they put the pop figure in a bag. how romantic. you jab him in the side when they aren’t looking, to which he only smirks back and winks at you
  • you start wondering if he was playing along or if he was actually serious. nonetheless, you were a flustered mess when you exited the shop


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal@lemon-cow@someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu@trash-chiold@andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx@elizaaaaabeth@shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws@antisocialweeb@loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno@verulous@m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you@smuttasticc@cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor@fruitkith@viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123@nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach@valeriieesblog@ranboosday @xs0rin @thelibrarypengwing @asher-foxxe


++ let*s hope for a much better year, cause 2021 was officially the worst year of my life :) don’t forget to wear safety goggles!!!


♡ dream ♡:

  • driving out to a viewpoint in the middle of the night to watch the fireworks together
  • counting down the seconds when the time hits 11.59 pm at the top of your lungs
  • getting drunk together and eating mcdonalds at 4 am, laughing as you annoy the employees
  • setting off fireworks together and screaming at the loud noises
  • kissing once the time hits 12 am

♡ georgenotfound ♡:

  • wearing the most ridiculous hats and taking photos of each other wearing them
  • playing video games all night
  • popping the champagne bottle open and drinking it straight from the bottle
  • sitting on the floor, telling each other stories from your past
  • watching the fireworks from the window with his arm around you

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • going to a new year’s party and getting dressed up for the occasion
  • dancing on the floor together, enjoying the last day of the year
  • kissing somewhere in a corner and missing the countdown to midnight, only caring about each other and nothing else
  • coming home to watch your favourite movie on the couch whilst eating snacks
  • falling asleep together while watching the movie

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • renting a cabin just for the two of you
  • playing board games while the new year’s channel runs on the tv in the background
  • ordering chinese food and eating way more than you can handle
  • setting off fireworks
  • posting videos on twitter of each other in secrecy

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • wearing matching technoblade pyjamas all day and all night
  • logging onto random minecraft servers and playing games you haven’t played for years
  • cooking dinner together and then filling your tummies with ice cream
  • cuddling up on the couch with floof and watching whatever’s on tv
  • talking all night and celebrating him hitting 10 mil as well as the new year with a kiss

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • going out into the city and wandering the streets all night
  • buying matching ugly sunglasses from a random corner store and taking funny photos together
  • getting scared of the fireworks because they’re so close to you and then laughing at each other getting scared
  • laying in the grass at a park nearby and watching as the sky lights up with your fingers intertwined

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • going to a bar someplace nearby
  • and shouting a big ‘fuck you’ to 2021 once you enter 2022
  • getting shitfaced drunk and planning on forgetting the past year
  • getting tattoos you picked out for each other
  • having to rip his phone out of his hands before he accidentally does a face reveal while drunk

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • driving around town in a shopping cart you took from a mall
  • wearing 2022 headbands
  • going to eat at an expensive restaurant and then get stared down by the rich people as you run out and ditch the place with a wine bottle in hand
  • spending the rest of the night with friends and family, playing fun games for a memorable night

♡ quackity ♡:

  • playing horror games where you have to drink every time you get jump-scared
  • watching videos of yourself from this year
  • kissing with fake moustaches on to match the weirdness of this year
  • shaving his head and making him bald while he’s asleep
  • nah jk, you’ll just photoshop him to look bald

♡ punz ♡:

  • crashing at a party where you don’t know anyone and no one knows you
  • competing against each other in beer pong
  • and because you lose he makes you jump into the pool
  • he jumps in too and you share a drunken kiss under the water
  • laughs at your angry frenzy but then gets you warmed up afterwards to make it better()
  • you leave at 6am and sleep the whole day once you get home

♡ tommy ♡:

  • streams minecraft with you until midnight
  • and then you spend time celebrating with his family, taking a photo together with hats on and posting it on twitter
  • begs you for a kiss when the clock strikes zero and pouts when you only kiss his cheek
  • rambles on about how he’s gonna stay up all night
  • and then ends up falling asleep with his head on your lap an hour later

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • you guys stay up all night streaming a bunch of different games, keeping  each other awake when the other is tired
  • taking a small break from streaming to watch the fireworks go off in the neighbourhood
  • as soon as the stream ends you both flop onto the bed, signing off almost immediately
  • you manage to mumble a “happy new year” to each other before blacking out

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • you have your own at home karaoke with hits from this year and songs that you both love
  • your plan was to go out and enjoy the fireworks with friends, but instead you ended up staying home to hang out with each other
  • you watched the countdown on tv and he hugged you tightly once you entered the new year, kissing your nose
  • you played minecraft together on your own server, just the two of you
  • he makes sure to cover your ears to protect you from the loud noises from the fireworks as you watched the colours in the sky change


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you​ @smuttasticc @cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor​ @fruitkith @viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123​ @nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach @valeriieesblog​ @ranboosday @st4rstr 
