
Jean Paul Gaultier, Spring Summer 2020Extremely impractical outfits for DryadsJean Paul Gaultier, Spring Summer 2020Extremely impractical outfits for Dryads

Jean Paul Gaultier, Spring Summer 2020

Extremely impractical outfits for Dryads

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The Dryad and similar creatures appear in legends originating all over the place, and have become popular species in various roleplaying games. While there are some local variations in behaviour, tree species and appearance, the common features seem to be these:

  • Bound to their tree, but can ambulate away from it quite some distance
  • Kind of pretty, kind of tree-y, mostly feminine appearance
  • Associated with freshwater
  • Appreciate sacrifices, originally meaty ones, and subsequently monetary ones.

The whole ‘half animal half plant’ concept is fascinating, but also a challenge because I’m very much on the ‘animal’ side of the science side of tumblr, but why not? Creatures that exist part way along the animal-plant spectrum exist in nature, we can tweak the features we see in such hybrids to develop a biologically plausible dryad. I’m sure this isn’t the only way to do it, but it’s the direction I’d take.

But to do so, I need to borrow some ideas from the carnivorous plants, orchids, lichen and redwoods.

Now, to start with, the most consistent feature of Dryad mythology, and the most interesting, is their complete dependence up on their home tree. If the tree dies, the dryad dies. If the dryad strays too far from its tree, it also dies. This would suggest to me that it’s not the dryad walking around which is the primary organism, but the tree itself. After all, I haven’t come across any tales of the tree dying if the dryad is slain.

So if the dryad is the accessory organism, then what, really, are they?

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Wanted to show more of the pages I’m working on because I’m quite proud of the direction these are h

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(Hopefully) I will improve the time they take me to finish  tho

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What is the Golem doing? What will happen to the trees?

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Drafted a Dryad Forest Guardian :’) I need to flesh her out some more, but I hope you enjoy!support

Drafted a Dryad Forest Guardian :’)

I need to flesh her out some more, but I hope you enjoy!

support or commission me on Ko-Fi 

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There are many types of fairy folk that are commonly experienced and fun to learn about. I will post a different type everyday . (This is Part 6)


 Dryads are the indwelling spirits of trees and are able to slip out of their  at trunks and limbs at night, appearing as tall, tree-like white or gray shadows in the moonlight. They silently roam through homes, specially ones made of wood or old ones where rough wood was hewn for posts and beams. While inside a home, they may stand at the window peering out at the moon lit night, humming softly, getting a new perspective of their own wooded habitat from interior spaces. They are kind, gentle, and grandfatherly.

How Dryads Help Us

Dryads want to keep the trees they inhabit healthy and looking good and are sensitive to all the creatures that depend upon them remaining well-rooted and stable, so they need our conscientious care and appreciation of trees. They do not like when limbs fall from the trees they inhabit and prefer that their human counterparts collect and branches and twigs that may fall (it actually embarrasses them or makes them sad to have their own dead branches beneath their canopy). Dryads appeal to us to help them maintain the base of their trunks keeping it all tidy and delightful, and will acknowledge our care for them in return by keeping us safe as best they can. Dryads will not allow the tree they lodge in, or its heavy branches, to fall upon homes or people if they can help it. And they often convey mystical messages to anyone looking up at them or caring for them in appreciation. Messages such as “It is time for you to move on in life,” or “Great change is coming.” Conversely, they will deliver messages you may ask them to send out, to change the weather or to send thoughts or warnings to loved ones.

 How To Attract Dryads

 Clear any underbrush and broken twigs or limbs from any trees nearby. Inspect the tree for damage, look closely at the bark and even place a rock circle at the base surrounding the tree to let your residential Dryads know that you are focusing on them and wish them well. Be kind to animals that live in their branches and don’t be too shy to talk, sit with, hug, or sing to trees that live among you. Try it and see what happens. These deeply compassionate, aged spirits are there to help us.


Source From : “ A little bit of fairies, An introduction to fairy magic

” Book by: Elaine Clayton
