#ds9 quark


“I got you, moonlight, you’re my starlight / I need you all night, come on, dance with me” – Levitating by Dua Lipa

Thing #2 I drew for Quodo Mini-fest II.

Thing #1 I drew for Quodo Mini-fest II. I kind of cracked myself up the entire time drawing this because it was fun pushing Quark and Odo’s designs in such an extreme cute direction. (In some ways, chibis are kind of my natural drawing style.)

More Bravely Default crossovers. This time: Quark from ST:DS9 in the Bard asterisk from BDII (altered a bit to make it look more like a normal Ferengi suit). I thought this costume would make a good Ferengi outfit with its long tails and green colors. And the Ferengi are basically peafowl anyway…

My DS9 faves. I wanted to do some traditional art and then realized most of my thick paper suitable for inking either (1) is “watercolor thick” (and therefore “watercolor expensive”), or (2) was lost in my last move?? Anyway, the main thick paper I could find were packs of blank bookmarks, so I drew this on one. Send me bookmark design ideas?

Sharpie + ink.

Prompt from JessKo: Quark wearing something unusual and Odo confused but also approving. Ink + colored pencils. Based on this:

Thing 2 I drew for the Quodo Mini-fest. Quark and Odo unwinding after a long day of work.

Thing 2 I drew for the Quodo Mini-fest. Quark and Odo unwinding after a long day of work.

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Thing 1 I drew for the Quodo Mini-fest. It’s Odo “arresting” Quark and shoving him up against a wall

Thing 1 I drew for the Quodo Mini-fest. It’s Odo “arresting” Quark and shoving him up against a wall. Half the work of this piece was filling in the details of Quark’s jacket. o_o

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