#duck tales


Another meme challenge

I’ve been having a lot of fun with these

still think her italian name (Amelia) is better than Magica

still think her italian name (Amelia) is better than Magica

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I have the highest respect for actors that have gotten over, or perhaps never gotten into, the pretentious mentality that certain roles are beneath them, and just go all in on shit they think will be fun

Like David Tennant is a highly skilled Shakespearean actor, who has every right to look down on Ducktales, but instead he said “I’m gonna play the fuck outta scrooge mcduck, and it’s gonna be a good fucking time”

I’ve been rewatching Duck tales

The Moon - Duck Tales - Mariachi Cover

#duck tales    #the moon    #mariachi    
Hi! I’m doodle-farting around waiting for something to work on at work.

Hi! I’m doodle-farting around waiting for something to work on at work.

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